


Travel vlog at The Uffizi

Journal Entry #78 Leaving Firenze is heartbreaking, this city has given me so much on this trip. This is the first place I have traveled to outside of the U.S. It will forever have a special place in my heart. I will miss walking everywhere. It takes 15-20 minutes to walk anywhere. Passing the architecture everyday is something I will miss so much. Leaving Firenze means packing. I wasn’t too…

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Journal Entry #77 This past weekend we headed to Rome. We stayed two nights and squeezed everything possible into the two days. We arrived in Rome on Saturday, we checked into our rooms and headed out. Dr. Bush gave us a walking tour of Rome, which I applaud her on. I had the best time seeing Rome. We visited some big landmarks and stopped for dinner on the way. I do not remember the name of the…

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Journal Entry #76 Hands down this was the best day of the trip. I’m so happy we went to the Pitti Palace. This Palace holds a historical costume exhibit and art. The inside was equally as beautiful as the outside. This is the day Chelsey and myself bonded with so many people in our group. We wished we had made closer relationships with everyone sooner, but we are enjoying all of our time left.…

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Journal Entry #75 Thursday was a fairly simple day. We went to class then to the Academia Gallery to see “The David”. Elisabetta was our guide thorough the museum, I love when she takes us places because she gives us so much history on how the school and the building and makes sense of everything for us. In a short sentence, I love her. She described the detail of David and told us everything you…

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Journal Entry #74 Wednesday was an eventful day! We started off with class, then headed to Pitti Mosaici. I was blown away when I walked in. There was so much to look at and it was unbelievable all of this art was made from stone. We went down to their studio where everything is made and we learned some history about the company. If you wanted to work for them, it would take three years for…

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You’re an Angel

Giving Back two
Journal Entry #73 Instead of going to class on Monday morning, we participated in a community service activity here in Firenze. I was very excited to help this beautiful city, that has been welcoming to our group. We were able to clean up this beautiful park through Angeli Del Bello. When we arrived we were handed a vest and gloves, which we were able to keep. We then went straight to work.…

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Journal Entry #71 We started off the day as usual with our Italian language class. Afterwards we headed off to the Scuola del Cuolo. This is a school and leather factory.  It is a family owned company, that makes many different leather products. Clients of the factory range from customers like me to Presidents of the United States and the late Princess Diana. A fun fact to know about them is that…

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Tre F’s

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Journal Entry #70 Food. Fashion. Family. Firenze, Italy is known for all three. The delicious pizza and pastas. Famous fashion designers. The big Italian family. When I first arrived in Italy the first thing I needed was food. I did not know the variety of food they offered. Italian food is my absolute favorite, so I’m very content in being here. Pizza Napoli is amazing, if we don’t know what to…

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Journal Entry #69 Italians shop for groceries everyday, they do this to get fresh food. Unlike in America we shop for weeks at a time, here they have markets to get the freshest food possible. Since on this trip I have now been to two different markets. Wednesday our professors took us to a small local market. The difference between the two would be that the one from Wednesday was much smaller.…

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Visiting San Miniato Church

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Journal Entry #68 Ciao! Today we went to the San Miniato Church and discussed the meaning of family with Fra. Bernardo. Church is a huge part of Florence as a city. The San Miniato Church overlooks the whole city. Which represents Gods eyes watching and protecting Florence. To get up to the church we hopped on a bus that had us all over, but once you arrived the views were so breathtaking; you…

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Journal Entry #66 Today we went to the Centrale Market here in Florence, Italy. We were asked to cook an Italian meal, so we made Chicken Rotini. We headed to the market after class to gather up all the ingredients for tonights meal. Some things I noticed about the market was that it is a very social place. The first floor is where you can find the fresh meats, spices and vegetables. The second…

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Italy door
Journal Entry #64 Ciao! I have made it to Florence, Italy. The journey here was interesting. It was my first time flying, so most of the time I would watch others to see what they would do. That has worked well for me and I feel confident going back home when the trip is over. We left from Cincinnati, Ohio and flew to Paris. This was the longer flight out of the two, my sister and I did not get…

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Journal Entry #64 On January 2nd I will be leaving for Florence, Italy. I’ve known about this study abroad opportunity for over a year now. My sister (follow her: theblondejournals) mentioned it to me when students went last year! We are very happy to have the opportunity to go together and experience the beautiful city of Florence. This is the first time I will be leaving America, some nerves…

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