#youtube abuse


Sam Pepper uploaded a video on the 18th of October called ‘60 more seconds that will change how you think’. Here’s a re-upload of the video

The video is a follow up to one of his older videos called '60 seconds that will change how you think’ uploaded on the 6th of July 2014. 
Here’s a re-upload of the that one.

Alex Day’s Wikipedia page is now updated:

There have been some discussion about this earlier:

There’s also a whole Wikipedia page about “Youtube sex scandals”, but it does only mention some of the youtubers. 

Alex Day’s Wikipedia page is now updated:

There have been some discussion about this earlier:

There’s also a whole Wikipedia page about “Youtube sex scandals”, but it does only mention some of the youtubers. 



After speaking to the lovely Dottie, I now have the confidence to come forward about this off anon. I already know people will tell me I’m lying because they’ll do anything to protect their ‘beloved idol Sam’ and I also know it’s not as bad as the rape accusations but it still made me incredibly uncomfortable. At Summer in the City earlier this year (2014) I met Sam Pepper and something happened that I’ve been trying to put out of my mind since it. Let me explain.

So I was walking about SitC with my friend (who shall remain un-named because she is currently un-aware of this) when she saw a circle of people around someone. As we got close it was apparent that it was Sam Pepper and another youtuber who has no part in this so his name doesn’t need to be mentioned. My friend wanted to get a picture with them so I willingly went along because he’s a big youtuber and most people know him (don’t lie, you’d do the same). The circle that we were stood in is hard to explain. The middle was completely empty and we were pushed into rows to get pictures, they came behind the front row of people in the circle to get pictures and as soon as the pictures were taken the people in the front row of that circle were told to move out of the way. After I got my picture I was moving my iPod back into my pocket which is when I felt someone pinch my arse; I turned around to see Sam doing a stupid smirk at me which obviously made me incredibly uncomfortable yet I said nothing at all. Not even to the friend who was there or to any of my other friends I have talked about the accusations with - I just kept it quiet or lied because I don’t enjoy drama or people just straight up telling me I’m lying.

In any other circumstance I probably would have said something but it was the fact that fans surrounded him and I was in an environment where people would have just brushed it off and said I was looking for attention which is still probably going to happen now but I feel as though people need to know, I just hope the people I’m close to take my word for it and believe me.

qbnaith:stefanhayden:Join me in unsubscribing from all youtube sexual assailants.This is reall



Join me in unsubscribing from all youtube sexual assailants.

This is really good!

I went into it prepared to be all like “haha i unsubd from them all ages ago let me prove how good i am” only to find i was subd to one person. no idea who.

i also realised i was still subd to one person’s second channel, so i contacted the guy who made it and let him know.

do do the same thing if you spot one that’s not on here cos this is a great idea.

Post link


To prevent Alex Day getting views and money on youtube, his “The Great Bell” video is posted on Daily where nobody makes money off of it.

youcoalition:Big movements start with individuals. When many people make small changes in their pe


Big movements start with individuals. When many people make small changes in their personal lives, we create a place that’s safer and better for everyone. The Safer Community Pledge is a simple step people can take to stand up against sexual violence and harassment. We hope that this pledge encourages us to make small changes in our personal lives, and that it encourages us to continue discussing this critical issue.

You can take the pledge by sharing this post on your favorite social media site. By sharing, you’re committing to the following:

  • I pledge that I will always prioritize consent. I understand that consent is the presence of an enthusiastic yes rather than the absence of a no; and that consent cannot be given when someone is asleep or physically or mentally incapacitated.

  • I pledge that I will respect my partner’s wishes, and that I will not pressure or coerce them into doing anything that makes them uncomfortable.

  • I pledge to stand with survivors of sexual abuse or harassment by showing them compassion and respect.

  • I pledge to never blame the victim for any abuse they’ve experienced. Sexual violence is never the victim’s fault.

  • I pledge to admit when I make mistakes, and to apologize for my actions. When someone tells me that I’ve said something sexist, victim-blaming, or otherwise offensive, I pledge to be open to their words.

