#the vamps preferneces


Brad:It seemed like the moment Brad and I met we were inseparable. We were the envy of couples at our school. I didn’t mind because I loved being the center of attention. It wasn’t to anyone surprised that I was up for prom queen. I mean it is up to the people to vote right? Besides that, I was excited to go to prom with Brad. It would be our last school dance and I wanted it to be perfect. I was sitting in history class just daydreaming about how he would ask me to be his date. It was a tradition that the boys made a big deal out of asking the girls to prom. The bell rung and history class was history. I made my way to my locker to switch out my books. I grabbed my books out of my locker when I noticed a note fell out. I bent over to pick it up and I noticed that it was from Brad. ‘Meet me in the gym’ the note read. I closed my locker and proceeded to go to the gym. I walked in and it was empty, I frowned as I thought he had forgotten that he sent me the message. The lights turned off and I screamed because I wasn’t expecting it. My scream echoed throughout the gym, I could hear someone walking up towards me. “Brad?” I asked. I felt someone come behind me but before I could turn around the lights popped back on. I turned and saw Brad on one knee with a rose. Something else caught my attention, I looked around the gym. He had all of his friends holding signs that spelled out 'Would You Go To Prom With Me?’. I smiled and turned my attention back to Brad. I nodded my head yes as I grabbed the rose from his hand. He stood up and hugged me close to his chest. “Didn’t mean to scare you” He whispered into my ear. “It’s ok” I wrapped my arms around his neck. He nodded towards his friends and they all left the gym, I just stayed close to Brad. “Did my promposal suck?” he asked. “No babe it was perfect,” I said as I leaned up and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips before kissing me back, pulling me closer to him. “We should go,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss. “Aw,” he pouted as he didn’t want to let me go. “It will be ok babe,” I said as I kissed him. “I know,” he said as he grabbed my hand. We headed back into the school and went to lunch before we had to go our separate ways. I kept the rose that he gave me and put it in my memory box. Of course, I put some stuff on it so it wouldn’t die, I just thought his proposal was so cute. Over the next few weeks, it was really cute to see all the guys asking their girls out to prom. People started to wonder what Brad was going to do but little did they know he already asked me. I thought it was sweet that he didn’t make it so public with his proposal. It was just something small and intimate, something we could cherish between us two.

James: Our relationship was new but it was strong. We just met back in September, crazy how this was both our senior year. It was crazy how fast we fell in love, guess time would tell if we stayed together. It seemed as if time was already flying by. Before I knew it senior year was almost over, which meant the fun things came. Prom and graduation, well graduation would be bittersweet. As the weeks started going by and prom edge closer I started to wonder what James would do. I was in the girl’s bathroom getting ready for the prep rally, our last one of the year. I pulled my hair back in a bun and put my clips in, since I was a cheerleader everything had to be in place. “So?” my friend said. “What?” I asked as I looked at her. “What is James going to do?” she asked. “That’s for him to know and no one else” I rolled my eyes. “He still hasn’t asked?” my other friend asked. “No not yet, but I know he will,” I said. “Are you sure?” she questioned. “If it doesn’t it’s not a big deal, I know we are going together,” I said as I put my bag in the locker. We went out to the gym and stood on the sidelines as everyone started walking in. We had our seats as the event started. We went out onto the floor to do our routine, and the lights flickered. We didn’t think anything of it as we continued then all of a sudden the lights went out. The screams filled the room but soon the spotlight came on and James was standing in the middle. Everyone looked at me confused then put their focus on James. “Hello everyone,” he said into the mic. He nodded to the guys in the sound booth and our song started to play. He held his hand out to me and I walked over to him. He grabbed my hand pulling me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I laid my head down on his shoulder as we danced to the music. “Stop being shy” he whispered in my ear. I didn’t mind being out there with my crew but with the spotlight on just us, I was nervous. He pushed me away from him and I twirled under his arm and he got down on one knee. “James,” I said. “Will you go to prom with me?” he asked into the mic. “Of course I will,” I said. I pulled him up and kissed him softly as he held me close to him. Everyone started to cheer for us, he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the gym. I knew he was going to do something but nothing like this. I hugged him close to me and kissed his cheek. “And everyone doubted you” I looked at him. “I always come through for my girl” he placed his hand against my cheek. “Always” I smiled as I kissed him. I never doubted him and even though I got shy during our dance it would always be our dance.

