#the walten files fanart


Wow wow watch it watch it!

у всратоаска по твф был конкурс на хуманизацию аска
итак представляю вам НЕБИНАРНЫЕ хумки у которых имеются ручки как у аниматроника и ваще они шутят про бебру и скорее всего умрут первыми если вообще окажутся в ориджинал ТВФ

this is for you …i guess?

you know…
just russian community jokes

A bit of a continuation from my walten files comic!!

I apologize for making Sophie’s hair look orangey in the comic (my dumbass eyes were messing w/ me)

but!! I’m so happy to found out that these two are canonically together aaaaa so huge ass thank u to Martin Walls for making that happen

Walten Files kinda cool!!!

Im so sorry for not drawing for so long time, i got artblock

happier days

the walten kids with their dad before the events of 1974

Hi! I’m back with a new art n stuff, I try to make art that does have at least some sort of big meaning again!

hello twf fandom

this is my first time drawing mildly anthro characters so pls excuse my art style

“ … ?”

Remember everyone. Don’t drink while driving and always practice safe driving!

drew felix. his car lights are still functioning but damn they’re too bright. aUGhHhH wish this one was like the other piece i did ahuhu. friend suggested to draw him sad and scared and we can all agree felix is sad, scared, and confused 24/7.

just wanted to draw this man bc i love him and i think he’s neat. i love the caricatures of the faces in the series, i think they’re very creative and i find them very interesting especially since they’re exaggerated which is *chef’s kiss* mwah.
