#the master



ok but when the master was like ‘a little piece of you is in me’


Honestly though the master giving the cybermen a whole new fancy design is just peak him I cried


What if like the Master is so upset about the fact that the Doctor is the timeless child because he thought that they both were timelords who didn’t quite belong.

They were both outcasts and that’s how their friendship started so he hates that in reality she’s something unknown because this bond that they had was based on a lie and this whole time that he’s told her that he would never be like her that they were nothing alike has been false because everything he is comes from her.

“Lu, they’re having a birthday party in there. It’s not for me, is it?”

dhawan!master is a whore!

Ten:The Masterpoisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague onto our houses.

Rose:He did?

Ten:No… But are we just gonna wait around until he does?

Master:Sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to meet the right kind of people

Missy:What kind of people?

Master:You know what we are?


Master:The opposite of that

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since Sacha Dhawan’s Master was revealed. Such a mind-blowing twist that still gives me chills every time I watch it. This moment set such a precedent for what was to come in the rest of Series 12 and there’s nothing like being a part of the Doctor Who fandom when something like this happens as it really comes alive.

The chemistry between Sacha and Jodie is electrifying and so fun to watch and the way that Sacha switched from O to The Master so effortlessly is beyond impressive. Can’t wait to see where this character goes next as I have no doubt he’ll be back at some point

cipher-fresh:[ID: An emoji person facepalming trapped in a cycle of “I regenerate” ➡️ “I concoct a c


[ID: An emoji person facepalming trapped in a cycle of “I regenerate” ➡️ “I concoct a convoluted plan to get my ex to pay attention to me again” ➡️ “We engage in battle” ➡️ “I die after facing the consequences of my own actions” /End ID]

Post link


My first Doctor Who tribute video! The audio is from the big finish and the clips are from NuWho.
Hope you guys like it!

Heu guys I know this isnt star wars but I made this and wanted to share it with you guys. Please read the discription on the video if you get confused

#doctor who    #first doctor    #the master    #torvic    #tribute    #doctor who tribute    #big finish    #youtube    #theta sigma    #koschei    #thoschei    

When you irritate the master so much he abandons his master plan.

[ID: A bust painting of the master from fallout 1 with a dark background. He is looking at the camera with a neutral expression, with overlaid text that reads: “enough. Get out of the soup.” End ID.]

Finished fallout 1 recently and all I can think of are memes.

[ID: Panel one: A vault dweller, Jules, who is a man with light brown skin and dark curly hair. He is looking up and saying the text of an overlaid edited tweet, which reads: “just met the master and I’m really think he could benefit from 100 mg sertraline.” Behind him Ian, Tycho, and Katja have various expressions of shock, amusement, and apprehension.

Panel two: The master looks down angrily and says the reply to the tweet, which reads: “It is borderline criminal to diagnose people and throw out prescriptions when you are not a medical professional. Stop.” End ID.]
