#twc fic



Hitting post before I can think about this anymore! This was written with the sole intention of expressing my high levels of thirst about this Nate art by @/greyhands . Tried to smoothe out the thirst with a rolling pin of context, but some of it doesn’t make sense ✌ don’t think about it

Rating:16+ (Nate is all suave and suggestive but nothing explicit)

Word count: 1325

Synopsis:Unit Bravo has a secret mission. Nate distracts Avery from her fears for him. (Nate x Avery)


Avery isn’t supposed to be involved in this mission. She isn’t even supposed to be at the Warehouse today. It’s an anxious pit in her stomach that brings her there, a foolish hope that Rebecca won’t notice her until she’s learned the details of the mission and it’s too late. Wouldn’t be the first time. 

Alas, no dice.

Thirty-three minutes after she is sent to her room—a command that makes Morgan snicker—her pacing is interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. “Avery?”

Afficher davantage

I can’t believe one of my twc fanart inspired a fic ! I’m truly honored, and I love your story and how you write about Nate. Also, every characters’ reaction is so perfect, I can’t stop myself reading your fic again and again ^^

wip ???day

thamk u @chroniclesinlacuna for the tag

here is an… impulse project!! temporarily i am Back in TWC… with some Mason/Ada….

Stone-cool fingers feel like they ghost through his memory- the points of claws raking his skin. God, those could leave a mark. They have. His wrist had gotten pretty badly scored, when she’d grabbed him- the alleyway gaping below, enough floors down to pose an issue even for Mason. It’s all healed, now, but he can still remember how that felt- the somehow soft rasp of the pads of her fingers as she’d pulled away. She’d apologised, in that gasping, withdrawing way. He’d still been caught on seeing the other side of her. The one he’d found slipping into his mind more often than he’d like, in the days since the cathedral.

Her shoulders strain, wings growing even as they flare- she doesn’t fly, but they do the work to beat the air back, to undo the unbalancing that nearly sent him over the ledge, and she doesn’t break the gaze she’s locked on him. No hesitation. No insecurity. Sharp demand. She does not allow him to fall.

lets see if i can actually finish a sex pollen fic AND HOW MUCH PLOT FORCES ITS WAY IN

im.. 2tired to tag rn its been a Week haha..



natural conviction

ship: gwen x adam

word count: 1136

A/N:SO it’s brick boy’s bday and i uh. decided to slap together some saucier otp studies i’ve kept to myself up until now. please be merciful i really still don’t know what i’m doing <3 ok bye



Adam is, she cannot deny, quite a sight like this.

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also found on AO3 ♥


Pairing:Nate Sewell x f!Detective 
Rating: E. I think this is a pretty gentle E, but yeah.  
Word Count: ~1,190
Notes: I am Jared, 19, so when it came to my attention that N seems to get less blood than the other members of UB, this lead to rampant speculation, some of which was that N must have to have a delicate balance. But, don’t you think they’d get…hungry, sometimes? This is what came of it. Also, this is for Mar, thank you (and thank you for letting me cheat!) 

Let me walk you to your car

It’s one of her favorite phrases. Because it also means let me steal a kiss,let me hold your hand,let me have you for another minute

Leah always says yes. 

Even though the night has been long for every member of Unit Bravo, they still take care of their human the best, remembering that she requires sleep and food. 

“Will you work much longer?” she asks, swinging their joined hands. 

Nate hums. “I imagine I will pull down a couple more texts, but no. Not much longer.” 

They take the rest of the walk in silence, until they reach her battered Old Reliable. “Do I get my goodbye kiss now?”

He strokes her bottom lip with his thumb. “Always goodnight. Never goodbye.” 

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