#the title is a wip hahaha


Dr. Melinda May has been looking to hire a nanny. But between her and her daughter, Daisy, Melinda is starting to think she won’t be able to find anyone who can make both of them happy. When she hires Phil Coulson to do the job, however, Melinda finds out just how untrue that belief had been.

A Philindaisy au.

Also on AO3.

Melinda closed the door behind Nanny Candidate #14 before turning around and letting out a short sigh.

Another failed attempt.

Each person she interviewed seemed so promising in the beginning, but none turned out to be a good fit. She was too protective of her four-year-old to leave her with just anybody, and Melinda’s gut instincts told her she hadn’t found “The One” just yet, even though she’d given several a chance. As if Melinda wasn’t picky enough herself, Daisy hadn’t liked a single one of the potential nannies that had watched her for the past month either. Between the two of them, Melinda was starting to think there was no one in the world who would make both of them happy.

Melinda checked her phone for the time. Her young back-up babysitter wouldn’t be able to stay overnight, so it looked like she’d have to call Peggy to watch Daisy again while she worked her night shift. Not that either Peggy or Daisy would mind the extra time spent with each other. Daisy and Peggy’s daughter, Jemma, were the best of friends–as close to each other as sisters. And ever since her brother and his wife died years ago, Peggy was also the guardian of her two older nieces, Sharon and Bobbi. The four of them loved getting a chance to have a “girls night” together.

Melinda pressed Peggy’s icon on her phone and put it to her ear, moving into her kitchen as it rang.

“Let me guess, #13 didn’t work out?” She asked immediately, foregoing a normal “hello” and getting straight to the point. Typical Peggy.

“14. And no.” Melinda replied shortly as she reached into her fridge for a bottle of water.

“Sorry, darling. Want me to keep Daisy over here for the evening?”

“Would you mind? I know it’s a school night, but if you can take her in the morning before your 8 o’clock class, I can pick her up after and–”

“Say no more. You know she’s welcome here anytime.” There was a lower voice in the background. “Steve says he’ll start popping the girls some popcorn.”

Melinda shook her head and her brief smile faded. “Sorry to impose on you two again. I really am trying to find someone…” Melinda shut the door to her fridge and gazed at the most recent picture stuck to the outside. A wide-eyed Daisy at Christmas time, holding up an unopened present to show to the camera. Melinda’s lips turned up involuntarily (as they always did) at her little girl’s big grin. “It’s just never the right person.”

“Have we begun discussing your non-existent love life or are we still talking about finding a nanny?” Peggy asked, her English accent clipped with barely restrained humor. Melinda’s eyes narrowed at the jab. “You’ll find someone, don’t you worry. Not another word, now, Melinda. Bring her over whenever you’re ready and I’ll tell the girls.”

Melinda shook her head as a grateful half-smile tugged her lips upward. Peggy always knew what to say. Melinda grew up an only child, but she imagined that having an older sister would be a lot like having a Peggy. They’d relied on each other through some of the most difficult times of both their lives and now, with daughters of their own, they were closer than ever.

Melinda hung up the phone just in time to hear the sound of Daisy’s footsteps nearing the kitchen. She skip-hopped in, dark hair swinging.

“I’m all dressed, Mama!” She announced proudly, showing off her mismatching pajamas. “I’m glad you sent that nanny away. She was boring. Who were you talking to?” The four-year-old spoke all in one breath, her high, young voice causing Melinda’s heart to melt as it always did.

Melinda set down her water and held out her arms. Daisy jumped into them without hesitation, settling on Melinda’s hip with both arms around her neck. She’d always been very slight in stature, and Melinda was thankful for it. She wanted to be able to hold her baby girl in her arms for as long as possible.

“That was Aunt Peggy. You’ll be having another sleepover tonight.”

Yay!” Daisy hugged Melinda, grinning, before wiggling out of her arms. “I have to go get my dolls ready–we’re makin’ a team that’s gonna save the world!”

With that, Daisy raced off to her room. Melinda shook her head fondly and called out to her daughter. “Slow down, Daisy.”

Picking her bottle of water back up, Melinda followed behind Daisy (who obediently slowed her pace down a fraction) up the stairs to put on her scrubs.

It was going to be a long night.

“May! I have the perfectcandidate for your nanny problem!”

Melinda turned from her meal (consisting of a PB&J sandwich and carrot sticks) to see Pepper hurry through the door of the break room to the table where Melinda was sitting–alone, as usual. Her smile was one that put all her young patients, their parents, and even other doctors, at ease. Which, along with her intelligence and compassion, made her a naturally talented head of pediatrics and a good friend. There weren’t many doctors at Providence Hospital that Melinda trusted fully, but she and Pepper had become close colleagues and friends over the past few years–despite the fact that several other doctors were very intimidated by Melinda’s personality and intelligence.

Melinda prompted Pepper to speak with an “I’m listening” eyebrow raise before biting down on another carrot stick.

