#connor ball imagines


There was a lot of things Connor expected to happen to him during a meet and greet, the main thing being meeting the most amazing bunch of people he could imagine. Even though he might have never met the people before he felt a strong urge of love to every single fan who was not only standing in front of him but supported The Vamps and basically made his and his three best friends’ dreams come true. 

Connor never in a million years thought he would fall in love at a meet and greet but the first time he saw Y/N he was at a loss for words. She was breathtakingly beautiful and stood out from the rest of the girls Connor was surrounded by. Connor couldn’t place it right there and then but he knew there was something different about Y/N. 

It was Brad who snapped him out of his daze and brought him back to the real world but there was only one thing Connor could focus on; the fact there was only two other girls separating him and the girl of his dreams. 

 It had been two years since the meet and greet where Connor and Y/N had met for the first time but Connor could remember it like it was yesterday. It was where everything started for him and Y/N, without that day they wouldn’t have ever met, which scared Connor to think about. He couldn’t imagine his life now without Y/N. 

There was only one problem with their relationship… Well, there was a couple but they all came back to the one thing… The distance. Y/N lived in Australia whereas Connor was always somewhere else in the world. It was hard for both of them to keep up with time zones and not seeing each other for months on end and it was starting to put a strain on the relationship. 

“Do you remember when we first met?” Y/N smiled down the phone, it was early morning for her and she was getting ready for a day at school whereas the day in the UK, where Connor was, was coming to an end. 

“Of course I do, it was one of the best days of my life.” Connor muttered, feeling slightly awkward as they had just finished arguing about something irrelevant. 

“Don’t lie, I was a complete pain in the ass then.” Y/N laughed, causing Connor to ease up and laugh as well.

“I wouldn’t say that, maybe… Sassy? I think that’s a good word to describe you as a whole, you’re very sarcastic!” Con smiled. This was how he liked things to be; simple and laid back. He would do anything to sort his relationship with Y/N but with being so far it was so hard. 

Y/N could help but let out a burst of laughter which she was sure sounded so unattractive. “I like that! Aw, that was a really good day… Even if you did take about a million years to make your move after I gave you my number.” 

“You were so confident, I didn’t think I would be able to keep up with you! Plus, completely out of my league.” Connor smirked down the phone, although Y/N couldn’t see it she could hear it in his voice.

“Someone had to grow some balls in that room, there was a lot of awkward flirting.” She smiled, thinking back to the time where things were a lot easier for them.

Connor laughed at Y/N’s comment and the line went silent for a while; neither of them saying anything. Just before the silence was starting to get awkward Connor broke it, saying the three words both of them had been thinking but neither of them had uttered. 

“I miss you.” 

Another day came another argument about something pointless. Insults were flying all around and Y/N wanted nothing more than to scream down the phone at Connor. 

“Whatever Y/N I can’t be bothered with this anymore, you always make things such a big deal and create so much drama. Why can’t you just make things simple? But oh no, Y/N has to go and make it a MASSIVE ARGUMENT and then cry to one of the boys that I’m being horrible to you… I’m sick of doing this Y/N.” Connor’s tone started of angry but towards the end of his rant he sounded tired and as if he was giving up.

Y/N didn’t mean to act the way she did, it was just that she never got to see Connor and whilst she was stuck in school working her ass of to get a job he was out living his dream. She was jealous. Jealous that he got to live his life the way he wanted to without a care in the world and jealous that she wasn’t able to be there with him. 

“Maybe we shouldn’t do it anymore if you’re sick of it.” Y/N didn’t mean it in a bitchy sarcastic way, she was being genuine and Connor could tell. The fact that scared him the most was that he knew she was right, they were tearing each other apart. 

Connor knew the right thing to do would be to take a break from his relationship from Y/N, give himself and her some space and to think things over but that’s not what he wanted. He didn’t want to not hear her voice every night or see her face over FaceTime or Skype. He wanted to be the one she ranted to about her day, even if it did end in an argument between the two because the fact they were arguing so much showed they cared a hell of a lot about each other but they weren’t showing it in the right way.

