#the quiet fire of defiance



A (Belated) Entry for @aspecardaweek​ Day 4 Prompt ‘World-Building’: My Thoughts on Noldorin Terminology

Imagine: Noldor with the absolutely wildest linguistic traditions around queerness.

On one hand, I’m basing this on the idea that this is a society without heteronormativity or cisnormativity. The fact that there’s no divisions or attitudes attached to sexuality means that there’s less of a social drive / desire for labelling, because it’s simply not important. It’s almost like having a word for being attracted to brown-haired people. Why would you? Some people are, some people aren’t, some people are attracted to people of all hair colours, some people are mostly attracted to blondes but occasionally fancy a brunette. It’s a fact of life, and why would you sort people into categories based on that? It would be weird as fuck.

On the other hand; they’re Noldor. They take linguistics seriously.

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