#the saga of thranduil

Newsfeed #97 March 8, 2018 (8 Súlimë)NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: THE STAND-ALONE SAGAFirst of all, I’m no

Newsfeed #97 March 8, 2018 (8 Súlimë)


First of all, I’m not dropping everything to write this particular book (I don’t know why people fear that). The “new” book is not as “new” as I am implying. The story (like the trilogy) is a long and winding one.

When I began outlining the Elves of Mirkwood, naturally people wonder “where are all these elves coming from. For example, it is no secret Thranduil’s cousin Elranduil married a Noldorin (Ardúin) and Thranduil’s wife is a Nandor (Danwaith)–the last of the remaining ones. Nearly all of the main characters have a back story (and after stories), so I had written part of those around the time I began The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. They were going to go into the Appendix (which at the time included Legolas’ Journals). When I changed the format of the book–having the story told by the four generation of elves–two being rulers and one being an heir to the Woodland Realm–I was free to do with the back stories what I wished–especially the one about the origins of Êlúriel.

It doesn’t have a title yet; it is not put together as well as the other books in the trilogy–even Legolas’ story is already planned from beginning to end. This new book will be part of the Appendix, unless it’s longer than 200 pages. There is a reason for that:

515 pages of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil (original version) is already a ream; its extended version will be at least 600pages in its final form and Book I and Book III are currently estimated to be 500-600pages each–then there’s the extended version of Book III which will more than likely be around 500-600pages long. When I put the trilogies together, that’s a lot of paper to add something 200+ pages long. I’m already over 1100 with Book I/Book II (both versions) not including Book III.

Tolkien’sThe Lord of the RingsTrilogy* in one volume is 1178 pages (including the Appendix; 1031w/o).So you can see I have a doorstop in the making. And even though this new “volume” will mesh with the trilogy (not unlike the STARZshowThe White Queen–based on three books by Philippa Gregory that tell three different sides of the same history; only in this case there’s several sides talking when you add Iarûr (Prologue of Book I) to the stories of Orothôn,Oropher,ThranduilandLegolas), I still have to decide at some point how long will it need to be to fit into the appendix or if it should just stand-alone.

I am still trying to decide whether to cut Book I in half as itself will contain two stories told by two elves–both crossing over at a pivotal event from one POV to another (hard to do especially I will have to eventually make that transition for all three of the original books). I do that, TKWRT won’t stand for TKWR TrilogybutTKWR Tetralogy. That won’t be decided until all three books are complete, though.

You are watching a novel in progress–I like to call it a reality show since readers are literally reading TKWR Trilogy in evolution. There’s is always something new coming around the corner and editing something like this requires someone that has flown over the Cuckoo’s Nest a few times and is literate in Tolkien Languages–especially Adûnaic. That hasn’t been added yet–nor has all of the Quenya. (Quenya is the hardest of the two Elven Languages known; That is why no one is out there selling “Learn Quenya” (even though Sindarin is Quendi for “Grey-Elven Language”). All the languages change with each new age/generation (as all languages do) which makes it impossible to say which “literary” version you are reading–and it gets worse with Tengwar where there’s far more to it than what most people think. 

Adûnaic is harder still, even though Akallabêth is “The Down Fallen” in Adûnaic in The Silmarillion. What you get to read now is my “short-hand” for some things in Sindarin that may be translated eventually into Quenya–especially in Eryn Galen. Oropher didn’t like Sindarin at all (hence why it was unknown whether Thranduil spoke it). There is a reason Oropher didn’t like it and unless you adore reading thousands of pages of Tolkien’s notes in the form of 12+ volumes of Middle Earth History and his other works, you won’t find that reason (mostly because Oropher is in only one book of all books dealing with ME Histories by Tolkien and he’s somewhere else altogether)–hence the reason my book will have a very large bibliography. Yeah, this is an in-depth book I’m writing. I’m a glutton for punishment.

So, that’s it for now; back to work. I have a bunch of elves stuck in Ossiriand for a moment waiting for a few baby elves to be old enough to continue the journey into the West (by “west” I mean some will get lazy somewhere around Beleriand and hang out in Doriath with King Thingol and his Queen Melian). Also, I’ve been advised to use my real name in order to get the accounts for this book and myself verified ✅. Thranduil has come a long, long way from where he started.–JMM (Jaynaé Marie Miller).

*The Lord of the Rings is actually not a trilogy. It was originally supposed to be six books–a hexalogy, so to speak. In fact, in the table of contents, you’ll notice that each of the “books” has “two books” within them.

Images: ©2013. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. All Rights Reserved.

