#the parker twins


I’m getting a lot of asks regarding where I’ve been, the Parker series and just general ‘lol u dead?’

I felt like I owed you guys an explanation for my disappearance, I haven’t updated any of my fics in… god knows how long.

If you’ve been with me for a long time then you’ll know I’ve been struggling with stomach issues since I was around 15, I’m 20 next month and they’re just getting worse.

I had my gallbladder removed last July because they thought that was the cause, it wasn’t.

I’ve been repeatedly in and out of hospital since November with pancreatitis attacks, I’ve spent more time in hospital than I have at home.

I’m really struggling at the moment, not only with my physical health but with my mental health. I’m getting help for both though, I’m waiting to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

My consultant also thinks he’s found the cause of my pancreatitis attacks so hopefully soon things will slowly get back to normal.

I do plan on updating the Parker twins series, I have HUGE HUUUGE ideas that I’m just so fucking excited to bring to life, I wanna write it to the best of my ability, which at the moment I’m not at my best ability.

Thank you all for being so wonderful and patient with me, yall are never mean or pushy which is something that I appreciate so much:’)


just a special shout-out to @joemazzellofan98 for being an absolute SAVIOUR!

I’ve been stuck in the biggest writing rut, none of my ideas seemed good enough and I was struggling for the life of me to write and create.

HOWEVER, this human messaged me a couple days ago and we’ve been talking about writing and marvel, we’ve been bouncing ideas off each other and oh my goodness I am ITCHING to finish the infinity war section of the Parker twins.

I have biiig ideas for endgame and even biiiiigger ideas for far from home AND IM SO EXCITED FOR IT TO COME TO LIFE!
