#the soot files


I made a The Walten Files X Dsmp AU because I don’t know what sanity is. It’s called the soot files.

//TW// for disturbing images, scary shit, death, and yeah. Just creepy stuff.

More info on the AU on the bottom of the drawings

People in the AU:

Jack Walten - Wilbur soot craft

Rosemary Walten - Puffy Kranken (not in a relationship with Wilbur she just helps Wilbur take care of Benchtrio)

Edward Walten - Tommy soot craft

Molly Walten - Tubbo [last name unknown]

Sophie Walten - Ranboo [last name unknown]

Felix Kranken - Schlatt Kranken

Susan Woodings - Niki Woodings

Jenny Letterson - Purpled Letterson (Ranboo’s best friend)

[other characters will remain anonymous until I figure out more about them]

About the AU in actually detail:

Basically Wilbur & Tommy soot craft are the sons of Kirstin soot & Philza craft. Both of them sadly passed away in a tragic car accident, which resulted in Wilbur, who had just turned 18 at the time, to have to take care of his younger brother Tommy, 1 at the time, while also trying his best to get through college.

In college he meets Schlatt Kranken (listen I didn’t fucking know what other last name to give him so it’s staying the fucking SAME-) who shared his dream of opening a food chain with musical animatronics because why the fuck not

After they become close friends Schlatt introduces Wilbur to his older sister, Puffy, a 32 year old woman who worked as a therapist.

Everything was all well and good. Years go by, Wilbur & Schlatt start their bunny smiles business and Wilbur also adopts two random street kids who become best friends with tommy named Ranboo & Tubbo.

Then on the night of May 2nd Wilbur (24) calls schlatt (24) and asks him to take Tommy (7) & Tubbo (8) to a school event because he had work to do and Puffy (38) was busy taking care of Ranboo (10) who was sick.

Schlatt was in a silly goofy mood, got wasted at the event, and so when they were on their way back he crashed the car and buried the kids in a panic. (Then Wilbur mysteriously went missing a few days after )

That’s basically the start of this au.