  • I pledge to support conversations surrounding sexual abuse and harassment in a way that is respectful of my needs and the needs of those I am speaking with.

  • I pledge to create safer communities, both online and off.

After taking the pledge, we encourage all of you to let us know why you did so! We’ll be sharing responses publicly throughout the campaign. We hope this sparks discussion and shows how much support there is for positive change.

Join the discussion and join the movement! Pledge to make a safer community.

Post link



IMPORTANT: Alex Day is using an old mailing list to send around an advert for his book. If you are triggered by him then please be careful when checking emails if you might have subscribed in the past.

I don’t know how to unsubscribe. Does anyone have any idea how to do that?

If you scroll down to the bottom of the email there is a link to unsubscribe! Click it, enter your email and give a reason and you shouldn’t receive any more emails. ~ Jess


IMPORTANT: Alex Day is using an old mailing list to send around an advert for his book. If you are triggered by him then please be careful when checking emails if you might have subscribed in the past.


so i sit down to have a lovely lunch (tuna, garlic bread and roasted vegetables for anyone wondering) and my ipod starts notifying me that my friends are discussing a video alex day has uploaded on transcripts. /sigh/ 

guys, if you read the transcript, just look at the amount of bollocks in it and think about whether i could be bothered to make that up? i gain LITERALLY NOTHING from writing a fake transcript - neither does anyone else btw like youtubespeaks. it’s like reading the script or watching the play live. if you know the charatcers (like people reading im assuming know alex) you can fill in the blanks. youve been watching 7 YEARS WORTH OF HIS VIDEOS probably, you know how he talks. 

this is NOT about monetary support - although that is part of it. Adblocker has problems in itself and it’s not about supporting him financially, it’s about not supporting him AT ALL FULL STOP. Alex Day Should Not Be Making Youtube Videos. Do not give him views. Do not comment. Even disliking the video increases it’s popularity because Youtube is weird. Just don’t do it.

Please - from me - DO be proud of getting your information via a transcript!! Thank you for supporting the work of people in the community - who often have very little support anyway especially in terms of numbers compared to big youtubers who aren’t talking about it (but that’s an issue for another post) - and thank you for supporting people who are trying to make the community a safe space. 

Lastly, directly to Alex, I don’t think you understand the point of the transcript. It’s not about spreading your message for good so that ~you reach more and more people~. it’s so people can stay informed. it’s so people can analyse what you say (which you may see as unfair but is actually really important). it’s about this community giving you and your videos the middle finger because we don’t want you here.

now, if you’ll excuse me, my garlic bread is getting cold. 


And also, he keeps going on about weather or not the transcripts are true. But he’s got no idea, he hasn’t read them. Well, why not take a look at one and see that it is exactly what he said in the video! And if it’s “only going from 100 to 99” then why make a whole video about it?! It’s ridiculous. 


After I made a response to Alex Day’s video “The Past”, I was contacted by a third party asking - apparently on his behalf - if I would like to interview Alex on camera. In the interests of full disclosure, here is my response:


Yesterday, Alex posted another video and, though I can’t be bothered to make another one of my own, I think it warrants a response. 

I nicked the transcript from: http://youtubespeaks.tumblr.com/post/99411626253/transcript-of-alex-days-video-anger-trees youtubespeaks

I’ll start with the video description text: 

I think this video will probably cause even more contention than the first one, but I believe that everything within it is true, useful and timely and for the benefit of helping more people than it will harm.

The description sets the tone for the video with Alex attempting to appear selfless and altruistic in intent. 

Most people, I suspect, will find it patronising, dismissive and self-important, but that’s okay too - people will react as they will.

This is a brilliant diffusion and dismissal of any potential criticism of the video and Alex’s attitude. “People will react as they will” insinuates that any accusations of the video being “patronising, dismissive and self-important” are somehow predestined or personal and not based on any any actual comprehension of the video.

