#the umbrella academy headcanons




The most important thing you will ever need to know: Luther loves youwith all of his damn heart. And he’s got a big heart. He has waited and wanted his whole life to be loved and you are the answer to his prayers.

He hasn’t had the easiest life. You’ll come to know that, Luther telling you about the traumas he has suffered and the pain he still feels (he’ll feel it for a long, long time but you have a way of making it better). But through it all, he has had this feeling of fluttering, whispering hope in his heart. It’s been there through it all, the little voice that whispers for him to keep going because one day, it will all get better.

One day he will be loved. One day things will be okay.

For a long time, he looked for love and happiness and even just “okay” in the wrong places, chasing down things he couldn’t have and shouldn’t want. But in time, he will learn to get go and when he does…he’ll discover that everything he’s wanted has found him.

Because one day, he met you.

Your first meeting is…awkward. Really awkward and terrifying. Luther steps in to stop a bank robbery and you’re caught in the middle of it all. Guns are firing off, bullets are flying, and Luther is knocking down knuckleheads one by one.  He’s taking as much of the gunfire as he can, knowing that he can take it and the civilians can’t.  

And then he sees you.

With the robbers distracted by the hulking, terrifying superhero in front of them, you’d had the presence of mind to start sneaking the other hostages through a shattered side door. And you were so focused on the frightened and trembling little kids that you didn’t realize you’d been spotted, a masked man pointing his gun at your back. Luther moved with surprising speed, pulling you into his protective embrace and hunching over you as bullets sprayed helplessly across his back. He expected you to be crying or screaming…but you weren’t.

“Stay down!”

Instead you were looking up at him with those pretty eyes and Luther felt like the world was fading away, gunfire and screaming silencing. There was only the beat of his heart and those beautiful, wonderous eyes…

And after that, he can’t stop thinking about you. For the longest time, he can’t figure it out..what is it about you? Why can’t he stop thinking about you? At first, he thinks that it might be just because of that brief moment he held you (the boy is touch starved beyond belief) or because you’re so pretty…but it’s not that.

It’s something else, isn’t it?

After saving you, Luther had made sure you’d gotten out of the building safely with the other hostages but he’d missed getting your name. In the aftermath, he had looked for you but had been unable to spot your face in the crowd of frightened and excited onlookers. And now he’s laying awake at night and thinking all about someone he doesn’t know a damn thing about. But, oh, he’d like too! From the first meeting, Luther felt certain that you were someone special.

Someone that he would really like to know…if only he could find you again.

One day he’d learn that somewhere in the city, you were awake too, thinking about the beautiful man who had saved your life.

And your heart was fluttering (just like his) and your mind was on fire (thinking a million thoughts and asking a million and more questions) and you were hoping against hope that you would see him again one day.

Keep reading
