#the lack of tuor fic that exists in the world is a tragedy



some tuor headcanons because he is Best Boy

  • He picks up languages very quickly. While it didn’t take him terribly long to learn Quenya while in Gondolin, he spent a long time pretending to know less than he did in order to catch his friends off-guard when they spoke Quenya in front of him.
  • Tuor is both a very talented and very resourceful cook, thanks to his years spent as a mountain man. He can turn squirrel meat, weird slimy mushrooms, and a few random herbs into something surprisingly edible.
  • Knows absolutely nothing about fashion and basically refuses to learn. Doesn’t entirely understand the point of owning more than one pair of boots.
  • He uses humor to cope with traumatic memories. This results in situations where he’ll tell “funny” stories about things that happened to him while in captivity, which everyone else understandably finds horrifying.
  • One of the main reasons he fell head over heels for Idril was that her organization and practicality made him feel very safe.
  • Has one of those personalities where he genuinely wants to get along with everyone, even if they’re horrible snobs who obviously hate him (hi, Maeglin).
  • Claims to be able to have full-on conversations with dogs, despite this not being the case.