Hi. I hope you’re doing well, I hope this message finds you well and that you’re having a peaceful day. If you’re not having a peaceful day, then I’m really sorry. Just, breathe and sit quietly and enjoy nature.

From the outset, Alex is patronising the viewer. Again, the insinuation appears to be that if the existence of this video has made your day not peaceful, you just need to calm down.

I’ve been finding that I’ve been going for walks. Every day that I go for a walk, well the last time I went for a walk I ended up making a video. And this time I went for a walk and I thought ‘yeah I can make another video.’ Yeah both times I intended to just go for a walk so. I keep thinking about what I want to say I keep thinking ‘oh if I make another video I’ll say this I’ll address this point I’ll say all these things’ and then I don’t do it. ‘Cause I think the best thing to do is just turn the camera on and say some words. And yeah so I finally got to a point where my head just felt like I was just with myself and I wasn’t thinking about anything and I thought right now so I’m ready, I’m ready to talk some more.

This over-insistence on the “unrehearsed” nature of the video sounds much like another excuse to not engage with questions raised about his previous video. It’s dishonesty disguised as honesty. “I was going to address some points, but I decided I would just talk instead as that is more honest.”

This is actually gonna be just a quick thing I think. Mainly because I don’t wanna subject one of my friends, or well former friends I should say, who transcribed the whole of my last video so that people on tumblr could read it without supporting my content. Like that’s a, that’s a mammoth task. And I don’t want to put her through that again that soon.

Again, Alex is apparently showing compassion for people who are mistreating him, presenting himself as a kindhearted, forgiving soul who looks out for others. Hidden within this is an allusion, however, to the vindictive nature of the former friend and - with “that’s a mammoth task” - an insinuation along the lines of “hasn’t that person got anything better to do”.

Alex then spends the next 5 minutes or so talking like a self-help book about how people should stop being angry and be more happy. He speaks abstractly apart from one tiny reference to “if you’re angry because Alex made a video or whatever”, aiming to align the viewer with his way of thinking.

Of course, people in general should be less angry, but all his rambling about anger trees amounts to a real insight into his outlook on the situation he is in. He distances himself from it because it makes him unhappy and he feels that we should do the same or risk having no room left for happiness in our lives. This is essentially Alex saying “That’s your problem” to his angry critics.

My friend Nick said something to me recently, about, ‘cause I do have friends I think it’s important to say,

Why is it important for Alex to say he has friends? This is another in the long line of “I’m happy” and “I don’t care about youtube” insistences that Alex is doing fine and has risen above this and moved on.

my friend Nick said something to me recently about he’d learned about this thing about saying things in terms of truthfulness. Like, if you’re going to speak, if you’re going to say something, then you should consider three things, and the three things are: whether what you’re saying is true, whether what you’re saying is useful or whether it’s gonna be helpful, or kind, I guess you can use those interchangeable, kind, compassionate, useful, you know, whether it will help ease people’s suffering, and whether it’s timely is the third one, whether it’s an appropriate time to say that thing. So I’ve been thinking about that, it really stuck with me recently I’ve really thought about it a lot since he told me. And I think, I think this, everything I’m saying here, obviously I think it’s true because I think it’s true, with the plants and with the watering your anger and stuff. I think that’s true. I think it’s useful in the sense that if it helps people be less angry then that can only be a good thing. And I think it’s timely because I think there’s a lot of anger in the world.

Here, Alex again insists on the altruistic nature of his return to youtube. He asserts that these videos are true, timely and kind, apparently with no regard for the accusations levelled at him, the current state of affairs on youtube RE: sex abuse, and the discomfort that his return will visit upon many people. The message is clearly that Alex’s “haters” need to “chill”.

Like I was on holiday and I came back the other day and I walked into the airport and the front page of the Sun it said in capitol letters ‘SECOND BRITISH MAN BEHEADED’ there’s a lot of stuff going on.