Connor: Our senior year was anything but easy. I was glad that I did have Connor by my side as we tried to navigate our last year. I missed so much of my senior year that I knew I wasn’t going to graduate with my class. With summer classes I would graduate but just later on. It didn’t matter to Connor though, he still wanted us to have our senior memories. That included prom and how he would ask me to prom. I told him not to make a big fuss about it because I just wanted to be with him. I grabbed my books out of my locker, closing them and making my way to my class. “Not today, ” Connor said as he came up beside me grabbing my hand. “What?” I questioned. “Not going to class,” he said as he grabbed my books from me. “Ok fine by me” I smiled as I followed him. We walked to the cafeteria and at first, I was confused about why. I saw a sign that said 'where we first met’. I held his hand tighter as I leaned against him. “Our first time meeting was here when I bumped into you,” he said. “Yea and you stole my heart with those eyes,” I said. “Come on” he wrapped his arm around me and led me out of the cafeteria. We went to the library next and once again there was a sign 'where we first kiss’. “And I’ll kiss you all over” I smiled as I pulled him closer to me and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips and placed his hand against my cheek. He softly pulled away as he grabbed my hand leading me out. We went down to the garden, it was spring so all the flowers were blooming. “Why are we here?” I asked as I looked for the sign. “New memory,” he said as he grabbed my hips pulling me to him. “Oh really?” I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yea it is,”  he said. I looked at him and every time we locked eyes it just seemed like we were the only two that mattered. “Look around you” he whispered. I looked away from and looked at the flowers. He had a band come out and play a song for us, I looked at him. “Full of surprises,” I said. “Yea I am” he kissed me softly. Once he pulled away he was handed a sunflower and handed it to me. “Will you do me the honor and be my sunflower at the prom?” he asked. “Of course I will be” I smiled as I grabbed the flower from him. “I know they are your favorite,” he said. “They are and now they have another memory,” I said. “I love you,” he said. “I love you” I kissed him softly. We got caught in the flower garden and we had to go to class. It was one of the good moments that happened so far this year and I would hold onto it forever.

Tristan:We came into high school together and we did have some times where we were apart. It always seemed like we always found our way back to each other. It was more of everyone else in our ears than us having a problem. I was glad that our senior year was coming to an end, we were done with classes officially. Just the fun stuff like prom, beach day, and our graduation. It was a tradition that the boys always asked the girls to prom but I wanted to switch it up. I wanted to surprise Tristan and ask him to prom, I just had to figure out how I wanted to do it. He was in the band so I thought maybe I could do something with music. I stayed up all night to write a song but it wasn’t a good idea. I thought maybe I would do it during band practice, but how would I. I swear I couldn’t seem to figure it out but then it clicked. The next day at school I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. “Hey babe,” he said as he kissed my cheek. “Hey” I smiled as I looked at him. “Someone is having a good day,” he said. “Of course I am, I have a surprise for you,” I said. “I do too” he smirked. 'Oh ok, band class?“ I questioned. "Yea that’s where my surprise is too” he looked at me. “I guess great minds think alike,” I said. 'I guess so,“ he said. He kissed my cheek as we parted ways. We didn’t have band class until our last class of the day. Once the bell rang I rushed to the room to set up but Tristan was already there. He had a bunch of roses in my favorite colors and a banner saying `prom’? "You were going to ask me?” I asked. “Of course I was, wait what was your surprise?” he questioned. “Oh it’s nothing,” I said. “You were going to ask me” he smirked. “Yea I was but you beat me to it” I smiled. “Yea I guess I did,” he said as he pulled me to him. “Ready?” his friend asked. “Go for it” he nodded. They started to play my favorite song that they play. I wrapped my arms around Tristan as I looked at him. “So would you like to go to prom with me?” he whispered in my ear. “Yes, I would” I smiled as I kissed his cheek. He handed me the roses and kissed my cheek. It was funny because who would have thought we would end up trying to ask each other at the same time. It was cute that he got to ask first, great minds do think alike.
