#the royal ranger


[Image ID: The “[blank] is something that can actually be so personal” meme, edited to say “a scene in TRR (solaris’s version) where halt’s autism causes a problem but crowley chooses to be understanding and kind even when it takes effort because they’re friends and he knows halt isn’t being difficult on purpose is something that can actually be so personal” /end]

Anyway wrote one of these today and I just wanted you folks to know these scenes are very meaningful and healing to me

Day 3: PreciousIn which Horace and Cassandra discover the joys of being parents to, in their eyes, t

Day 3: Precious

In which Horace and Cassandra discover the joys of being parents to, in their eyes, the most precious princess in the world. 

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“When Maddie was a child, she had often visited Will at Redmont Fief, staying in his warm little cab

“When Maddie was a child, she had often visited Will at Redmont Fief, staying in his warm little cabin and going on hunting and camping trips into the forest with him. Will was fun. Will had a mischievous sense of humor that matched her own.” (A New Beginning, pg. 67)

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“The door to the bedroom opened, emitting a shaft of light into the dark room. Horace entered. His h

“The door to the bedroom opened, emitting a shaft of light into the dark room. Horace entered. His hair was tousled and his nightshirt was tucked into his trousers. His feet were bare. So was the blade of the sword in his right hand. It glinted in the light of the lantern he held in his left hand, sending random reflections darting around the walls.” (TRR: A New Beginning, page 19)

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Does anyone else just suddenly think of all the side characters that were present for like one or two books and then disappeared? Like, is Malcolm still alive or is he dead? It’s probably a high chance but I still wanna know for sure.

I think Malcolm is canonically the oldest side character we run into? So based on the 20 year gap between books 11-12 I’m assuming he’s passed on by the time we get to TRR. I do have an OC character bouncing around in my head that I may write a fic on one day, where Malcolm trained an apprentice (because why let all that medical knowledge go to waste???) and she helps form the Royal Medical Corps (because Araluen seems desperately in need of some standardized medicine). Anyways Maddie needs a teammate her own age and I personally like Ranger/Healer shenanigans ☺️