This is a measure to emphasise his opinion of the insignificance of his charges and our angry reaction to his return. This is basically him saying “this isn’t important in the grand scheme of things” whilst also drawing a proximity parallel between the anger of his critics and the anger which fuels religious extremism. It’s very telling that Alex leaves this reference unexplained, simply stating his intent to help reduce anger, mentioning the beheading and then moving on. It is a true skill to make an audience believe that they have reached your conclusions on their own.

Yeah, and as long as I feel like I have things to say that are true, and are timely, and kind and compassionate, and considered, and uh, and they’re useful, I want to, I’m gonna keep saying them.

Alex re-asserts himself as a crusader for truth and compassion in the face of adversity, once again positioning himself as an underdog hero in his own narrative.

You might not hear from me again for months because I have nothing to say. I might go for a walk and make a video every day until one of you shoots me. Who knows, I dunno. We’ll just see how it goes.

This throwaway reference to murder seems another insinuation that the anger aimed at Alex is irrational and extreme and that he is a victim.

[indistinguishable words due to wind]

And thank you to all of you that have said such positive things, ‘cause they’re out there. And I know, it’s the angry people that are louder in their anger, and the positive people are less expressive. But they do it privately, I’ve had many nice private messages and stuff. I just wanted to say thanks. It’s really nice.

Here in his sign-off Alex confirms that he’s been referring to his critics (the angry people) when discussing anger in this video, meaning that the whole video has amounted to him insinuating that his critics are irrational extremists with no room for happiness in their lives.

So there you go. This’ll be the last time I comment on Alex Day for a while, because I genuinely think we’ve heard all we’re going to hear from him. Anything else will just be a rehash of the same evasive shit. I can’t say if he is guilty of what he’s accused of but, judging from these videos, he is a very clever man and is every bit as detached and manipulative as his accusers make him seem. 


Anger Trees

Description: I think this video will probably cause even more contention than the first one, but I believe that everything within it is true, useful and timely and for the benefit of helping more people than it will harm. Most people, I suspect, will find it patronising, dismissive and self-important, but that’s okay too - people will react as they will.


Hi. I hope you’re doing well, I hope this message finds you well and that you’re having a peaceful day. If you’re not having a peaceful day, then I’m really sorry. Just, breathe and sit quietly and enjoy nature.

I’ve been finding that I’ve been going for walks. Every day that I go for a walk, well the last time I went for a walk I ended up making a video. And this time I went for a walk and I thought ‘yeah I can make another video.’ Yeah both times I intended to just go for a walk so. I keep thinking about what I want to say I keep thinking ‘oh if I make another video I’ll say this I’ll address this point I’ll say all these things’ and then I don’t do it. ‘Cause I think the best thing to do is just turn the camera on and say some words. And yeah so I finally got to a point where my head just felt like I was just with myself and I wasn’t thinking about anything and I thought right now so I’m ready, I’m ready to talk some more.

This is actually gonna be just a quick thing I think. Mainly because I don’t wanna subject one of my friends, or well former friends I should say, who transcribed the whole of my last video so that people on tumblr could read it without supporting my content. Like that’s a, that’s a mammoth task. And I don’t want to put her through that again that soon.

Yeah so all I wanted to talk about was anger. This is what I think: I think that in your brain, I think that there’s, imagine like a house, imagine that house [points to house behind him] the basement is where all the seeds are, the seeds of all the various emotions you can be feeling, and then the ground floor here or the first floor if you’re American where like the living room is, the common room, that’s where the seeds like grow and manifest from the basement of the house, right. And I think that’s like your mind. I think that there’s like the conscious part and then there’s the subconscious part and the subconscious part has these seeds like anger and jealousy and envy (which is pretty similar to jealousy), sadness, you know and like despair and all this, and also happiness and joy and and like uh, other things. The way I see it is: if your anger, and you can’t help being angry sometimes like it’s never right to suppress your emotions whatever they are. I’ve only got my hood up because it’s very cold. That’s another reason I don’t want to sit out here too long. I’m not like, in hiding or anything. You shouldn’t suppress your emotions, right. So, if the anger like starts to grow, I think it’s right to acknowledge it and observe it and say ‘I’m angry now, this is my anger’ instead of letting it overwhelm you you just sort of, it’s almost like there’s two yous you just observe the feeling and sit with it and be with it and be like what is this where did it come from and just chill like breathe for a bit. Try and just go to the root of it just go a bit deeper and ask yourself ‘why am I angry? Because Alex made a video’ or whatever the reason is ‘okay why does this make me angry? Because this’ and you know just try and go through it. I just think those are important things to do no matter what the situation is no matter what makes you angry it’s always good to think about why. Because if you understand yourself well you come to a lot of certainty in the way you think in the way you think you should live your life. 

