#the wayhaven chonicles


wip wordsearch

oh this is a fun one- ty @ejunkiet! that said WAS A TOUGHIE TO LOCATE MY WIPS AND SEARCH THEM LOL my organisational system is dreadful i need to fix that TmT

tags, tags - @impernaway,@nerdierholler,@magiciansvoyage,@serenpedac to find the wordssss- breakfast,pale,popcorn!

fight - unnamed sex pollen fic - Mason/Ada, TWC

The smile that curves across the succubus’ lips makes Mason want to cross the room again with another punch. Maybe he could break the nose a little more. Unfortunately, this succubus apparently has a little of a masochistic streak- judging from how much he’d enjoyed the fight.

promise- original, from Wick

“There you are. How’s your head?”

Edie swallows again. She licks her lips, tense and nervous, wanting to not be on her back and so very defenseless but not daring to move.

This seems to amuse the creature- if it really is grinning in amusement. “I won’t bite,” it trills, in an almost admonishing tone.


It’s definitely amused. There’s something surprisingly emotive in its eyes, Edie realises, a gleam of delight that is almost human, and yet absolutely not. Not many humans have horizontal pupils, after all.

“Promise,” it replies. “Are you going to scream if I take a look?” Edie shrinks back, instinctive even as the creature doesn’t make a motion towards her. “I won’t hurt you,” it reassures, voice almost a coo. “I just need to check you’re okay. You were out for a while.”

“How- how long?” Edie asks. She watches with mild terror as it raises one arm to waggle its hand about in the air. The so very humanlike motions on a body that’s decidedly inhuman really makes her brain struggle to reconcile what she’s seeing with reality.

“Ten minutes or so. Just stay still, alright?”

love- mirour mirour - Ysabet/Nate, TWC

The plate had cracked perfectly down the middle when it fell. The two halves split the floral design, rims of gold stopped abruptly from completing their circle.

“Fuck.” Ysabet grimaces as she bends to retrieve it. It drips soap suds and water onto the floor, and she sets it on the drying rack while she goes to tear off a couple paper towels, mopping up the spill. She’d just gotten distracted. Her mind had wandered, thinking of Reele’s retirement.

She sighs as she straightens, the floor now dry, the paper towels tossed in the trash. She picks up the plate, running her thumb along the gold edge of one half. She loved this plate, with its delicate orange blossoms, the strong greens of the leaves.

She sets it back in the rack. She has to get to work.

last one was a lil stretch hehe (one day ill get back to the Ysa longfic… One Day…)

wip ???day

thamk u @chroniclesinlacuna for the tag

here is an… impulse project!! temporarily i am Back in TWC… with some Mason/Ada….

Stone-cool fingers feel like they ghost through his memory- the points of claws raking his skin. God, those could leave a mark. They have. His wrist had gotten pretty badly scored, when she’d grabbed him- the alleyway gaping below, enough floors down to pose an issue even for Mason. It’s all healed, now, but he can still remember how that felt- the somehow soft rasp of the pads of her fingers as she’d pulled away. She’d apologised, in that gasping, withdrawing way. He’d still been caught on seeing the other side of her. The one he’d found slipping into his mind more often than he’d like, in the days since the cathedral.

Her shoulders strain, wings growing even as they flare- she doesn’t fly, but they do the work to beat the air back, to undo the unbalancing that nearly sent him over the ledge, and she doesn’t break the gaze she’s locked on him. No hesitation. No insecurity. Sharp demand. She does not allow him to fall.

lets see if i can actually finish a sex pollen fic AND HOW MUCH PLOT FORCES ITS WAY IN

im.. 2tired to tag rn its been a Week haha..
