#first doctor


Doctor Who - With A Little Help From My Friends

nvzblgrrl:Since it’s starting to feel less and less likely that I will even attempt the modern Docto


Since it’s starting to feel less and less likely that I will even attempt the modern Doctors (I had Nine’s basic sketch done, it’s just that I can’t deal with Ten), you guys might as well get the full classic line up (yes, I know that these aren’t even close to true scale, it’s all in the name of cartoon exaggeration.)

Oh my God I love them all so much this is incredible

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Susan seized by a Voord.The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964Susan seized by a Voord.The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964

Susan seized by a Voord.

The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964

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He’s the original g… I think.

He’s the original g… I think.

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GIF! regeneration is a lottery :D I had to lower the quality or it wouldn’t upload :[ the colors look a lil more grey- here is the picture:

Also, smol Fourteen

And the whimsical William Hartnell as the original first Doctor!

Just for fun, Billy gets his wig fitted, colourised! 

Just for fun, Billy gets his wig fitted, colourised! 

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A crossover of Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Batman was supposed to happen in 1967, but when shown to test audiences, the audience died due to how powerful the crossover was

There actually was supposed to be an episode where The Doctor has to go kill some cult leader, but ends up becoming like said cult leader. However, this was scrapped due to it being too similar to Francis Ford Coppola’s cinematic masterpiece Apocalypse Now

Fact #1159

Sir Patrick Stewart was the original choice for a doctor, but two doctors being played by a guy named Patrick was too powerful for audiences

The mysterious faces seen during the mindbending sequence in the story ‘The Brain of Morbius’ are actually the previous faces of Susan and Romana.


Do you ever just stop and think about that photoset for the “Five Doctors” where Tom Baker was not present so they decided to pose his wax figure instead like it was a completely normal thing to do?

“Oh dear, I’m going to be late!”My name is  ψƭdzȄĬ®̕ĕŗDzĬ¿ʁƭÈƂŎ and starting today I’m going to be a

“Oh dear, I’m going to be late!”

My name is  ψƭdzȄĬ®̕ĕŗDzĬ¿ʁƭÈƂŎ and starting today I’m going to be a Time Lord!

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Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor regeneration was everything he deserved. Twelve was the most tormented Doctor, the most haunted by his past, so full of secret pains we would never know about. He really felt like he was hiding back so much, and was putting on a mask so much of the time. Seeing the Doctor find peace in himself, and the optimism in himself (herself!!!) for the future, was absolutely incredible. I honestly can’t think of a more suiting end for Twelve. It was bittersweet, but I feel like I can comfortably and peacefully say goodbye. 

And on that note, bring on Jodie Whittaker!!!


And the whimsical William Hartnell as the original first Doctor!