But anyway my point about the basement thing is if you water, if you indulge the anger like you’re watering the anger seed, for lack of a better analogy, and the anger plant grows and grows and grows and grows eventually I think it consumes your whole space you know [gestures to head]. And there’s only so much space in there, like there’s only so much you can feel at one time. And if you just keep an eye on the anger and every time it starts to bloom you go ‘oh I’m angry’ and figure out why that is and just cut the root before it gets too strong you just keep it snipped like a bonsai tree or something. Whereas if you let it grow and grow and sort of deepen it’s roots in your brain eventually it becomes this huge anger tree I sound like such a fuckin hippie sorry. It’s this big thing and you can’t cut it down without like a chain saw or something dramatic whereas before you could have just broken it with some nail scissors. And if the whole space inside you is full of anger there’s no space to water the other plants. [laughing] No one’s gonna get anything out of this.

Like I think it’s important to nourish my happiness you know I feel sad, I’ve had a very interesting couple of days I don’t really use the words ‘good’ or ‘bad’ I usually say something’s really good or it’s been interesting. So I’ve had an interesting couple of days, but I still feel very happy because I’m paying attention to it. I feel like I have all the conditions for happiness right now you know right now in the moment. And by paying attention to that and being aware of the sadness and where it comes from and being aware of the happiness and watering it I guess. It fills my space with happiness and then there’s not that much space left to be angry about much

So, I dunno, that was just, I wanted to share it because I’m having a sort of meditation walk and I just thought I’d talk about it, it might be useful.

My friend Nick said something to me recently, about, ‘cause I do have friends I think it’s important to say, my friend Nick said something to me recently about he’d learned about this thing about saying things in terms of truthfulness. Like, if you’re going to speak, if you’re going to say something, then you should consider three things, and the three things are: whether what you’re saying is true, whether what you’re saying is useful or whether it’s gonna be helpful, or kind, I guess you can use those interchangeable, kind, compassionate, useful, you know, whether it will help ease people’s suffering, and whether it’s timely is the third one, whether it’s an appropriate time to say that thing. So I’ve been thinking about that, it really stuck with me recently I’ve really thought about it a lot since he told me. And I think, I think this, everything I’m saying here, obviously I think it’s true because I think it’s true, with the plants and with the watering your anger and stuff. I think that’s true. I think it’s useful in the sense that if it helps people be less angry then that can only be a good thing. And I think it’s timely because I think there’s a lot of anger in the world.

Like I was on holiday and I came back the other day and I walked into the airport and the front page of the Sun it said in capitol letters ‘SECOND BRITISH MAN BEHEADED’ there’s a lot of stuff going on. Yeah, and as long as I feel like I have things to say that are true, and are timely, and kind and compassionate, and considered, and uh, and they’re useful, I want to, I’m gonna keep saying them. You might not hear from me again for months because I have nothing to say. I might go for a walk and make a video every day until one of you shoots me. Who knows, I dunno. We’ll just see how it goes. [indistinguishable words due to wind]

And thank you to all of you that have said such positive things, ‘cause they’re out there. And I know, it’s the angry people that are louder in their anger, and the positive people are less expressive. But they do it privately, I’ve had many nice private messages and stuff. I just wanted to say thanks. It’s really nice.

