#toh fanfic


baby’s first spell.

The story of Gus’ first experience with Illusion Magic.

  • Characters: Gus Porter, Perry Porter, Principal Bump, Celine
  • Words: 1652
  • Additional Tags: Gus Week 2022, Hexside Academy of Magic and Demonics, Character Study, Backstory, Headcanon

New chapter is out and it’s amazing! There are also a lot of references to my Pros For The Traumatized Kid Gang™ Being Transported To The Human Realm list. I highly recommend it!

“Moments From Another Time”

Fandom: The Owl House

Rating: T

Characters: Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos, Philip’s Brother, The Titan, Original characters as needed

Tags: Episode: Journal Entries, Written Pre S2B, Minor Character Death, Elements of Puritanism, Elements of Colonialism, Saint AU, Eldritch

Summary: My father yet would aske that I endevor to manefest the plaine stile in this ledger of events, to which the singuler and simple trueth in all things may be regarded, lest my slender judgmente befoul its trueth. Which I, Philip Wittebane, will conscionably performe the best of my abilitie, less I stray from my intendmente.

And yet, unknowne reader, while I may be called on to transcribe eventes as such, my heart is wante for a more elaborate telling; so forgive me if I should wander.

Read on Ao3

Bound by My Own Bones”

Fandom: The Owl House


Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence

Characters: Hunter, Luz, The Titan

Relationships: Hunter & Luz

Tags:Post-Finale, Heavy Angst, Grimwalker Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Hurt No Comfort, Temporary Character Death

Summary:The Emperor’s Coven has been uprooted, and the titan slumbers in its primordial mire once more. Belos is a murky husk that seeps around the confines of its regalia.

The portal stands operational, ready to be opened.

And Hunter wants to feel the rain.

Read on Ao3


The Many Copies of Caleb Wittebane

Fandom: The Owl House

Summary: The first time that Phillip makes a grimwalker of his brother, it dies before it ever takes a breath- screaming itself to death in the darkness. The second time, it fully forms and does, actually, take a breath. And then it dies.

Try, try again, they say, and Phillip Wittebane keeps making and killing clones of his brother until he finally makes one that he’s sure he can control.

This one hurts. Bravo.

CW for death, suicide, toxic family dynamics, manipulation, and everything that comes with Belos.





Give me Lilith Clawthorne, the Raven Lady. A neglected daughter always outshined by her younger sister, desperate to be as powerful, as magical, as loved. A witch who, in a moment of weakness, attempted to curse her sister and faced the consequences when the curse backfired on her. Give me the cold, angry sorceress who lives resentful and alone in the woods, with a talking door as her only friend. Let her bitterness fuel her into a life of crime and deception, where she uses her magic and cunning to become the powerful, respected witch she’d always dreamed to be. Watch her turn her back on her society, who made her this way, and embrace the ways of the wild witch. And, let the lost and broken human child who stumbles into her life, who reminds her so much of herself, be the one to break down her walls.

Give me Amity Blight, a picture-perfect human teen who, despite her best efforts, can never quite please her overbearing parents. Who flees her household the first time her mother strikes her and stumbles into a realm full of magic and demons, and straight into the home of a terrifying witch- and, despite her fear, begs to stay, because despite Lilith’s icy-cold demeanor she’s still better than returning to Odalia. Let her break through to Lilith, little by little, until they’re more family than either of them has ever had. And then, let her watch helplessly as Lilith’s little sister tears them apart. 

Give me Edalyn Clawthorne, head of the emperor’s coven. The most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles, and she knows it. Who’s cocky and brash, knowing that no one will dare touch her. Who hunts her sister day and night, believing that she knows what’s best for Lilith better than Lilith herself does- for her pride will not let her believe any differently. Watch her as she stands on the precipice of power, constantly toeing the line and knowing she can get away with it, because she’s too strong for Belos to ever let become his enemy. Let her watch as they drag her sister away screaming, begging her to care for her human child, and let those desperate cries be the first nail in the coffin- for in that moment all she can think of are King and Luz. Let the illusion be shattered as she realizes too late how wrong she was, and watch her give everything to make it right. 

And last but not least, give me Luz Noceda, Eda’s strongest trainee. A boisterous and powerful child with more magic than she knows how to control. Watch her adopt Eda’s mannerisms- her pride, her ego, her brashness- and channel them into her magic until she’s nearly as strong as her mentor. Let her become Eda’s right hand, always by her side, and let them be closer than close. Watch the terror in her eyes as she becomes dangerously close to losing her mentor, her mother.And let Belos finally feel regret as her loyalty to Eda leads her to the Raven House, to Amity and Lilith and the path of the wild witch, and he sees what power he’s unleashed. 

Yeah ok I’m a drama queen. But like…imagine it. 

As person who trying to find a good swap fic, this hits the nail on the head. There’s more to swap or role reversal AU than just taking two characters and switching them. You have to understand their personalities and apply them to the situation. Or how they grow differently than the person who they were swapped with.

I’m planning on writing the fic soon! I think I’m gonna do snippets, like retellings of important scenes rather than do the whole storyline over, but I’m gonna write it! It’s just a matter of me finding the time and attention span to sit down and write.

I can’t wait to read it. I agree, retelling of important scenes are interesting. Can’t wait to see see how turns out when you get to it.
