#tv prefernece


Type: One shot about James
Rating: Rated R for some sexual content
Word Count: 3200+
Pairing: James + Britney

It was just another Monday morning, where she didn’t want to get out of bed. She hit her snooze button way too many times that now it won’t turn off. She signed and finally got out of bed, of course, she was going to be late. She made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Getting dressed for the day, pulling her hair up in a messy bun. Making her way downstairs grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes. Making her way out of the apartment and into her car. She drove to her favorite cafe but the drive-through line was insane. She parked her car and went inside, ordering her drink. Leaning against the counter as she checked her phone. Her order was up so she grabbed her coffee and started to head out the door. She was still looking down at her phone when she bumped into someone. 

“Sorry,” he said. 

“Watch it,” she said. 

“Says the person on the phone,” he said. 

“What?” she said as she looked up at him. 

“You are the one not watching where you are going,” he said. 

“It’s never been a problem before,” she said. 

“Guess today it is,” he said as he walked away from her. 

“Jerk,” She said as she left the cafe. 

She made her way back to her car and pulled off. She finally pulled into her job and made her way inside. Checking in before making her way to her office. Sitting at her desk drinking her coffee as she checked emails. For some reason, she couldn’t get him off her mind. 

“We have a meeting. Something about a new CO” Sarah said as she walked into Britney’s office. 

“A new CO?” Britney asked. 

“Yea some new fancy guy or whatever,” Sarah said. 

“I’ll be there shortly,” Britney said as she finished her coffee. 

She threw her coffee into the trashcan and made her way to the meeting room. She saw him sitting at the head of the table. She rolled her eyes and took a seat as the meeting started. He was going to be the new CO, basically Britney’s new boss. As the meeting came to an end, she was asked to show him around. 

“Look who it is,” he smirked as he leaned against the table.

“What is your name?” Britney asked. 

“Mr. Jerk to you” He smiled. “It’s James,” he said.

“James this way,” she said. 

“What is your name?” he questioned as he followed her. 

“I’m Britney,” she said. 

She finished showing him around the office and then she went back to her desk. She started working on the things she needed to get done. Of course, he would hover over her because he had nothing better to do. She worked through lunch so she could leave early. After her last client, she turned off her lights and shut down the computer. Closing the door behind her as she started to leave the office. 

“Leaving already?” James asked. 

“Yes, I’m done with my task list for today,” She said. 

“Have dinner with me,” he said. 

“Why?” She looked at him. 

“Think we got off to a rough start,” He said. 

“Yes we did but we don’t have to do dinner. We can just be coworkers” she said. 

“Please, just let me take you out to dinner,” he said. 

“Tonight?” she questioned. 

“Yes right now, I’ll grab my jacket,” he said. 

“Alright” she nodded softly. 

He came back with his jacket and held the door open for her. She walked out of the office and he led her to his car. She wanted to drive herself to wherever they were going. She followed him downtown to the restaurant that he wanted to go to. Once she parked the car he came over and opened the door for her. Putting his hand out to help her out, she grabbed it and got out of the car. He got them a booth for two. She sat across from him and looked through the menu. She had never been here before so she didn’t know what to get. 

“What is good here?” she asked. 

“The shrimp pasta is good, so is the chicken,” he said. 

“They have lobster,” she said.

“Get whatever you want,” he said. 

“That’s expensive plus I don’t like lobster,” she said. 

“Still get whatever you want,” he nodded.

The waiter came over and he ordered them drinks and asked for a few more moments. Once the drinks arrived at the table they both ordered what they wanted. He picked up his glass and leaned it towards hers. She picked up hers and placed hers against his glass. 

“To new beginnings,” he said. 

“To new beginnings,” she said as she took a sip. 

“Do you like it?” He asked. 

“It’s amazing, what is it?” she questioned. 

“It’s Camymus,” he said. 

“It’s really good,” she said. “Can I ask you a question?” she looked at him.

“Sure,” he said. 

“Why did you want to become a CO?” she asked. 

“Guess the rich kid wanted to do something with his life,” he said. 

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” she said. 

“I know you didn’t, just the truth,” he said.

“I think you will like working at the office,” she said. 

“I already do,” he smiled softly. 

The food finally arrived at the table. They started to eat and talk, the drinks were flowing and they both were having a good time. Once the bill came he paid for it quickly so she did not see how much it was. He walked over to her side and put his hand out once again. She grabbed it and stood up from the table, she stumbled slightly. He placed his arm around her waist and called his driver to come to pick them up. He was slightly drunk as well and he didn’t want to risk hurting her. 