I get a few messages from people wanting someone to talk to about everything that has come to light regarding YouTubers they used to watch.

I however don’t always have time to reply to all these messages. Instead I suggest that people like this post if they think it’s okay for others to message them to talk. (And if you no longer want to talk to people about this you simply unlike the post). 
Meaning that, if you want someone to talk to, look through the notes of this post - it’s okay to send a message to the users who have likedthis!

Note that if someone rebloggs this (which, please do!) that doesn’t say anything about weather the person wants to receive messages or not. 

Not sure if this will work or not, but I’m giving it a go! 



edit (6/Oct/14)


So the recent outcries against Sam Pepper have led me to make a list of YouTubers who pull this crap all the time and do not spark this level of outcry. 

This is a list specifically for those still making YouTube videos.

Shane Dawson

Sam Pepper


Onison (literally so much stuff he got his own masterpost)

Luke Conrad

Corey Vidal / ApprenticeA

PewDiePie (Doesn’t understand why rape isn’t funny and was involved in a song called ‘it’s raping time’. 

Bret Barker

The Amazing Atheist 


Adrian Van Oyen (exposing himself naked at women in public)

BigDawsTV because of racist “prank videos” like this.

Jenna Marbles and DailyGrace have also been criticised for Nicki Minaj parodies that pretty much amounted to blackface.

Let me know anyone you feel should be added.

And now Alex Day is back. Fabulous.


The main point of Alex’s new video is basically “this is all a big misunderstanding and I’ve never intentionally pressured or coerced anyone/I am basically innocent.” Before you believe him, please read the allegations again. Please listen to what these women are actually saying.

“Once, he complained to me “Can we skip the part where you say no for an hour before anything happens? It’s tiring.”

"He used the ‘Can we skip the part where you say no for an hour before anything happens?’ line on me too.”

Those are NOT words that come out of the mouth of someone who is not intentionally pressuring unwilling women into sexual situations. Those are the words of someone who has successfully coerced said women before and is making it known that he’s willing to do so again for as long as it takes until he gets what he wants.

Other excerpts from various posts:

“When sitting next to him, he would tell me I wouldn’t be able to turn my head towards him without him trying to kiss me. I’d sit in the same position until my neck hurt and then he’d try to kiss me anyway.

We didn’t have sex, I said no, but my god did he make me feel guilty for it.”

“I didn’t feel like I could have said that without him cutting me out of his life entirely and/or being mocked by him, either to my face or to his friends.”

I made it clear that it was a purely friendly visit, but he kissed me anyways before offering that I could stay at his flat for another week without telling my parents. After I refused, he broke off all contact for a long while.

“I wanted to please him because he talked a lot about how as soon as someone in his life did something he didn’t like, he would cut them out completely.”

"Alex ignored this, and continued to try to kiss me despite what I’d said. He later asked me to sleep in his bed and was very frustrated with me when I refused.”

"He tried to convince me to have sex with his cousin when I said I didn’t want to and was clearly uncomfortable. I’ll always remember the line “just close your eyes and get on with it”

“I never had a sexual interaction with him where I fully consented without having to be convinced by him for a long time before it happened.”

“He knew I was uncomfortable with it and that I needed to go home, but he made me feel guilty, and it happened.”

How can he possibly sit there and tell his audience that he didn’t know or that it wasn’t his intention to pressure these women? He complains about people calling him manipulative and then goes on to say the most absurdly manipulative things. It makes me feel physically sick that people are buying it, and I am so terrified that he’s going to be able to slip back in and successfully reassume a position of influence over his hundreds of thousands of fans.


If you don’t think Alex Day has noticed that he might benefit from the contrast between his accusations and the accusations against Sam Pepper (which are more physically violent and specific in nature) then you’re being naive. Alex Day is a smart and observant guy. It was a deliberate and opportunistic choice to return to YouTube at this moment.
Notice how he emphasizes the lack of physical force during his incidents of coercion. Notice how he carefully selected which accounts he would address. Notice how he casts himself as the victim of a vitriolic tumblr community.
The video may have been unscripted and spontaneous, but he’s clearly been formulating and carefully constructing this response for a long time.


