#the upside


I have to say, there aren’t many up sides to growing up in a cult, but there’s definitely one;

You really appreciate the little things

I grew up not being allowed to have sleepovers or holidays or anything. Any time I spent with my friends was going to end soon and I had to pretend it wasn’t *that* good. I had to lie about where I was. I had to lie about the stupid little gifts they gave me, if not turn them down entirely

So now, when I’m with then, all of its special. When we stay up late, when we stay over, when we drink, when we buy each other ridiculous presents and I can actually return their holiday wishes and I can tell them happy birthday and get them something as well… that shits priceless and I don’t think it’ll ever get old

I missed all this stuff for 21 years and, sad as that is, I really get to appreciate it as an adult. It’s not normalised to me. It’ll always be special