“His name is Phil–”

Melinda’s internal commentary immediately began interjecting: A boy?

“–and he moved back into town recently–”

Okay, so an adult. Most likely doesn’t live with his parents.

“–he’s super great with kids–”

Hmm. No word on professional experience.

“–and he’s an old friend of Tony’s–”

Ah, there’s the catch.

Melinda raised her hand to stop Pepper from continuing. “Never mind. I’ve met some of Tony’s ‘old friends’ and have alwaysregretted it.” She took a bite of her sandwich as if to finish the conversation.

Pepper opened her mouth to protest, then closed it and shrugged. “Point taken.” Her smile returned. “But this guy is different. Ask Clint or Natasha. I think even Steve and Peggy know him! He’s always been great with kids, so Tony asked him to watch Fitz for us a few times and Fitz adoreshim. Makes Tony jealous sometimes, actually.”

Melinda considered it. Male nannies were not as common as females, in Melinda’s experience. There weren’t many qualified men looking to nanny a child. But she was getting nowhere with her current findings, and Pepper wouldn’t trust her son with anyone who was incompetent or dangerous, of that Melinda was sure. But still, this was Daisy

Pepper continued her pitch. “You know, just the fact that he has patience enough to be friends with Tony should tell you he could handle anything. Plus, he’s excellent in the kitchen, which would be good for both Daisy andyou.” Pepper looked pointedly at her PB&J, which had grape jelly oozing out of one of the sides.

Melinda sent her an exasperated look, which Pepper received with wide-eyed innocence. “Plus,” she continued. “He’s very reliable and trustworthy. He’s older, probably around your age.”

Melinda folded her arms in mock offense.

“Okay…yours and…you know, Tony’s age.” Pepper grabbed one of Melinda’s carrots and grinned when Melinda rolled her eyes. They both knew Pepper wasn’t all that much younger than her.

“Have you asked him what he’d think about being a nanny?” Melinda finally asked aloud.

“No, but I think he’d love it. He’s been talking about trying to find a better job so he can save up enough to start his own bakery. He works at one now but hates the management. And he’s taught in public schools for years, although he’s just a substitute now, butthat means he’s already cleared a background check.” Pepper bit into the stolen vegetable and nudged her. “What do you say?”

Melinda sighed in surrender. “I’ll look into it.”

“Great!” Pepper’s smile lit up the room. She popped the rest of the carrot in her mouth and took out a folded piece of paper from one of her pockets, sliding it over to Melinda before standing. “I’ve got a patient to see, but you should call him.” With that, the strawberry blonde strode out of the break room.

Melinda opened up the piece of paper and looked at the name and number there, written in Pepper’s neat handwriting. Phil Coulson. Already had a background check, Pepper said? Well, no harm in checking twice.

Melinda picked up her phone, but instead of calling the number on the paper, she dialed the number of a old police friend she knew could help her.

Fury and Peggy had worked with each other years ago back when Peggy had been a part of the county’s police force. He always told Melinda she could have been a policewoman rather than a doctor. More than that, despite his off-putting personality, Daisy had him wrapped around her little finger. He wouldn’t mind doing some sleuthing if it was for her, Melinda was sure.

Natasha was leaning on the wall, clipboard in hand as Pepper exited the lounge.

“Well?” The ER nurse prompted.

Pepper smiled proudly. “She’s gonna call him.” The two women gave each other a subtle high five and began walking down the hallway.

“Daisy will love him, and I think Melinda won’t be too far behind her.” Natasha smirked, pleased with their matchmaking plans.

“Agreed. And Phil will be head over heels, no question.” Pepper added. “They’re definitely going to owe us.”

“Agreed. And I’ll officiallybe Daisy’s favorite aunt. Peggy and Maria can’t top this.”

The two redheads shared a quiet laugh before going their separate ways.

“You’re sure?”

“I’m telling you, May, the guy hasn’t done a d–” Fury caught Melinda’s glare and glanced at Daisy eating macaroni and cheese at the kitchen table. He corrected himself with a huff. “A darnthing when it comes to breaking the law, except for that one speeding ticket when he was in his twenties. And if I owned hiscar, I know myrecord wouldn’t be that tame.”

Melinda nodded and pulled the broccoli out of the microwave, spooning out some onto Daisy’s plate.

“Look, you know I’m instantly suspicious of any ‘old friend’ of Tony’s too, but I’ve actually met this guy, thanks to Steve, and he’s good. One of those nerd types, talks too much, but clean.”

“How has everyone met this man but me?” Melinda muttered before sighing and nodding again. “Thanks, Nick. Want to stay for dinner?”

“Yes, stay! I wanna hear your eye patch story again!” Daisy bounced at her seat excitedly. “Please?

“Well…okay, just for one quick story.” Fury held up his pointer finger and raised his eyebrows seriously. Daisy nodded back with a smile.

Melinda handed Fury a plate with a smirk.

“Shut up.” He said grouchily.
