#the uncanny counter

gangtaes:I thought she had to tell her something much greater. “Be happy. I love you.” That’s nothingangtaes:I thought she had to tell her something much greater. “Be happy. I love you.” That’s nothingangtaes:I thought she had to tell her something much greater. “Be happy. I love you.” That’s nothin


I thought she had to tell her something much greater. “Be happy. I love you.” That’s nothing. Ha-na. There’s nothing greater than that.

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Must watch kdramas

Mr. Sunshine - powerful messages about women empowerment, identity, and patriotism. A story about a woman’s unwavering belief in protecting her country, and three men and a lady who are united by a common goal to protect her and help accomplish her goal.

“Gun. Glory. Sad ending.”

Rating (out of 5): ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Prison Playbook - personal stories of redemption, silent suffering, bullying, drug addiction, and hope. The drama shows life within the prison walls and it displays that not all people are inherently bad, but their current position in life threatens them to make certain decisions.

“I wanted to give up hundreds of times every day… but how could I give up?”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hi Bye Mama - a story about learning to let go. When faced with difficult decisions, there is no easy answer, no easy way. Slow plot but that’s exactly what makes this drama unlike the others. The agonizing wait of what is to come builds up as the main character makes her final decision.

“Perhaps the most beautiful thing we can feel in life is telling someone that we love them and thanking someone whom we’re thankful for. I realized it’s a great joy to give and that you end up feeling sorry if you always receive.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reply 1988 - part of the reply series, but this one emphasizes on the familial relationships between the characters which is an important aspect of this story. The ending will either satisfy you or disappoint you but you know what they say, can’t please everyone. PS this is how I fell in love with ryu junyeol ❤️‍

“Time will always flow. Everything will pass by. That might be why youth is beautiful. It shines, blindingly bright, for just an instant. But you can never go back to it.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - a story about the power struggle within the palace walls. The plotting and betrayals will lead to dire consequences. Once you have lost something, there is no going back in time, once you have lost someone, you can never bring them back. There is no second chance.

“A place that’s hard to enter and even harder to leave. You end up dying if you trust anyone. You’ll live if you remain alert and wary of those closest to you. It’s a place like that.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


The Uncanny Counter


In regards to The Uncanny Counter kdrama on Netflix

Please, please, please have Mon’s and Ha-Na’s relationship become like an older sister, younger brother dynamic instead of going the romantic route. Because that will complete the found family dynamic

  • We have the mom who WILL go mama bear the MOMENT anyone even LOOKS at her babies funny
  • The dad who is doesn’t like showing emotions because he’s a Man, but also might have the biggest heart of them all
  • The rich eccentric Uncle who only shows up to flaunt his money around, be fabulous and extra, then leave
  • The cool older sister who is good at everything she does but emotionally distant
  • And the baby who everyone took one look at and was like “we’re adopting him. MUST PROTECC” and he responded by saying “I’m baby”