#the temple of the golden pavilion



“I could hear the rain on the eaves. It sounded as if it were only raining on this particular spot. To my ears the rain seemed petrified with fear, as though it had wandered astray in this particular part of the town and utterly lost its way. The sound of the rain was cut off from the vast night, just as I was; it was a sound that belonged to a circumscribed world, like the little world that was illuminated by the dim light of the bed lamp.”

Yukio Mishima| The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (Alfred A. Knopf, 1959)

(via memoryslandscape)

When I read Confessions of a Mask, a semiautobiographical novel by Yukio Mishima, I remember being struck by how much the whole thing reminded me of Saionji. What I didn’t realize at the time was that Yukio Mishima actually did kendo in real life (4th dan).