“Thanks for tonight,” she said. 

“Nope you are not driving,” He said as he took her keys out of her hand. 

“I’m fine,” she said. 

“Then stand up straight,” he said as he let her go. 

“Fine,” she said. She tried to stay standing up straight but she stumbled again and started to laugh. 

“I got you,” he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. 

“Thank you,” she said. 

His driver pulled up and he helped her into the car. He got in with her and told the driver to take them to his place. She laid against him as they drove. She started to drift off before they got to his place. He got out of the car and gently woke her up. She got out of the car and he picked her up, taking her inside. Sitting here on the couch as he made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed her a cup of water and a few aspirins. 

“Here,” he said as he handed her the cup. 

“What is that?” she questioned. 

“Water and aspirin,” he said. 

“I can’t take those, but thanks for the water,” she said as she grabbed the cup. 

“No problem,” he spoke softly. 

“So this is your house?” she asked as she stood up. 

“Yea it is” he nodded. 

“Pretty,” she said as she started to walk around. 

He got up from the couch and followed her. Showing her around the house, making their way upstairs. She stood at the doorway of his room, he came behind her. Placing his hand against the lower part of her back. She turned to face him, he placed his hand against her hip. She rested her hand against his chest as she looked at him. He leaned against the doorframe pulling her close to him. Place his hand against her chin, tilting it up slightly as he leaned down. Kissing her softly, she grabbed his shirt and kept him close as she kept the kiss between them. He placed his hand against her neck as he slowly pulled away. 

“Let’s lay down,” he said. 

“Ok,” She nodded. 

She slipped her shoes off before laying down on his bed. He laid beside her, she moved closer and snuggled to him. He played with her hair as she laid her head down on his chest. They both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. He woke up around 4 am when he heard her in the bathroom. She was throwing up, he grabbed one of his shirts and made his way into the bathroom. He got a cool washcloth and placed it on the back of her neck. Moving her hair from her face as she threw up in the toilet. He grabbed a towel when she finished so she could wipe her mouth. She leaned against the wall as he stayed with her. 

“Let’s get you changed,” he said as he handed her his shirt. 

“Thanks,” She said as she took off her shirt and put his on. She also took her pants off because they had puke on them too. 

He picked her up and laid her back in the bed. He went downstairs with her clothes and put them in the washer so they would be ready in the morning. He got a bottle of water and crackers, making his way back upstairs. She was already fast asleep in the bed hugging his pillow. He smiled as he leaned against the doorframe, just watching her silently. 

“Who is that?” his maid asked. 

“Britney,” he whispered. 

“The girl you’ve been stalking?” she asked. 

“No, just the girl I’ve been dreaming of,” he said. 

“The girl from yesterday morning,” his maid said. 

“Yea the girl from the cafe,” he said. 

“Well hope she’s everything you were dreaming of,” she said as she walked off. 

He made his way into the bedroom, placing the cup of water and crackers on her side. He got into bed with her and laid with her until he fell asleep. In the morning she woke up confused because she was alone in a strange room. She sat up and realized she didn’t have her clothes on. Just panties and his tee-shirt, some of the pieces started to come together. 

“Wait I? With the boss? Oh god” she said to herself. 

“No we didn’t and good morning,” he said as he came in with breakfast. 

“What happened last night?” she questioned. 

“We had dinner, you got drunk so I brought you back to my place,” he said. 

“Did we?” she looked at him. 

“No, your clothes are in the bathroom freshly washed,” he said. 

“What happened?” she said. 

“You got sick last night so I helped you change and then you crashed,” he said. 

“Thank you,” she said. 

“Eat then shower. Then I’ll take you to get your car” he said as he kissed her forehead. 

“Ok thanks” she nodded as she started to eat, he left the room. 

She finished breakfast and made her way to the bathroom. She turned the water on and closed the door as she got undressed. She saw a basket of shower things, everything that she loved. She got into the shower and just stood under the water. She quickly washed her hair and washed off. She got out of the shower, dried herself off with a towel. She got dressed and grabbed her shoes as she made her way downstairs. 

“Ready?” he asked. 

“Yea I am” she nodded. 

“Let’s go,” he said as he stood up. 

