#dbh captain allen


Captain Allen: RK900, you‘re obnoxiously tall. What can you see?

Nines: Everyone‘s flaws.





They’re brought together by an eccentric woman called Amanda. She collected them as babies, raised them and watched their powers unfold.

Markus was Number One, the natural leader who could inspire strikes, revolutions. He struck passion and the need to act if he spoke, giving rousing speecheds.

Next was Connor, Number Two. He fitted in with any group, always endearingly awkward in a way that suggested he should always be an outcast. But he managed to somehow always become part of the group, even an integral part at that.

North, as Number Three, had an affinity for all manner of weaponry. It didn’t matter whether it was something to throw, shoot or hit with, she was a master of them all.

Sixty, the odd one out as Number Four, could talk to the dead. It showed, had a major impact on his personality.

Josh, Number Five, the one Amanda seemed to dote on the most. He was a fountain of knowledge, always seemingly equipped with facts that cold help weigh up a situation and figure out how to plan the way forward.

Number Six was Simon. He was the glue that held them all together, caring and looking after everyone. Just his presence tended to make people feel better, no matter their ailment.

Then, there was Nines. Number Seven. He was…he was nothing special.

But being nothing special was okay, Nines made friends with the recluses nobody else go along with. The odd ones out, which is what he was. His friend was Gavin, they even shared the same birthday. While they joked that neither of them had special powers, Gavin had a talent for getting into fights.

It was all okay, until they met his cousin, Elijah and his girlfriend, Chloe. They too shared their birthday and were both convinced they had powers. They worked on Gavin and Nines until something in them broke. Gavin’s aggression turned into rage, he was brutal in fights, vicious and always came out top. By contrast, Nines was much more quiet He wasn’t like Chloe who could manipulate the butterfly effect, but his power was almost worse. Severely linked to his moods, it sudddenly became imperative to keep Nines happy. Everyone bowed to his wishes, not wanting to cause a temper tantrum.

Until he and Gavin got into an argument. And he accidentally hurt Gavin. Nines ran with Gavin held against his chest, went to Hank, begging him to save Gavin and help put an end to the madness.

Only, by then, Amanda had caught onto the fact that Nines’ powers were unleashed. And she’d set her RK Academy the challenge of bringing Nines down.

Now, Nines, with Hank, Gavin, Chloe and Elijah at his back, had to face down his family. He didn’t know who to trust, when Connor defected whether it was genuine or to tear him and his friends apart from the inside. But then, Sixty joined, babbling something about the dead always being right. Slowly, one by one, the RKs appeared at Hank’s door, seeking sanctuary and protection from who they had, once upon a time, called Mother.

In my defense, it’s not my fault if everything Socks writes is pure gold and inspires me to Hell and back. Also I should have doodled Gavin or Nines first but excuse me??? Sixty as Number 4??? You’re after my HEART.

Believe it or not, i’m incredibly proud of this one. xD

*deep breath* I AM SCREAMING OVER HERE!!! THIS IS JUST PERFECT?! I know I have already yelled at you in DMs but let me just reiterate. That pose? Yes! The painted nails? Swoon! The feather boa?! Don’t even get me started. Everything about this is just perfection.

Also, your question about Allen (because hell yes he has a spot in this AU). Sixty ended up travelling back in time accidentally. He met someone, fell in love and lost him all in a short year. There’s not a lot that is more heartbreaking than having the love of your life die in your arms.

But, such is Sixty’s gift that the dead talk to him. And Allen became his constant companion. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Sixty threw up because he drank too much. Grumbling when Sixty was going out partying, begging then getting furious at all the drugs Sixty took. While they muted all the other dead voices, nothing muted Allen because Sixty couldn’t face losing him. Not again.

I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER. I have no time to draw lately omfg.

I had to draw the angst. Allen getting furious at Sixty because of the drugs and alcohol…? It hurt like h e l l. But I’m weak for them taking care (or trying to…) of each others.

I am utterly blown away. Sixty’s expression, his muscles, Allen’s torn sleeveless top (please tell me it’s all buttons at the front and barely, if at all, done up).

Allen would get so angry whenever Sixty drank or took drugs. He couldn’t bare to watch his boyfriend waste away, killing himself slowly. There’s only so much he could stand by and watch until the unfairness of it all builds up into something more than mutterings and emotional pleading.

“You’re throwing everything you’ve got away!” He’d just slapped a needle out of Sixty’s hands as he finally had enough. “You’ve got a life. You’ve got a power. Yet all you do is shovel as much crap as you can into your body and I can’t watch it any more. For fuck’s sake, Sixty! You’re killing yourself. I hate it.”

His rage simmered down to something more painful and quiet. As much as Allen wanted Sixty to be happy, he couldn’t stand by and watch the chemical overload slowly strip him of everything.

“Please Sixty. Don’t leave me, not like this,” he asked, suddenly too tired and he flickered from Sixty’s sight, disappearing before flickering back into existence. It terrified Sixty enough that he tried his best to stop. Poured away all his alcohol, flushed all his drugs.