“No. No. I don’t want that. I want to be yours, Y/N and you’re always going to be mine. We just need to talk more about what’s bothering us when it happens and not jump to conclusions or get annoyed and start shouting at each other. We need to sort our relationship out, not take a break.” Connor muttered down the phone, “I need you around, even if you’re not really around.” 

“That sounds like a good plan Con. We can work through this, it’s just a blip. We can make it.” Y/N’s voice was shaky and Connor knew she was getting emotional but unlike before she was hopeful. 

“Oh, and I miss you too.” She added causing Connor to grin.

Another song based imagine haha, this time it’s ‘The Rock Show’ by Blink-182 and I’m so glad because I love this song! Oh and sorry if anything’s wrong; I’ve never been to Warped Tour or the place that it’s held in London so I don’t know anything about the venue, for all I know it could be outside but I’m pretty sure the UK one’s inside… Oh, and I didn’t do the whole song cause it would’ve taken agesss but if you want another part then I can do it!! :-) X

Connor spent the majority of his teenage years trying to get into nightclubs underage. It wasn’t that he was massively under age; he was 17 and going to turn 18 in a matter of months but him and none of his friends could wait. All of his friends were under age too and no matter how many times they tried it, they never got let in. So they did what any other group of bored 17 year old guys would do… Stole one of his friend’s older brother’s stash of beers and got drunk in the alleyway beside the night club. 

That was the first sign that Connor had that he should really get better friends… And maybe a fake ID.

Every year Connor attended an music gig called Warped Tour in London. Most of his favourite bands always went and preformed; it always gave Connor inspiration to learn the guitar and drums… He dreamed that one day he’d be in a rock band preforming on a stage; who knows… Maybe one year he’d be at Warped Tour and would be able to go to America and experience what it was like over there; that’s another thing he would love to do. 

This year was completely different to the rest. This year whilst at the festival Connor noticed a girl rocking out, hard, to one of his favourite bands; Sum 41. Of course there were beautiful girls all around him but there was something about this girl that made her stand out from the rest. She was different… Intriguing… Connor needed to know more about her. He needed to speak to her.

Within a couple of hours Connor knew more about the girl he’d spotted earlier. They’d left the main area where bands were preforming, after staying to finish watching Sum 41 until they were done. They’d gone to get drinks and Connor learned that she was older than him when she’d offered to buy him a beer, which of course he’d accepted. 

Now they were sitting outside of the venue, still able to hear the music and learning just about everything about each other. He knew that she was kicked out of school for failing all of her classes but she had a job in a small corner shop somewhere in London. 

“I wanna show you something cool.” She muttered after a while of silence, grabbing Connor’s hand and dragging him off the grass.

The night was coming to an end slowly and it was starting to get a lot darker, and a lot colder. The girl, who Connor now knew was called Y/N, took Connor through the corridors of the back of the venue and somehow they’d made it up to the top balcony where only a select few people were standing, watching Mayday Parade, who were now on stage. 

“THIS IS AMAZING!” Connor shouted over the music as best as he could so Y/N could hear him. He wasn’t sure if she did or not but he could see her nodding anyway. 

After a while the opening notes to Miserable At Best started playing and the whole crowd started screaming as loud as they possibly could. Connor turned to look at Y/N who looked so fascinated by the song. It took her a couple of minutest to notice Connor was staring at her.

“What?” Y/N leaned in closer to Connor so he could hear her better.

“I don’t know.” Connor mumbled before glancing down at her lips and eventually pressing his to hers.