He led her to his car and helped her into the back. His driver took them back to the restaurant so they both could get their cars. They parted ways as she drove off towards her apartment. She guessed that he went straight to the office but she needed to change. She made her way into her apartment and went to change. She left her apartment and went to get coffee before she went to the office. As she drove her memory of the night started to come back, she remembered the kiss. The throwing up and him taking care of her, she didn’t know what to do. She took a deep breath as she entered the building, she quickly made her way to her office. She went straight to work trying to get him off her mind. She didn’t realize what time it was until James knocked on her door. 

“Lunch?” he asked. 

“Oh I’m working through lunch,” she said. 

“Come on” he reached for her hand. 

“I always work through lunch,” she said. 

“Just come on,” he said. 

“Ok” she nodded as she stood up. 

She took his hand as he led her to the courtyard. He had their lunch on the table just waiting for them. She smiled as she followed him. He pulled out her chair and she nodded and took a seat. He sat down next to her and served lunch to her. They started to eat and got so lost in conversation that they didn’t realize what time it was. His phone started to go off but he turned it over and ignored it. 

“So can we talk about last night?” she asked. 

“Nothing happened, nor will I ever put you in a position like that,” he said. 

“I know that, I’m starting to remember” she looked at him. “Sorry for throwing up in your house,” she said. 

“It’s ok, it happens,” he said as he brushed the hair from her face. 

“I want to talk about the kiss,” she said. 

“What about it?” he asked as he brushed his thumb against her lips. 

“I don’t want people talking nor knowing,” she said.

“Our little secret,” he said. 

“I just don’t want people to think I’m only working here because I’m with the boss,” she said. 

“That’s fine, whatever you are comfortable with,” he said. 

“I want to take things slow, ” she said. 

“Ok at your pace” he smiled softly. 

“Thank you for taking care of me,” she said. 

“No problem,” he said as he kissed her cheek. 

“Sir your 4 o'clock is here,” his assistant said as she walked out to the courtyard.

“Is it 4?” he chuckled as he nodded to his helpers.

“I should get going,” Britney said as she left the courtyard. 

She made her way back to her office and continued with her day. She didn’t finish work until late but she finally finished. She closed her office, he grabbed her arm before she could leave. Leading her back to his office, closing the door behind them. He sat in his chair and pulled her onto his lap. She smiled and rested her hand against his chest, playing with his tie. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. She kept the kiss between them as she moved closer to him. He slipped his hands up her legs, under her skirt. She squirmed at his touch at first but she didn’t want him to stop. Moving her panties to the side as he slipped his thumb against her clit. Rubbing it softly as she moaned against his lips. She jumped when she heard someone knock on his door, she got off of him and sat in the chair. He got up and left his office with whoever was at the door. She sat in his chair and looked through his computer. She saw a folder with her name on it so she clicked it. She saw videos of her just doing normal things, many pictures of her in her apartment. Her heart started to race as she continued to look through the file. She heard him coming back so she quickly closed it. 

“Want to head back to my place?” he asked.

“It’s pretty late, I should head home,” she said as she walked past him. 

“What just happened?” He asked as he grabbed her hand. 

“Nothing, just pretty tired,” she said as she pulled back. 

“You sure?” he asked.

“Yea, see you tomorrow,” she said as she left the building. 

“Britney” he yelled as she got into her car. 

She pulled off from the parking lot and pulled into an abandoned lot. She sat in her car and started crying, she was scared for her life. Was he stalking her? She overheard him talking last night to his maid but that couldn’t be true. Why did he have pictures of her and videos? She realized that their encounter at the cafe wasn’t a mistake, it was planned, him buying the company was to get close to her. She took a deep breath in before trying to start her car but it wouldn’t turn over. She saw a car coming into the abandoned lot and she just knew it was him. He came up to the car and knocked on her window. She took another deep breath in and got out of her car. 

“Are you ok?” he said as he placed his hand on her cheek. 

“Yea I’m fine,” She said as she moved from his touch. 

“Come on, I’ll take you home,” he said. 

“I’m fine, ” she said. 

“In some abandoned lot?” he questioned. 

“Why do you have videos of me?” she looked at him. 

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“On your computer?” she said. 

“You went through my computer?” he asked.

“Yea I did,” she said. 

“I had my people look into everyone at the company before buying it,” he said. 

“Oh,” she said. 

“Yes, because I didn’t want people who I don’t trust working for me,” he said. 

“I’m the only one on the computer though,” she said. 

“Haven’t gotten around to deleting the files” he said. 

