#the witcher trpg



Ogroids occupy an uncomfortable place in our study. They are monsters that are not quite human but in some ways they are very similar. Some may have enormous feet, some may have a single eye, but they all are recognizable as like humans. In many cases the difference is simply scale. Giants, trolls, ogres, are like us but huge. Many also have a recognizable intelligence even if it is very primitive. In fact as their occurrence become ever more rare, our fear of them has decreased, and we are learning to live with some of the ogroids.
Ogroids that have not made their peace with humans are fierce warriors and more than happy to eat people. Extremely accurate rock throwing is common among trolls and creatures like knockers who are can also run as fast as a horse. No, keep moving so the rocks don’t get you, and dodge the charge so you can attack it from its unprotected sides. They are susceptible to silver but their skin is so thick that it may take a while before they notice your strikes. Remember that in some the skin of the back is extra thick and rugged, while attacking from the front is walking into its vice-like grip.
The smaller ogroids, not being as formidable, tend to be social and attack in numbers. While most ogroids use simple or crudely fashioned tools, these smaller types, perhaps because of their social nature, even think far enough to plan simple traps and ambushes.

Brandon of Oxenfurt,A Witcher’s Journal

The Witcher Lore (196/∞)


Now I’ve never been across the Korath and if I’m all fire honest I got no plans to ever make that trip, heh! But I’ve heard a few tales of Gigascorpions from the few Zerikanians and Ofieri I’ve had my dealings with. Turns out, these bastards are a real hassle for their caravans. One lad I had a stirrin’ round of Gwent with told me if your makin’ your way through the desert and ya spot a big flat rock it’s more than likely a scorpion and ya should steer clear! Heh, also told me the best way to fight one was to climb on its back and try to get a blade between its eyes where the armor’s weakest. But that’s awful close to that ploughin’ tail for me!

Dandelion,Book of Tales

The Witcher Lore (195/∞)

Dealing with wraiths and restless ghosts

There are many ways to deal with wraiths and restless ghosts. When you want to get rid of one, take a barrel of moonshine, a thin rod of thornapple two ells long, three nails from a harrow used to turn over the earth, and a handful of poppy seeds. Go to the graveyard by day and find the grave of the restless dead who disturbs the living. Drink the moonshine for courage - but only three mouthfuls, no more. Then dig up the grave of the damned and pull the corpse out. Take the thornapple rod and wrap it around the cadaver’s neck, and pierce its heart with the nails. Place the corpse back in the coffin, open the deceased’s mouth, and pour in the poppy seeds. Close the coffin and rebury it. Drink the rest of the moonshine and go home. When the night comes, the wraith won’t be able to arise, for the iron nails and the thornapple rod will pull it toward the earth. And the poppy seeds will stop it from moaning and disturbing your rest. Finally, bored, he’ll start counting the seeds in his head, wasting time until the morning. And so it will be every night thereafter.

Unknown author,The Booke of Remedium for Beasts and Monsters of All Kinds

The Witcher Lore (194/∞)