James: Sometimes I felt that December came to fast. Then sometimes I felt it came to slow. My birthday was exactly a week before Christmas. I loved the time of the year but it could be so stressful at times. Especially since my family always wants to have separate events. One for my birthday and one for Christmas, I always told them we could just celebrate once. I was never the one that wanted to be the center of attention and that included my own birthday parties. This year they finally took my advice and we would only celebrate once. Of course, James wanted something special for my birthday even when I told him not too. “Babe?” he kissed my forehead trying to wake me up. “Uh?” I rubbed my eyes before looking at him. “Happy birthday” he pulled the roses from behind his back. “Thank you,” I said as I sat up and kissed him softly. “I have breakfast making and I have the whole day planned out,” he said. “James,” I said. “I wanted to make you feel special, trust me it’s just us,” he said. “Ok I trust you,” I said. He got off the bed and grabbed my hand. He leads me downstairs where breakfast was on the table. There were even more roses sitting in the middle of the table. I rolled my eyes as I followed him. I sat down with him and we both ate breakfast, for the rest of the day we snuggled and watched movies. Well, that was until around 5 and he wanted us to get dressed. I got dressed in a pair of my favorite jeans and a sweater. I grabbed my jacket and met him downstairs, I could see him light up when I came downstairs. We got into the car and went downtown. He pulled into an abandoned warehouse and I started to get confused. “Wear this,” he said as he handed me a blindfold. “James” I looked at him. “Please” he pouted. “Alright, I trust you,” I said as I put the blindfold on. He got out of the car and came onto my side, grabbing my hands. I held onto him as we walked into the warehouse, I could feel the cold air around me. He stood me in the middle of the warehouse and took off my blindfold. Somehow and I still don’t know how he had a full ice ring set up for us. “Wow,” I said as I looked at him. “I know you love ice skating, so I got you your own personal ring” he smiled. “I don’t know what to say honestly,” I said. “Let’s go skating” he handed me the skates. We both sat on the bench and put on the skates. I made my way over to the ring and got onto the ice. I skated a few times around, he just stood and watched me. He smiled to himself as he could see how happy I was. I stopped at the door and reached for him to join me on the ice. He goes onto the ice and skated with me. We had so much fun just skating and playing little games with each other. He got off the ice and grabbed a picnic basket and laid a blanket down. I got off the ice and sat with him. I must admit it was one of the birthdays I would never want to forget.

Connor: At the beginning of the year you always thing December is so far away. It seems right after September rolls around Christmas is right in our face. I loved the time of year because it was cold and I loved to snuggle. It also meant it was the busiest time of year. Especially for Connor he always got stressed out. I always tried to help and keep him as calm and relaxed as possible. “Babe,” I said as I came up behind him, hugging him. “What babe,” he said as he turned to face him. “Let’s have a date night,” I said. “I have so much to do babe” he pouted. “It can wait until tomorrow, come on let’s go out on the town,” I said. “Let me send this last email and then I’m all yours” he said. “Alright I’m going to hold you to that” I said. “I’ll be right with you in a few,” he said. I went and sat on the couch as I waited for him, he soon came out of the kitchen. He reached for my hand and I got up taking his hand. “Where do you want to go?” he asked. “Let’s go get lunch and just walk around” I said. “Alright babe” he kissed my forehead. We left the apartment and made our way downtown. We got something quick to eat and just walked around, just enjoying the scenery. “Hey look there’s and ice skating ring,” I said. “And we both don’t know how to skate,” he said. “First time for everything,” I said. “True, I hope you are ready to bust your ass” he chuckled slightly.  “Come on” I said as I grabbed his hand. We got our skates and went to put them on, I knew this would be a big fail. What’s life if you don’t take chances and make a fool out of yourself. I got onto the ice first and held onto the sides. He got onto the ice right behind me and held onto me. I giggled slightly because I knew I wasn’t good on ice and he was holding onto me. “If I fall your ass is going down too,” I said. “I know,” he said as he moved beside me. He started to skate away from me and I just watched him in amaze. I didn’t think he knew how to skate but he did, he made his way back over to where I was. He grabbed my hand and skated backward as I tried to get the hang of it. “You said you didn’t know how to skate,” I said “I wanted to surprise you” he winked at me. He held onto me as I started to figure out how to skate. I started to feel confident and let his hand go and started to skate on my own. I didn’t really know how to stop so skated to the wall and ended up falling on my ass. “Babe,” he said as he made his way over to me. “I didn’t know how to stop,” I said. “Come on,” he said as he helped me up. He slipped as well and we were both on the ice and we started to laugh. “We gotta get up,” he said as he got back onto his feet. I eased my way up so I wouldn’t make us both fall again. We got off the ice and took off our skates, we returned them. We continued to walk around downtown until it got dark and we went back home. I was surprised that he actually knew how to skate, but now I know how to get him out of the house.