“Ok,” she nodded.

“Please let me take you home?” he said. 

“I want to go home alone,” she said. 

“Fine,” he said. 

She got into his car and he took her straight to her apartment. She went inside alone and he pulled off. She made sure all her curtains were down so there was no way someone could look in. She went upstairs and laid down trying to relax. Was he telling the truth or was he just stalking her? She started to like him but now she was paranoid because she didn’t know what to expect from him. All those criminal shows started to make her mind racing a million miles an hour. She finally fell asleep in her bed. She wanted to take things really slow with him, meaning staying away from him that weekend. She would go to work early and try to avoid him as much as possible. 

“I heard about what you did,” he said as he leaned against her doorframe. 

“And what was that?” she asked. 

“Come on, you know,” he said. 

“Well it’s no secret, everyone knows,” She said. 

“Can we just talk?” he asked. 

“Sure,” she agreed. 

They left the office building and she went with him to his apartment. She made sure everyone that knew her knew where she was just in case things went wrong. All they did that night was talk and he cleared his name and proved that he was telling the truth. Of course, she would keep her guard up but maybe she could be with him. They laid under the stars and just watched the night sky. He moved closer to her and kissed her cheek softly, she turned so he kissed her. She smiled against his lips and kissed him softly. Maybe this time was different than with her last boss. She snuggled close to him resting her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as they continued to watch the night sky. Was this her happy ending or would it end in tragedy?

Brad:It seemed like the moment Brad and I met we were inseparable. We were the envy of couples at our school. I didn’t mind because I loved being the center of attention. It wasn’t to anyone surprised that I was up for prom queen. I mean it is up to the people to vote right? Besides that, I was excited to go to prom with Brad. It would be our last school dance and I wanted it to be perfect. I was sitting in history class just daydreaming about how he would ask me to be his date. It was a tradition that the boys made a big deal out of asking the girls to prom. The bell rung and history class was history. I made my way to my locker to switch out my books. I grabbed my books out of my locker when I noticed a note fell out. I bent over to pick it up and I noticed that it was from Brad. ‘Meet me in the gym’ the note read. I closed my locker and proceeded to go to the gym. I walked in and it was empty, I frowned as I thought he had forgotten that he sent me the message. The lights turned off and I screamed because I wasn’t expecting it. My scream echoed throughout the gym, I could hear someone walking up towards me. “Brad?” I asked. I felt someone come behind me but before I could turn around the lights popped back on. I turned and saw Brad on one knee with a rose. Something else caught my attention, I looked around the gym. He had all of his friends holding signs that spelled out 'Would You Go To Prom With Me?’. I smiled and turned my attention back to Brad. I nodded my head yes as I grabbed the rose from his hand. He stood up and hugged me close to his chest. “Didn’t mean to scare you” He whispered into my ear. “It’s ok” I wrapped my arms around his neck. He nodded towards his friends and they all left the gym, I just stayed close to Brad. “Did my promposal suck?” he asked. “No babe it was perfect,” I said as I leaned up and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips before kissing me back, pulling me closer to him. “We should go,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss. “Aw,” he pouted as he didn’t want to let me go. “It will be ok babe,” I said as I kissed him. “I know,” he said as he grabbed my hand. We headed back into the school and went to lunch before we had to go our separate ways. I kept the rose that he gave me and put it in my memory box. Of course, I put some stuff on it so it wouldn’t die, I just thought his proposal was so cute. Over the next few weeks, it was really cute to see all the guys asking their girls out to prom. People started to wonder what Brad was going to do but little did they know he already asked me. I thought it was sweet that he didn’t make it so public with his proposal. It was just something small and intimate, something we could cherish between us two.

