#the right to pee




So I’m assisting a friend with his sales booth at Pride tonight, and came to the bathroom, and it hit me, do you know what I’ve never seen?

A wheelchair-accessible portapotty.

Events like this are not accessible for more than an hour or two for anyone in a wheelchair because there’s no bathroom.

They do exist. 

I volunteered for my local Pride for a couple of years and was on the committee for another two years before my health meant I had to cut back on activity in general, and we had at least one wheelchair-accessible (marked with the little person-in-wheelchair stick figure) portapotty, in addition to the site we used for the festival having permanent bathrooms including an accessible one.

So if your Pride events don’t have wheelchair-accessible portapotties, talk to the organizers about getting them.  (You shouldn’t *have* to ask, they ought to do it as a matter of course, but whichever vendor handles their portable bathrooms should be able to provide accessible ones.)

This is fantastic to know, thank you very much!


So I’m assisting a friend with his sales booth at Pride tonight, and came to the bathroom, and it hit me, do you know what I’ve never seen?

A wheelchair-accessible portapotty.

Events like this are not accessible for more than an hour or two for anyone in a wheelchair because there’s no bathroom.
