#the same as many people in the fandom


Thoughts on Kenobi Episode 5

I adored episode 5 to tiny pieces. It started so strong. I paused to cry for 2 minutes at the sight of Anakin’s nerf tail hair cut, like “WE’RE GETTING A FLASHBACK!!! AT LONG LAST!!! I’M SO HAPPY!”

Then I saw their faces and cringed ever so slightly, but got over myself because it doesn’t matter that they didn’t use seating technology on Hayden and Ewan’s wig was questionable. It was them! Pre Attack of the clones! So innocent. And you betcha I watched that first flashback bit three times before proceeding to watch the rest. Did you notice how freaking beautiful the little room in the Temple that they sparred in was? The shiny stone with patterns in different colours and that incredible view of Coruscant? Whenever I watch the prequels I am always surprised by how incredibly beautiful it is inside the Jedi Temple. The halls are huge and richly decorated in contrast to the austere clothes the Jedi wear.

I loved how they balanced getting into the psychology of the characters with the action. They actually lingered on the characters, showing their thoughts and motivations before delving into the action. And the action scenes were sweet. The hallway battle was intense and scary and you felt the stakes. Tala’s death scene was well done too. I felt Obi-Wan’s despair over losing yet another good person he’s begun to care about and how they set it up by her explaining her regrets and how she wished to atone. Yeah, it couldn’t have been handled much better.

And then Vader in action again. The amount of power he has is staggering. Watching him own Reva was an incredible treat. It was the comics brought to life. Like he went so long without a light saber while she did everything she could. It didn’t phase him in the least. It was studied cruelty, something I felt he revelled in since he was angry Obi-Wan got away. With the flashbacks to the temple during order 66 we see that he knows exactly where she started out, what drives her and how he can both use it for his own purposes and use it to destroy her. She hates being weak. He makes sure she sees how weak she is.

Also that Obi-Wan predicted he’d go for the first ship. JKJLJDLSKF. So good. This episode with the flashbacks showed so well how intimately Obi-Wan understands Vader, but Vader doesn’t really understand Obi-Wan. Or rather, he always resented the patience that was Obi-Wan’s strength. He knew Obi-Wan would put others before himself and thought it a weakness, thought it meant his victory was secure, but he underestimates what people working together can achieve. Nor does he understand that rushing ahead and relying on aggression blinds him. 13 years later and the lesson we saw Obi-Wan try to teach him hasn’t been learned.

Finally, I was so tense wondering who’d pick up the communicator with the message from Bail. Makes sense that it was Reva. The OT could never happen if Vader had found it. It would be game over for the Rebels and the Jedi.

I feel like they can manage to end the series well. Not sure how exactly. For the climax to be satisfying, Vader and Obi-Wan have to meet again, but it can’t happen on Tatooine. That would mean game over too. Reva will need to go there and face her destiny, whether that will be her death or something else, and Vader and Obi-Wan need to meet elsewhere. Alderaan perhaps. Leia needs to go there. If Vader looses to Obi-Wan on Alderaan it would add a reason for him to be more okay with the planet’s distraction in A New Hope. He’d be petty like that.
