#the janoskians

My m&g photo ❤️ Right after the photos were taken Daniel started to tickle me and was like &ldqu

My m&g photo ❤️
Right after the photos were taken Daniel started to tickle me and was like “are you ticklish?”

Post link

We were asked to publish this anonymously:

Hi! I know I’m late on the Youtube abuser movement but I just saw your list and I’d like to add another name for you. In December 2012 I was visiting a friend in Brisbane during my school holiday. At this time Reece Mastin was touring with The Janoskians, and since I was in town I thought I’d attend the concert. The Janoskians were also holding a meet and greet at the gardens near City Central, my friends and I obviously attended.

At this time I was a very dedicated fan of the Janoskians and was very keen on going. My friend had a bit of a movie moment and one of the groups managers called her out of the crowd to acquire her number. I was in absolute disbelief. The member of the group in question was James Yammouni (spelling) who was 16/17 at the time. I couldn’t believe our luck.

James continued to call and text my friend during the day, and eventually asked us to meet them at their hotel proceeding the concert. He has asked for photos of us to “show to security” although was simply checking if we were all attractive enough to meet them.

At this stage my friends and I were 14, one being only 13. We eventually met them at the hotel. James had the company of an older member of the group, Luke. As soon as we arrived at their room they took away our phones and set into getting us drunk. Being impressionable young girls we simply went along with it.

As the night progressed I noticed that James was beginning to make sexual advances on my friend, who was obviously very uncomfortable. She was being pressured into consenting to these actions although she wasn’t happy with it happening. This continues for some time. The other member, Luke, opened up about pressuring and scamming a young 13 year old girl for naked pictures during this time. He was 17.

Around 1am they begin to usher us out of the room. We were confused as they had said we would be able to stay overnight. They sat us out on the street for half an hour. James then took two other girls back up to the room. Leaving me and one other down on the street alone. As I had given them my phone earlier that night I wasn’t able to call for anyone. The other girl went back up with another band from the tour and I was left alone on the city street at 1:30am.

Luckily, some girls came to meet a friend who had stayed at the hotel with another member. I told them the situation and they contacted their friend who in turn spoke to the member she was with. The communication continued until it finally reached my friends. They were brought down to the street and one of the other members payed for a cab and sent us off, knowing we had nowhere to go that night.

So here we are. 13 and 14 year old girls out at 1:45am on the streets of Brisbane while intoxicated. We ended up being taken in by a complete stranger who may as well been a rapist, we got VERY lucky that night. The aftermath of this was the members of the Janoskians blackmailing us to get rid of any evidence we may have had from the night, fearing it may be leaked online. They cut all communication with us, even changing their numbers. I know for a fact that during that night my friend was alone with James and being pressured into intercourse and was touched inappropriately without consent. I could comment on so many things about that night but I’d be going forever, so if you have any questions you can ask. I can provide a photo from the meet and greet and a video of us in the cab heading to the hotel as
evidence, but that’s about all. I know that The Janoskians have a reputation of doing things like this so if this goes public I would like to encourage other girls to step forward. Thanks for reading through my experience and I would love if you could publicise it anonymously. Good work on the list you have compiled!

BEAU BROOKS / Janoskians
JAI BROOKS / Janoskians
LUKE BROOKS / Janoskians
JAMES YAMMOUNI / Janoskians 

have now been added to the masterpost. Also a link to a blog with a lot more anonymous stories about these people.

As I’ve understood more people have come forward to talk about their experience with these people earlier, but have taken a step back when people didn’t listen and believe them.

If you know anything more about this or if I’ve gotten anything wrong, do send us a message!

- Johanna
