#the wayward guide for the untrained eye


Aubrey: Okay. Well I am just going to leave this secret book on the table that I don’t want you guys to read and go to another room.

Paul and Artemis read the book


Paul and Artemis hearing the phrase “We even have two people running for town council this year!”

I see


Wrong with that statement


Make sure you listen to the Wayward Guide podcast before you watch the episode! Joey said that’s how it’s meant to be enjoyed.

(You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast outlets as Wayward Guide For The Untrained Eye)

I had some chores to do so I was only able to watch the first episode now but SO GOOD! I am already in love with Joanna Sotomura, I don’t care if her character turns out to be evil she can own my entire being.


Wayward Guide is a TCB project. They’ve worked so hard on this for three years and they deserve every single bit of credit for it. If I see anyone incorrectly attributing it to Starkid, I will hunt you down. This has been a PSA

Please don’t clump TCB and Starkid into one, they are two different groups who sometimes share a few members

Don’t forget people, starting October 13th we will get to watch a new episode every Tuesday on YouTube and get to listen to the podcast every Friday on either Spotify or Apple Posdcast!

Also I love Dylan’s face in this screencap

No one:

Not a single soul:

Not even Lauren:

Dylan Saunders: I love a good farmers almanac

#Garlos is real… or as the TinCanBros have decided to put it, Gabelos


Listening to the Wayward Guide podcasts version of the Connor Creek story while knowing what’s really going on in the show is so cool. It’s like we’re all in on some big secret.


wayward guide is special in that how many shows have lines like “save the egg!” or “odie doty” that become iconic and make hardly any sense and yet still make complete sense

I would personally insert “save the egg” into everything I created if I was a content creator


Okay but am I the only one who wants to see the rest of the taxidermy Rita did? The one of Odie was just… Wow


Okay so, Wayward Guide was filmed in 2017/2018, but the podcast wasn’t recorded until 2020. I NEED to know when the podcast scripts were written so I can figure out if the stuff about keeping the economy open even if people die was a deliberate 2020 thing or the most beautiful coincidence of all time.

They started writting the scripts in 2018 but they did some revisions over the years, mostly filling up plot holes that they found and making some minor adjustments. So it is anyone’s guess if that was a 2018 prediction or something added later on.


I took these Wayward Guide photos on set over 3 years ago and now I can finally show them to you! Such a delightful cast and crew to work with. New episode is out today - watch the series on YouTube.com/TinCanBros!
