#what are tags

I am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg&hellipI am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg&hellip

I am not entirely sure why I drew my reference/concept art on sticky notes… hurghblurg… 
The first panel of first page and some character sketches from my new project that I am working on for the LINE Webtoon contest.. 
It’s a magical girl project (because girls and ridiculous outfits are the only things i am semi-good at). I have been bashing my head in the wall for the past few weeks and this still feels so….far from even having a proper basic structure… characters are still foreign, story is still wonky and i don’t even have an antagonist! But can you tell by the sticky notes that I already have a favourite character? xD

The bunny girl will probably have some character tweaks when she appears in the series, cuz her magical outfit is as way too…normal! D:

Will probably post some more stuff when the thing is finally posted on the site. 

Post link


Finally, another episode! Can the latest video game craze help Teal and friends revive Lilac from the brink of death?

Art by Dallie, music by MSL (http://www.youtube.com/user/msl777), and voice talent by Dallie and Stragus.

Whoa i”m still alive cool watch this thing I made

 Impa’s design from the new Age of Calamity is cute, but what if we add 50% more badass, like her de Impa’s design from the new Age of Calamity is cute, but what if we add 50% more badass, like her de

Impa’s design from the new Age of Calamity is cute, but what if we add 50% more badass, like her design from Hyrule Warriors?? 

I’m so excited to play this game~ I’m looking forward to play as Mipha and Urbosa too!! 

Post link


Sorry for the long absence but some stuff happened that was quite important to tackle first. XD

I had my very first art booth at Leipzig Bookfair in March and it was a blast! I made a lot of new stuff for it and in the next days I’ll start finally posting the new art stuff over here :)

I’m also working on a webshop atm, so if you like something of the bookfair batch you can purchase them. I still got prints, stickers and charms left :3 

Besides that life was also busy- I got a part time job I’ll start on next Monday, was able to start my testosterone treatment AND just changed my legal name and official sex entry. So. A lot of good stuff happening, but unfortunately this meant cutting back in Social Media stuff. (and when I finally got some time to do it….yup, caught a big fat nasty cold….)

I’m trying my best to catch up, thank you for sticking with me 0/ 

Expect a lot of posts in the next weeks :3

quick ENA doodle i did few weeks ago as a warm up (but then had too much fun with her bright colors!)
