#the rona

jus-tea: Daddy’s at the food store, Mummy’s out of town,She’s working at the hospital since Rhona ca


Daddy’s at the food store, Mummy’s out of town,

She’s working at the hospital since Rhona came to town,

Hide away, hide away, Miss Rhona’s come to town,

Hide away, hide away, she’s come to take us down.

Miss Rhona’s at the doorstep, I’ll keep 6 feet away,

But Grandma needs the paper, I’ll take her some today,

Hide away, hide away, Miss Rhona’s come to stay,

Hide away, hide away, we can’t come out to play.

But Grandma needs the paper, I’ll take her some today,

And here’s a note from Rhona, she wanted me to say,

Hide away, hide away, keep 6 feet away,

Hide away, hide away, she took us down today.

It’s been two and a bit years since writing this thing and the Rhona finally caught up with me. In the universe’s great serendipitous nature, my ex, (who was with me at the time of writing and inspired the toilet paper reference through his 90min line up at Costco for our TP ration at the time [it was freaking hard to get back in early pandemic days, remember?]) was the one to drop some off at my door for me while I’m stuck in iso.

Life’s like that sometimes.

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