His reward was Allen on his back on the hardwood floor of his room, Sixty straddling his hips, hands splayed across a firm chest, fingers under the edges of the unbuttoned top. Each day Sixty went without drugs, there were more voice. But Allen was more solid too and that was so worth it.



They’re brought together by an eccentric woman called Amanda. She collected them as babies, raised them and watched their powers unfold.

Markus was Number One, the natural leader who could inspire strikes, revolutions. He struck passion and the need to act if he spoke, giving rousing speecheds.

Next was Connor, Number Two. He fitted in with any group, always endearingly awkward in a way that suggested he should always be an outcast. But he managed to somehow always become part of the group, even an integral part at that.

North, as Number Three, had an affinity for all manner of weaponry. It didn’t matter whether it was something to throw, shoot or hit with, she was a master of them all.

Sixty, the odd one out as Number Four, could talk to the dead. It showed, had a major impact on his personality.

Josh, Number Five, the one Amanda seemed to dote on the most. He was a fountain of knowledge, always seemingly equipped with facts that cold help weigh up a situation and figure out how to plan the way forward.

Number Six was Simon. He was the glue that held them all together, caring and looking after everyone. Just his presence tended to make people feel better, no matter their ailment.

Then, there was Nines. Number Seven. He was…he was nothing special.

But being nothing special was okay, Nines made friends with the recluses nobody else go along with. The odd ones out, which is what he was. His friend was Gavin, they even shared the same birthday. While they joked that neither of them had special powers, Gavin had a talent for getting into fights.

It was all okay, until they met his cousin, Elijah and his girlfriend, Chloe. They too shared their birthday and were both convinced they had powers. They worked on Gavin and Nines until something in them broke. Gavin’s aggression turned into rage, he was brutal in fights, vicious and always came out top. By contrast, Nines was much more quiet He wasn’t like Chloe who could manipulate the butterfly effect, but his power was almost worse. Severely linked to his moods, it sudddenly became imperative to keep Nines happy. Everyone bowed to his wishes, not wanting to cause a temper tantrum.

Until he and Gavin got into an argument. And he accidentally hurt Gavin. Nines ran with Gavin held against his chest, went to Hank, begging him to save Gavin and help put an end to the madness.

Only, by then, Amanda had caught onto the fact that Nines’ powers were unleashed. And she’d set her RK Academy the challenge of bringing Nines down.

Now, Nines, with Hank, Gavin, Chloe and Elijah at his back, had to face down his family. He didn’t know who to trust, when Connor defected whether it was genuine or to tear him and his friends apart from the inside. But then, Sixty joined, babbling something about the dead always being right. Slowly, one by one, the RKs appeared at Hank’s door, seeking sanctuary and protection from who they had, once upon a time, called Mother.

In my defense, it’s not my fault if everything Socks writes is pure gold and inspires me to Hell and back. Also I should have doodled Gavin or Nines first but excuse me??? Sixty as Number 4??? You’re after my HEART.

Believe it or not, i’m incredibly proud of this one. xD

*deep breath* I AM SCREAMING OVER HERE!!! THIS IS JUST PERFECT?! I know I have already yelled at you in DMs but let me just reiterate. That pose? Yes! The painted nails? Swoon! The feather boa?! Don’t even get me started. Everything about this is just perfection.

Also, your question about Allen (because hell yes he has a spot in this AU). Sixty ended up travelling back in time accidentally. He met someone, fell in love and lost him all in a short year. There’s not a lot that is more heartbreaking than having the love of your life die in your arms.

But, such is Sixty’s gift that the dead talk to him. And Allen became his constant companion. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Sixty threw up because he drank too much. Grumbling when Sixty was going out partying, begging then getting furious at all the drugs Sixty took. While they muted all the other dead voices, nothing muted Allen because Sixty couldn’t face losing him. Not again.

Procrastination Thoughts: or are they?

There are 6 kingdoms in The Royal Clusterfuck, the fic I’m making. When I think of their names these are the colors that I imagine them having.

  • Luxanna - Kingdom of Light

The kingdom that stood the test of time, it has a long history, existing during the time when dragons still roamed the land.

  • Celeste - Kingdom of Trade

The trade center of the continent where most of the goods get routed to their destination. But beneath the cobblestones of the kingdom lies a dangerous secret.

  • Sylvene - The Fey Kingdom

Its people are the guardians of the forests. They walk on the line between the unknown and human civilization. This is where creatures of myth reside within the deep recesses of the Feywilds.

  • Astarion- The Old Kingdom, (the continent’s name)

The oldest kingdom that used to rule the whole continent. It has already been demolished, but still people from the old kingdom walk among them. Those who have magic in their bones, cursed by tampering with forbidden magicks and forever forgotten…until now.

  • Kalista - The Kingdom of Knights

A kingdom that prides itself in its military prowess, with generations of knights residing in it, who used to serve Luxanna a century ago. Currently recovering from a war caused by an unnamed force.

  • Ernest - Fighters Realm

The slave kingdom, was predominantly occupied by slaves from all over and controlled by rich patrons who run the Merchant’s guild. A place of corruption, located in the desserts of Astarion.
