#the listening to tma arc



I have to say it. I have to say it now.

Jon’s been over-dunked. By canon. I have to be nice to him now. Soaking wet sad little meow meow something something.

Like seasons 1 and 2 Jon was SO dunkable because he was just like “I’m gonna be rude to all these statements givers who are totally making up all this supernatural stuff and also Martin because he sucks” and then he was like “I’m gonna stalk all my coworkers also Martin sucks”

Then I think learning the truth about Sasha broke him and he went “oh maybe this is NOT the time to be an asshole maybe my asshole shenanigans get people killed” and by about the 4th time he got kidnapped in s3 I think Jon really turned it around character development wise like the man just wants people to not get killed anymore.

Just in time for a bunch more people to die horrifically and for Jon to die and slip into an undead coma for 6 months and awaken no longer human to a world that hates him and is no longer there for him and blames him for all the horrors and deaths he never wanted Stop Stop He’s Already Dead.jpeg

My Jon now. Canon can have him back when they’ve calmed down in their room a little.