James: Our relationship was new but it was strong. We just met back in September, crazy how this was both our senior year. It was crazy how fast we fell in love, guess time would tell if we stayed together. It seemed as if time was already flying by. Before I knew it senior year was almost over, which meant the fun things came. Prom and graduation, well graduation would be bittersweet. As the weeks started going by and prom edge closer I started to wonder what James would do. I was in the girl’s bathroom getting ready for the prep rally, our last one of the year. I pulled my hair back in a bun and put my clips in, since I was a cheerleader everything had to be in place. “So?” my friend said. “What?” I asked as I looked at her. “What is James going to do?” she asked. “That’s for him to know and no one else” I rolled my eyes. “He still hasn’t asked?” my other friend asked. “No not yet, but I know he will,” I said. “Are you sure?” she questioned. “If it doesn’t it’s not a big deal, I know we are going together,” I said as I put my bag in the locker. We went out to the gym and stood on the sidelines as everyone started walking in. We had our seats as the event started. We went out onto the floor to do our routine, and the lights flickered. We didn’t think anything of it as we continued then all of a sudden the lights went out. The screams filled the room but soon the spotlight came on and James was standing in the middle. Everyone looked at me confused then put their focus on James. “Hello everyone,” he said into the mic. He nodded to the guys in the sound booth and our song started to play. He held his hand out to me and I walked over to him. He grabbed my hand pulling me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I laid my head down on his shoulder as we danced to the music. “Stop being shy” he whispered in my ear. I didn’t mind being out there with my crew but with the spotlight on just us, I was nervous. He pushed me away from him and I twirled under his arm and he got down on one knee. “James,” I said. “Will you go to prom with me?” he asked into the mic. “Of course I will,” I said. I pulled him up and kissed him softly as he held me close to him. Everyone started to cheer for us, he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the gym. I knew he was going to do something but nothing like this. I hugged him close to me and kissed his cheek. “And everyone doubted you” I looked at him. “I always come through for my girl” he placed his hand against my cheek. “Always” I smiled as I kissed him. I never doubted him and even though I got shy during our dance it would always be our dance.

Connor: Our senior year was anything but easy. I was glad that I did have Connor by my side as we tried to navigate our last year. I missed so much of my senior year that I knew I wasn’t going to graduate with my class. With summer classes I would graduate but just later on. It didn’t matter to Connor though, he still wanted us to have our senior memories. That included prom and how he would ask me to prom. I told him not to make a big fuss about it because I just wanted to be with him. I grabbed my books out of my locker, closing them and making my way to my class. “Not today, ” Connor said as he came up beside me grabbing my hand. “What?” I questioned. “Not going to class,” he said as he grabbed my books from me. “Ok fine by me” I smiled as I followed him. We walked to the cafeteria and at first, I was confused about why. I saw a sign that said 'where we first met’. I held his hand tighter as I leaned against him. “Our first time meeting was here when I bumped into you,” he said. “Yea and you stole my heart with those eyes,” I said. “Come on” he wrapped his arm around me and led me out of the cafeteria. We went to the library next and once again there was a sign 'where we first kiss’. “And I’ll kiss you all over” I smiled as I pulled him closer to me and kissed him softly. He smiled against my lips and placed his hand against my cheek. He softly pulled away as he grabbed my hand leading me out. We went down to the garden, it was spring so all the flowers were blooming. “Why are we here?” I asked as I looked for the sign. “New memory,” he said as he grabbed my hips pulling me to him. “Oh really?” I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yea it is,”  he said. I looked at him and every time we locked eyes it just seemed like we were the only two that mattered. “Look around you” he whispered. I looked away from and looked at the flowers. He had a band come out and play a song for us, I looked at him. “Full of surprises,” I said. “Yea I am” he kissed me softly. Once he pulled away he was handed a sunflower and handed it to me. “Will you do me the honor and be my sunflower at the prom?” he asked. “Of course I will be” I smiled as I grabbed the flower from him. “I know they are your favorite,” he said. “They are and now they have another memory,” I said. “I love you,” he said. “I love you” I kissed him softly. We got caught in the flower garden and we had to go to class. It was one of the good moments that happened so far this year and I would hold onto it forever.

