#the stanley parable

missazura: parable nightmares missazura: parable nightmares 


parable nightmares 

Post link


personally my take is that stanley and the narrator are enemies and friends and strangers and one man who made up a story in his head to cope with his depression and one man who created a character to cope with his choice anxiety and an allegory for the video game industry’s relationship to players and an allegory for the creative process and two self-aware fictional characters struggling to find some evidence of their reality in each other and every single dm/player dynamic at once and, most importantly, gay


they should allow the narrator to say fuck


Good buttons.

Bad buttons.

Stanley wishes he could press all the buttons. But he mostly presses the narrator’s buttons.

(I’m very sure that a mute button would be a heavy insult for the narrator, hahah.)

Aaand another reblog from my side blog. Please don’t let my tsp art disappear in the void. Gaster stole already more than enough of my drawings.


I hereby present to you, the colored versions of Stanley and the invisible narrator. I didn’t want the narrator to wear a protective waistcoat all the time (he would complain about feeling “not artsy enough” anyways) and that’s why I decided to give him something else. The warm colours fit to his voice and the white gloves help him seem like a professional, hahah.

(Oh, I gave the narrator five fingers and Stanley four to make it more obvious that Stanley is basically just a puppet / creation by the narrator.)

I just uploaded the first art to my side blog if anyone’s interested. ;-)

Btw, next time I’ll upload my The Stanley Parable stuff (and my drawings with the invisible narrator) on a side-blog to prevent my main-blog from becoming too cluttered, hahah.

The blog is extremely new and a work in progress but if you’re interested in the game (and my drawings) feel free to follow it.

Interesting details and rare moments I found while playing The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe

  • The narrator doing a victory dance while scream-singing “I won!” repeatedly after realizing that the players like his new content. (I sadly have no screenshots of that.)
  • The printed texts being hidden and hard to see jokes.
  • Stanley’s video game controller???
  • Cat-Dog being canon in that universe.
  • “I am a yellow mug. I will never follow the red + teal + grey color scheme of this area of the game.” And all the other mugs with funny prints.
  • The laptop that sings at you and then starts a weird food clicker game.
  • Cute fanart of the narrator being an one-eyed object-head.

Has anyone ever thought about The Stanley Parable crossover ideas like “The Narrator is an SCP” or “Everything is part of the Twilight Zone”? It would fit perfectly, hahah.

Even though I highly doubt that the Narrator would be fond of the Twilight Zone narrator telling the story.

Narrator: “What do you mean ‘nightmare’??? Stanley, is my story a nightmare???”

Stanley: *nervous shrugging*

And I don’t even want to think about what the SCP foundation would do to the poor Narrator.

A bunch of silly drawings about an invisible narrator and a boring office worker. And that heartbreaking moment.

EDIT: I made a sideblog for the invisible narrator.

A “The Stanley Parable” AU where the narrator is invisible and Stanley walks into him on a regular basis and the narrator has to carry / wear something visible to prevent that from happening.

I just had to get that idea out of my head.

EDIT:I made a side blog for that idea.

Made with 15.ai.

I wondered what Gaster’s narration would sound like with the Narrator’s voice from The Stanley Parable and found a text-to-speech page that helped me turning that dream into reality, heheh~.

Hooo boy, I surely love playing “The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe” aka “Mute office worker and narrator with godlike powers being trapped in a neverending limbo” aka “Existence crisis simulator”.

No, seriously, it’s quite fun and really clever. Has many quotable scenes. But it’s traumatizing, scary and thought-provoking, too.


(narrator voice) stanley, i’m going to have to start practicing being ‘human’. oh, this is so wonderful; i’ll be able to do things i’ve never been capable of before! i’ll make art, and get easily mad at things, and i’ll be able to talk to people late into the night, and i can get tired, and… and you won’t mind if i bother you late into the night, will you? on the phone? it’s just that- well, already there’s so many things broiling up in my head, look at the sky,stanley, the sky! even with pollution clouding up the stars, it’s so marvelous…! the night… stanley, when do you think we’ll see a cat? do you think in fifteen minutes? maybe an hour? i’ll say fifteen minutes, yes. oh, what do you think this tree’s called? what about this pebble, do you want to name it? oh, have you never picked up a pebble before? you just sort of bend down and squeeze your fingers around it, and you’ll- no, no, stanley, you just picked up a large chunk of earth. this isn’t minecraft, stanley. i- wait. wait. is this minecraft? stanley, are we in minecraft again? but wouldn’t i know?? you don’t SEEM very blocky, but
