#the vamps blog


Another song based imagine haha, this time it’s ‘The Rock Show’ by Blink-182 and I’m so glad because I love this song! Oh and sorry if anything’s wrong; I’ve never been to Warped Tour or the place that it’s held in London so I don’t know anything about the venue, for all I know it could be outside but I’m pretty sure the UK one’s inside… Oh, and I didn’t do the whole song cause it would’ve taken agesss but if you want another part then I can do it!! :-) X

Connor spent the majority of his teenage years trying to get into nightclubs underage. It wasn’t that he was massively under age; he was 17 and going to turn 18 in a matter of months but him and none of his friends could wait. All of his friends were under age too and no matter how many times they tried it, they never got let in. So they did what any other group of bored 17 year old guys would do… Stole one of his friend’s older brother’s stash of beers and got drunk in the alleyway beside the night club. 

That was the first sign that Connor had that he should really get better friends… And maybe a fake ID.

Every year Connor attended an music gig called Warped Tour in London. Most of his favourite bands always went and preformed; it always gave Connor inspiration to learn the guitar and drums… He dreamed that one day he’d be in a rock band preforming on a stage; who knows… Maybe one year he’d be at Warped Tour and would be able to go to America and experience what it was like over there; that’s another thing he would love to do. 

This year was completely different to the rest. This year whilst at the festival Connor noticed a girl rocking out, hard, to one of his favourite bands; Sum 41. Of course there were beautiful girls all around him but there was something about this girl that made her stand out from the rest. She was different… Intriguing… Connor needed to know more about her. He needed to speak to her.

Within a couple of hours Connor knew more about the girl he’d spotted earlier. They’d left the main area where bands were preforming, after staying to finish watching Sum 41 until they were done. They’d gone to get drinks and Connor learned that she was older than him when she’d offered to buy him a beer, which of course he’d accepted. 

Now they were sitting outside of the venue, still able to hear the music and learning just about everything about each other. He knew that she was kicked out of school for failing all of her classes but she had a job in a small corner shop somewhere in London. 

“I wanna show you something cool.” She muttered after a while of silence, grabbing Connor’s hand and dragging him off the grass.

The night was coming to an end slowly and it was starting to get a lot darker, and a lot colder. The girl, who Connor now knew was called Y/N, took Connor through the corridors of the back of the venue and somehow they’d made it up to the top balcony where only a select few people were standing, watching Mayday Parade, who were now on stage. 

“THIS IS AMAZING!” Connor shouted over the music as best as he could so Y/N could hear him. He wasn’t sure if she did or not but he could see her nodding anyway. 

After a while the opening notes to Miserable At Best started playing and the whole crowd started screaming as loud as they possibly could. Connor turned to look at Y/N who looked so fascinated by the song. It took her a couple of minutest to notice Connor was staring at her.

“What?” Y/N leaned in closer to Connor so he could hear her better.

“I don’t know.” Connor mumbled before glancing down at her lips and eventually pressing his to hers.

Okay I’m really annoyed at myself because I started writing this imagine a couple of days ago and then my computer crashed and I didn’t save it. But anyway, here’s the first imagine in ages (and here’s hoping I don’t suck at writing!). X

Brad loved being on tour with his band somuch and he wouldn’t dream of doing anything else as a career, especially with the amount of success the band was gaining. He couldn’t imagine how his life could get any better than it was right now; he had the perfect job, most amazing friends and family and the best girlfriend he’d ever dreamed of. He had it all. 

Every single time Brad came home from touring his parents would throw him a ‘surprise’ party, although it stopped being a surprise after the 3rd time it happened. It didn’t matter the time of year, or the weather, they would always have people over at the house or in the back garden. 

This year when Brad finished tour it was the start of summer. Sure, the band still had a handful of summer shows and festivals to play at but they were mostly in the UK with a couple of events scattered Europe but that was towards the end of the summer so Brad wasn’t too worried about it yet. 

“He’s home! My baby’s home!” Brad could hear his mum shout from the front door as he was getting out of the taxi and dragging his suitcase out of the door. 

She ran down the front steps as Brad paid the taxi driver and slammed the door shut. Just as the taxi drove off Brad spun around and was pulled in to a massive, suffocating hug from his mum. He laughed, although struggled to breath before dropping the handle of his suitcase and doing his best to wrap his arms around her. 

Once they were inside the house and settled with cups of tea, Brad started to wonder where everyone else was. 

“Mum, where’s Dad and Nat? And the other hundred people you usually have over when I come back from tour? Please don’t say you’re stopping the ‘surprise’ parties… They’re the best things about being home.” Brad cheekily grinned, adding the last part to see if his mum would notice. 

“Oi, I thought the best thing about coming home would be having me do all your washing.” Brad’s mum joined in on the joke causing Brad to cackle in laughter. 

“No there will be a party, but it’s tomorrow. Tonight was too short notice and plus, I thought you’d be too tired. Instead we’re going to have a family movie night.” Brad’s mum continued once Brad had finished laughing, finally answering his question. “Oh and I’ve invited Y/N.”

Brad immediately grinned with the mention of your name. It had been so long since he’d seen you and the fact that his parents had thought to include you in a family movie night made everything so much more better. 

You and Brad had been dating for many years now; way before he was contacted by James and The Vamps were formed. You’d been there through everything and although sometimes you’d both felt like it was too much to carry on dating you made it work. You’d never felt the amount of love for Brad than you had for anyone else; although you had only dated a couple of guys previous; you knew he was the one and he felt completely the same about you. 

With being on tour for months, Brad had been left alone with his thoughts each night in the tour bus. He’d thought about your life together and how you were going to grow old together one day. He was sure that you were the one he was going to marry. He just needed the perfect timing.

When Brad woke the next morning he felt content. He stretched slightly before quickly realising he wasn’t in the cramped tour bunk that he’d been sleeping in for the past month and a bit. If that didn’t make his morning a whole lot better then seeing you lying next to him in one of his t-shirts definitely did.

His smile grew bigger as you stirred slightly and started to waken. He lightly pressed his lips to your jaw, leaving small kisses on after an other before going down along your neck until he reached your collarbones, moving the t-shirt slightly with his hand.

“Good morning, baby.” He mumbled into your skin, causing you to grin like an idiot but blush slightly. 

“Morning, handsome.” You returned as Brad kisses back up to your jaw before he was eye level with you and pecked your lips a couple of times. 

“You… look so… beautiful… Y/N.” Brad said in between pressing kisses to your lips. 

“Brad, I just woke up! My hair’s probably everywhere and I bet you anything there’s mascara from yesterday under my eyes.” You laughed, pushing his face away from you and turning away from him. 

“Well, yeah you’re right there is mascara under your eyes but you still look incredibly and insanely beautiful… Which doesn’t surprise me, because you always seem to do.” Brad was being serious, you could tell by the tone in his voice. 

“How did I get so lucky to land with you as my boyfriend?” You turned around so now you were both on your sides, facing each other. 

“Good question.” Brad winked, making you laugh before hitting his arm lightly. “I’m kidding, baby. I’m the lucky one.” 

And with that, Brad’s lips found yours once again but this time the kiss was a lot deeper and led to more than just a couple of compliments. 