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Newsfeed #96 February 28, 2018 (31 Nénimë)HOT OFF THE PRESSES: THE SAGA OF THRANDUILIt’s my father’s

Newsfeed #96 February 28, 2018 (31 Nénimë)


It’s my father’s birthday and I asked him what he wanted. He thought about and he said, $100. I told him I didn’t have $100. So he said, $5 and a copy of the book I keep talking about. So, I went to work:


This is what two days, two ink cartridges, 515 pages, 30 chapters, 183,300 words over 730 days looks like: A ream of paper or really good doorstop. I found a box for it (because it’s a hefty stack of paper) and signed it turning this stack of copy paper into the first official hard copy of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil (original version) ever seen in its most complete form–so far. It’s not complete just yet (it’s still in editing).


What is in this version is different than the last (if you read the last one) is the fact that the appendix has additions and clues to what’s coming in Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen:@tkwrtrilogy3,Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen:@trenarnolegolaslasgalen, as well as the Extended Version of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil@extendedtkwrtrilogyend and the Extended Version of Book III:@tkwrtrilogylasttale

What’s in it for you? Well, you get 24 hours to download this lovely second draft of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil in honor of my father’s birthday.


From12am February 28 to 12am March 1, you get to download this book one more time before you’ll only be able to read it online (for awhile–a long while; TBA).

Happy Birthday to My Father: Dr. Herman T. Miller, PhD. I ❤️You.

Image: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.

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Newsfeed #95 January 31, 2018 (31 Narvinyë)IT’S  “OFFICIAL”: TKWR TRILOGY is OFFICIAL–EVERYWHE

Newsfeed #95 January 31, 2018 (31 Narvinyë)


Thranduil has made it halfway to the mountain top–sort of. He’s brought his people out of the dark and now gets to be “official”. Chances are, I’ll have to do everything over again to get the blue check, but I’ll be working on that beginning tomorrow, February 1, 2018–while posting in Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen.

Look for “OFFICIAL” because that would be me. IF you see it and aren’t sure, just look for TOLKIEN Elvish–the only Elvish I know and use. Also look for really complex storylines that seem incredibly insane; that could be me and/or Tolkien because that is the one thing we have in common–a knack for creating so much stuff, appendices have to be used to follow it all. The most obvious thing to look for are CREDITS*⬇️: I’ll always give credit where its due.

Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.

*If you edited anything without the permission of the original author, by law no one owns them but the original artist–I would know; I do have one of the best intellectual property lawyers in the country.‍⚖️

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Newsfeed #94 January 23, 2018 (23 Narvinyë)One Last Time: The Saga of Thranduil DownloadI’m proud to

Newsfeed #94 January 23, 2018 (23 Narvinyë)

One Last Time: The Saga of Thranduil Download

I’m proud to present one last time: Both versions of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil by Me (J. Marie Miller).

January 24-26

Book II: The Saga of Thranduil (original version): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZOqrwDQblr2Pg-Yzpz2snmp-90Jowo8k

Book II: The Saga of Thranduil (extended version): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1r-wnt88BX9mPZHwf0w4E45uugggOasO0

Don’t miss the Q&A for Book II: The Saga of Thranduil: https://twitter.com/tkwrtrilogy

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Newsfeed #93 January 6, 2018 (6 Narvinyë)I AM THRANDUIL: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL GOES TO TWITTER.The l

Newsfeed #93 January 6, 2018 (6 Narvinyë)


The last Q&A on Facebook was successful (for me, I had a small audience both times and for a shy person, that was cool). Now the true test: Twitter.

The anticipation is over–for now. The Date of the Twitter Q&A will be:

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2018 at 12:00-2:00 PM (CDT–US Time) : https://twitter.com/tkwrtrilogy

It will be EXCLUSIVELYaboutBook II: The Saga of Thranduil (the first complete book of the Trilogy and its extended version).

Hashtags (Twitter) some: 


Ask Me Anything (within reason) about Book II: The Saga of Thranduil. Maybe something about The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy–like how the heck did this thing happen and why–who knows.

If you haven’t read either version:

Once this is done, everything goes to Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen (while I finish editing the two drafts of both versionsofBook II: The Saga of Thranduil). When that one is done, there will be a release of Book I/Book II–same for Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen. Each book will be released individually before they are released together.


Until then (and maybe before, should something change), Namárië.

Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.

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Newsfeed #92 December 22, 2017 (22 Ringarë)BOOK II: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL–EXTENDED VERSIONIt’s

Newsfeed #92 December 22, 2017 (22 Ringarë)


It’s available here until December 26, 2017:


Statistics: Book II: The Saga of Thranduil–Extended Version. Length: 566 pages w/Appendix; 552 w/o Appendix. 195,245 words. Completed December 22, 2017. Genre: High Fantasy. Age Group: 13+ (PG-13) Nothing graphic. Some Elvish Used. Spoiler: First Draft.

Also,The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy will become a free agent on January 8, 2018.

(Trouble downloading: double click the PDF icon and it should pop-up, then, click the ⬇️ arrow and it should download immediately).*

*Better Link Replaced the Old one.

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