It seems both Alex Day and Tom Milsom have worked with/ contacted/ befriended Jonathan King, a song-writer, producer and presenter who was “sentenced to seven years in prison in 2001, after being found guilty of committing sexual offences against five boys aged 14 and 15 during the 1980s”. This is a man who said that Jimmy Savile, probably the most talked about child sex abuser in British media, was innocent. Apparently Tom was working with him only a few months ago. I found this information thanks to Ian (@Magictheatre1) and Sasha (@sashafantastic) on twitter. Who also shared video evidence of Tom working with Jonathan King.  And a link to Jonathan King’s website blog post talking about Alex.

This just shows what sort of company they feel is ok to keep. The fact that before knowing this, I almost fell for Alex’s non-apology video makes me genuinely feel quite sick. Both Tom and Alex were people I looked up to for years growing up.  Now when I think of them I feel disgusted. Just completely disgusted.  

Please reblog and share this, because more people need to know. 


don’t give him the time of day, it’s not worth it. also it’s monetized so it will benefit his pocket. i know he says he will give the money to charitable causes or whatever but please do not support him. for people who want to see the video i have spent the past 3.5 hours transcribing it for you. here it is. disclaimer: i stopped using punctuation at one point because i just couldn’t type quickly enough and i wanted it out tonight so sorry about that. also it is a wall of text. 

Read More

Thank you so much for writing this! 

For anyone who wants to know what Alex Day says in the video he uploaded earlier today.

So Alex Day uploaded a new video “The Past”. It’s 30 minutes long and in the description he writes

I hope you’re all well. Please try not to type anything thoughtlessly as you consider your response to this.

Full disclosure: I have put ads on this video because I trust myself to do good things with the money that comes from that, be they charitable donations, funding for projects that will be of benefit to you, or other things I haven’t thought of yet.


If you need a reminder as to why he’s not welcome, please look through this again.
OR EVEN BETTER - watch this reupload of the video
Andhere’s a transcript of the video

Though, if you do decide to watch the video, make sure you download and activate add blockbefore.

I quote “I haven’t wanted to talk about my side of the story because I’m scared of Tumblr” apparently we are “intolerant of anyone who doesn’t share our opinion”? No Alex Day, we are intolerant of people manipulating and abusing other people. 

“I don’t care what you think of me” … “That’s why I haven’t defended myself at all in the last six months.” Really?Really?Really?Really

“There is a lot of anger and fear and pain in our community right now. And I am a person who can reach a lot of you, and maybe I can decrease some of that.” It’s a misunderstanding. “Maybe I can decrease some of that, by just explaining my side of it." 

"And even if you don’t agree with my side of it, or don’t believe it, or you think that I’m just trying to preserve myself because you know, being famous on the internet has always been so important to me.” [he’s ironic] “Then maybe you can just write it all off, but I think it’s still better. It’s still better that I said something. And even if just one person who watches this comes away from it feeling a little bit more reasonable about the whole situation, then I feel like that’s good. Then I’ve reduced the amount of over all misunderstanding and fear and anger in the world by one person. That’s a good thing to do. And I think the attempt to decrease it will outweigh the inevitable increase in anger that this will create. So here we go…”

Basically what he’s saying:

It’s worth convincing the “few” people who still haven’t decided if I’m manipulative and abusive and should not be trusted. It’s worth having those people on my side over how angry everyone else will be at me for still using YouTube as my platform. 

I think this only proves that we need more people talking about this topic, bringing attention to it. 

Lindsey wrote a tumblr post where she explained that, if she had told Alex to stop he would have, but she didn’t feel like she could. Alex Day says “But the point is she felt like she couldn’t, for reasons that… I still don’t fully understand but I’ll do my best to make sure no one ever feels like that again”

He still does not understand what he did wrong.