Tristan:We came into high school together and we did have some times where we were apart. It always seemed like we always found our way back to each other. It was more of everyone else in our ears than us having a problem. I was glad that our senior year was coming to an end, we were done with classes officially. Just the fun stuff like prom, beach day, and our graduation. It was a tradition that the boys always asked the girls to prom but I wanted to switch it up. I wanted to surprise Tristan and ask him to prom, I just had to figure out how I wanted to do it. He was in the band so I thought maybe I could do something with music. I stayed up all night to write a song but it wasn’t a good idea. I thought maybe I would do it during band practice, but how would I. I swear I couldn’t seem to figure it out but then it clicked. The next day at school I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. “Hey babe,” he said as he kissed my cheek. “Hey” I smiled as I looked at him. “Someone is having a good day,” he said. “Of course I am, I have a surprise for you,” I said. “I do too” he smirked. 'Oh ok, band class?“ I questioned. "Yea that’s where my surprise is too” he looked at me. “I guess great minds think alike,” I said. 'I guess so,“ he said. He kissed my cheek as we parted ways. We didn’t have band class until our last class of the day. Once the bell rang I rushed to the room to set up but Tristan was already there. He had a bunch of roses in my favorite colors and a banner saying `prom’? "You were going to ask me?” I asked. “Of course I was, wait what was your surprise?” he questioned. “Oh it’s nothing,” I said. “You were going to ask me” he smirked. “Yea I was but you beat me to it” I smiled. “Yea I guess I did,” he said as he pulled me to him. “Ready?” his friend asked. “Go for it” he nodded. They started to play my favorite song that they play. I wrapped my arms around Tristan as I looked at him. “So would you like to go to prom with me?” he whispered in my ear. “Yes, I would” I smiled as I kissed his cheek. He handed me the roses and kissed my cheek. It was funny because who would have thought we would end up trying to ask each other at the same time. It was cute that he got to ask first, great minds do think alike.

Type: One-Shot | Imagine Brad
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,000+
Requested: Y/N | want more? let me know

I started stretching as I pulled the covers over me. I didn’t want to get up but I noticed that I was in bed alone. I pouted as I opened my eyes. I pushed the covers off of me and sat up in the bed. Moving to the edge of the bed allowing my feet to touch the floor. I rubbed my eyes and stretched a few more times before pulling myself out of bed. I grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me as I made my way downstairs.

“Babe?” I called out but no one responded.

I finally made my way to the kitchen, opening the window so there could be fresh air in the house. I started the hot water so I could make coffee but then I decided I wanted to make a cup of tea. I sat at the kitchen table and turned on my laptop. I wrapped my hands around my cup bringing it to my lips. Blowing on it so I wouldn’t burn my lips as I took a small sip. I started researching my next project when I heard him come into the house.

“Morning,” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

“Morning,” I said as I focused on my computer.

“I went to go get you coffee and breakfast, but you already made yourself some,” he said as he placed the bag on the table.

“I didn’t know and I wanted tea this morning,” I said.

“Oh,” he nodded. “I still got breakfast,” he said.

“Sounds good,” I said as I shut my laptop.

He handed me my breakfast as he took his jacket off. Returning to set at the table to eat with me, he drunk the coffee since I didn’t want it. I cleaned up after breakfast then returned to my seat.

“What you working on today?” he questioned.

“Just doing researched right now” I looked at him.

“I’m sure you have plenty of ideas in that pretty little head of yours” he got up from the table.

He titled my head up and kissed my lips softly. I smiled gently against his before kissing him back. He brushed his thumb against my cheek as he slowly pulled away. Allowing his kiss to linger on my lips as he went upstairs. I bite my lip as I watched him disappear upstairs. I heard the shower turn on as I turned my attention back to my computer. I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering so I decided to take a break. I made my way upstairs as he was coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Hey” I smiled as I looked at him.

“Hey” he smirked as he walked into the bedroom.

“What are your plans today?” I questioned.

“Meeting with the boys, writing music. Still hoping one day we will sing those songs” he said.

“You will babe, I believe in you” I leaned against the door frame.

“Thank you baby” he pulled his shirt over his head.

“I want to see you do something that makes you happy and proud,” I said.

“I am happy with my life” he pulled me gently to him.

“I know but I know how passionate you are with your music,” I said.

“True but no matter what you are my number one” he brushed the hair from my face.

“And you are mine” I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him softly.

He smiled against my lips as he kissed me back. Wrapping his arms around me pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He lifted me as I wrapped my legs around him, his hands grabbing my ass. Pushing me against the wall, moving his lips to my neck. Gently sucking against my neck, I let out a few moans before his phone started to ring. He placed me down onto the ground, making sure I was safe before answering the phone. It was the boys and I could hear yelling and Brad started to get excited. They just found out that they got a record deal and was going to start producing music. He hung up the phone and picked me up, spinning me around. I held onto him as he placed me back against the floor. Kissing me softly as he held onto me, I could feel his heart racing.

“You did it baby” I whispered in his ear.

“Thank you for supporting me” he looked at me.

“Of course baby” I placed my hand against his cheek.

“I love you” he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I love you” I kissed his cheek.

