#the red text has nothing to do with the actual comic

I am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg&hellipI am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg&hellip

I am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg… 
The first panel of first page and some character sketches from my new project that I am working on for the LINE Webtoon contest.. 
It’s a magical girl project (because girls and ridiculous outfits are the only things i am semi-good at). I have been bashing my head in the wall for the past few weeks and this still feels so….far from even having a proper basic structure… characters are still foreign, story is still wonky and i don’t even have an antagonist! But can you tell by the sticky notes that I already have a favourite character? xD

The bunny girl will probably have some character tweaks when she appears in the series, cuz her magical outfit is as way too…normal! D:

Will probably post some more stuff when the thing is finally posted on the site. 

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