#the owl house fanfiction



Sooooooooooo I started working on an Owl House fanfic… I call it….

“It’s a Good Life”

This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont. He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge.” – Rod Sterling, The Twilight Zone.

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“Moments From Another Time”

Fandom: The Owl House

Rating: T

Characters: Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos, Philip’s Brother, The Titan, Original characters as needed

Tags: Episode: Journal Entries, Written Pre S2B, Minor Character Death, Elements of Puritanism, Elements of Colonialism, Saint AU, Eldritch

Summary: My father yet would aske that I endevor to manefest the plaine stile in this ledger of events, to which the singuler and simple trueth in all things may be regarded, lest my slender judgmente befoul its trueth. Which I, Philip Wittebane, will conscionably performe the best of my abilitie, less I stray from my intendmente.

And yet, unknowne reader, while I may be called on to transcribe eventes as such, my heart is wante for a more elaborate telling; so forgive me if I should wander.

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Bound by My Own Bones”

Fandom: The Owl House


Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence

Characters: Hunter, Luz, The Titan

Relationships: Hunter & Luz

Tags:Post-Finale, Heavy Angst, Grimwalker Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Hurt No Comfort, Temporary Character Death

Summary:The Emperor’s Coven has been uprooted, and the titan slumbers in its primordial mire once more. Belos is a murky husk that seeps around the confines of its regalia.

The portal stands operational, ready to be opened.

And Hunter wants to feel the rain.

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