Later on that day we went out to dinner with the boys and management. It was a good time to meet everyone that they would be working with. They were all over the moon with excitement and honestly didn’t know what to do with themselves. Their first session was that night so after dinner, they dropped me off back at the apartment and they went to the studio. I had work to get done anyway so I didn’t mind being alone. I got caught up in my work that it was morning before I realized it. I looked down at the time and it was already 5 am, I shut my computer down. I rubbed my eyes as I was beginning to get tired. I grabbed my phone and made my way upstairs, checking to see if I had any messages. I didn’t so I placed my phone on the sink as I turned on the shower. Once the water was warm I got into the shower, I just took a quick one. I dried myself off and went into our room, slipping a pair of panties on as well as one of his shirts. I crawled into bed and I fell fast asleep, I couldn’t even tell you when Brad finally made his way into the apartment. I slightly woke up when I felt him cuddling to me. I cuddled close to him and went right back to sleep. I didn’t wake up until I heard my phone going off. I reached over him and picked up my phone to see what was going on. It was my boss asking for the pages, so I got out of bed. I went back downstairs to the kitchen and sent the papers via email and then I shut my computer back down.

“Morning” I heard him say as he made his way downstairs.

“It’s actually afternoon,” I said.

“Oh sorry, well good afternoon,” he said as he kissed my forehead.

“it’s ok, so how was it last night?” I asked.

“It was good, we got a lot of work done,” he said.

“Good” I smiled.

“But I feel bad that I wasn’t here for you,” he said.

“Don’t be babe, I’m fine plus I was working all night as well” I looked at him.

“you did?” he sat next to me.

“You know how I get when I get involved in something” I played with his hand.

“True” he smiled slightly.

“Want to make something to eat?” I questioned.

“Sure, Pancakes?” he looked at me.

“Sure” I giggled slightly.

I got up and started to get the ingredients together as he watched me. I started mixing the ingredients as he stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned back slightly against him but still trying to focus on what I was doing. I poured everything into a bigger bowl and got the mixer out. He put his hand in the flour and swiped it against my face. I was shocked at first but then I knew it was on from then. I threw flour at him it landing in his hair, he blew flour at me. I giggled as I grabbed the water and splashed him with it. He grabbed me trying to stop me from getting his wet but I slashed him anyway. The room filled with our laughter and our poor kitchen. There was flour everywhere and now the water was being splashed everywhere. I went to grab a cup and my foot slipped on the water and I went down onto the floor. I pushed his leg as I was falling to make him fall as well. We fell on top of me and all we could do was laugh. I tried to sit up as he was and we bumped heads.

“Ouch,” I said as I grabbed my head.

“Are you ok?” he asked as he sat up.

“No, got a headache now,” I said as I laid back looking at him.

“Let me see it,” he said as he removed my head.

“How bad is it?” I looked at him.

“Not even a scratch but really are you ok?” he asked.

“Just sore” I admitted

“Good,” he said as he got back up on his feet.

He reached down and helped me up. I stood up close to him making sure I had my balance before moving away from him. We both started cleaning the kitchen and actually make the pancakes. We both sit down after we finished and ate together. I placed the dishes into the sink as we finished, but I wanted to take a shower to get all this flour off of me. I started going upstairs and he followed me, placing his arms around me. I giggled as we walked upstairs, he went into the bathroom to start a shower. I walked into the bathroom removing my shirt and panties, getting into the shower before him. Allowing the water to run over me, closing my eyes enjoying the warmth of the water. He soon enters the shower wrapping his arms around me. I moved back slightly so the water could run over him as well. He kissed me softly as he held me close to him, his arms around me. His fingers running down my spine slowly moving my ass as he grabbed my cheeks. I giggled slightly against his lips before kissing him again. I wrapped my arms around him as I could feel him getting hard against me.

“Someone is happy to see me” I giggled slightly.

“You always have that effect on me” he smiled.

“I know” I kissed him softly but with a lot of passion.

I grabbed the body wash and squeezed some on him. Rubbing his chest slowly moving my hands down to his stomach, his hips. I bite my lip as I looked down seeing how turned on he was. I gently grabbed him slowly rubbing him, he started moaning as he placed his hand against the wall. I turned us so he was fully under the water, allowing the soap to run down his body. I started sucking his neck as I gently rubbed him, he leaned his head back allowing the water to flow over his body.

“Want to get out of the slippery water?” I whispered in his ear.

“Yea,” he said as his breathing was harder.

