#the polycule


Procrastination Thoughts: or are they?

There are 6 kingdoms in The Royal Clusterfuck, the fic I’m making. When I think of their names these are the colors that I imagine them having.

  • Luxanna - Kingdom of Light

The kingdom that stood the test of time, it has a long history, existing during the time when dragons still roamed the land.

  • Celeste - Kingdom of Trade

The trade center of the continent where most of the goods get routed to their destination. But beneath the cobblestones of the kingdom lies a dangerous secret.

  • Sylvene - The Fey Kingdom

Its people are the guardians of the forests. They walk on the line between the unknown and human civilization. This is where creatures of myth reside within the deep recesses of the Feywilds.

  • Astarion- The Old Kingdom, (the continent’s name)

The oldest kingdom that used to rule the whole continent. It has already been demolished, but still people from the old kingdom walk among them. Those who have magic in their bones, cursed by tampering with forbidden magicks and forever forgotten…until now.

  • Kalista - The Kingdom of Knights

A kingdom that prides itself in its military prowess, with generations of knights residing in it, who used to serve Luxanna a century ago. Currently recovering from a war caused by an unnamed force.

  • Ernest - Fighters Realm

The slave kingdom, was predominantly occupied by slaves from all over and controlled by rich patrons who run the Merchant’s guild. A place of corruption, located in the desserts of Astarion.