We both got out of the shower and dried off with the towels before making our way to the bedroom. I pulled him to me kissing him softly, as I laid on the bed. He moved over top of me placing his lips against my neck, my hand on the back of his head. He slowly moved down my body, sucking against my chest. Playing with my nipples with his hand as he continued to travel down my body with his lips. I moaned slightly as I laid my head back against the pillow as he moved between my legs. Kissing up my thigh as he moved closer to me, slowly trailing with his tongue. That night was full of a lot of passion, we were tangled up with each other. We both fell asleep in each other arms, unfortunately, his phone started ringing first thing in the morning.

“Ugh why” I groaned as he moved away from me.

“Sorry babe,” he said as he kissed my forehead before getting out of bed.

“Come back” I pouted.

“I will but I have to answer this,” he said as he left the room. I rolled back over and fell asleep before he returned to the room.

“Babe?” he said as he shook me gently.

“Uh? Get back into bed” I groaned.

“I have to go to a meeting, ill be back later,” he said.

“It’s early,” I said.

“I know but I got to go, I love you,” he said.

“Uh-huh,” I turned back over and went back to sleep.

This went on for a few weeks where our schedules just didn’t add up. We would spend time together as much as we could but at the end of the day, we were both busy. The album was coming along great as well as my writing, I was really proud of him. I just didn’t realize how busy he would actually be and how lonely I would be. I made my way into the den and started the fireplace. I snuggled into the couch with a blanket and turned on the tv.

“Baby you home?” he said as he walked into the apartment.

“I’m in the den” I called out.

“I have something planned,” he said as he made his way into the den.

“What you mean?” I asked as I turned the tv off.

“Date night,” he said as he sat down.

“Date night?” I looked at him.

“Yea I know it’s been tough and we have had much time together so I wanted to do something” he grabbed my hand.

“That sounds perfect” I smiled slightly.

“Go get ready and try to dress warm, It is kind of chilly tonight,” he said.

“Alright, ill be ready in a few,” I said as I made my way upstairs.

I really didn’t feel like doing my hair so I put it up in a bun. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a cute shirt, I also grabbed my favorite hoodie. I made my way downstairs and put my boots on before returning to the den where he was waiting. He grabbed his jacket as well as my hand and lead me out of the house. He pulled up to our favorite park, at first I didn’t realize what he was doing. He opened my door and reached for my hand, I grabbed his hand as I got out of the car. He leads me under the tree, it was the park where we first meet at. He had a blanket set up and of course, he grabbed our favorite food.

“Surprise,” he said.

“It’s perfect,” I said.

“I want you to know that you are still my everything,” he said as he kissed my cheek.

“I know I am” I smiled as I hugged him.

We sat down on the blanket and started to eat. He made sure we had the perfect view, the sun was setting and it was beautiful. I leaned my head against his shoulders as I enjoyed the view, he wrapped his arm around me. Kissing my forehead softly as we stayed silent and watched the sunset.

“I just love these moments,” I said.

“Just us,” he said. 

“Yea just us. Noting fancy just us enjoying each other” I looked at him.

“Always the moments we create together” he placed his hand against my cheek.  

“It’s the person you spend those moments with” I leaned in and kissed him softly.  

He smiled against my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head against his chest. The stars starting peeking out of the darkness, the cooler air started to wrap around us. I snuggled closer to him, I could feel his heartbeat as he rubbed my back.

“We should head back” he whispered.

“A few more moments,” I said as I held him tighter.

“I could stay here forever with you,” he said as he held me.

“I could stay in your arms forever” I looked at him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he looked at me.

“Nothing,” I said as I looked away.

“Hey I know that look,” he said as he brushed his thumb against my cheek.

“Just scared” I admitted.

“Of what?” he gently turned me to face him.

“Losing you,” I said.

“That will never happen,” he said.

“You don’t know now because you guys are going to be so big. I’m just a simple girl, you’ll find others” I said.

“There can be millions of girls but I only have eyes for you,” he said as he tilted my chin up.

“I love you and I want you to still want me” I looked at him.

“And I do baby, you are the only one for me” he leaned down slightly and kissed me softly.

“I trust you” I smiled against his lips.

I knew this whole journey was going to be tough. I also knew our relationship was strong but I wasn’t nearly ready for all the tests we were put through. From all the crazy fans to the bold ones that didn’t care about the boy’s relationships. The media twisting every sing word that you say, it was crazy but I was beyond proud of Brad. I loved watching him every night on stage, him coming off and him being so happy. I loved every crazy second of it even the low parts, it was well worth it.
