

Upon asking anyone who has a fair idea who the FOKN Bois are to describe the duo in one word, you’re likely to get the response: Controversial; which is true, but the Bois are much more than just that. Other adjectives that could aptly describe the FOKN Bois are: witty, mischievous, creative, intelligent, political and of course, FOKN.

All of these are reflected in their music, films, album covers-at least on the cover for the group’s debut album, FOKN WITH EWE.

Speaking of FOKN Bois and covers, the group has apparently been criticised for “misogynistic depictions of African women” on the covers for Coz Ov Moni- The Remix EP and FOKN DunaQuest In Budapest. In a piece about them on Chimurenga’s The Chronic, the duo is quoted as responding to these criticisms:

We also admire the minds and hearts of African women, but to depict those organs graphically would seem morbid. So we decide to depict what women shake in our eyes that attracts us the most and leaves visual imprints in our cortex. Bear in mind the thresholds of what one might deem misogynistic are relative. If we were hard-core Muslims making music and always using women’s eyes in our works we might soon be branded Muslim misogynists

Back to the cover for FOKN WITH EWE, which was designed by Hanson Akatti; the cover contains quite a number of allusions to certain issues and situations- most of which were rapped about in songs on the album.

Below are six of the subtleties on the FOKN WITH EWE album cover which you may-or may not- have missed:

Two containers of bleaching cream: with one of each of the two bedside tables, these two skin bleaching creams-Milky Way and Brite is Rite- are the ones the FOKN Bois were referring to in the introduction of Track 5, “Want to be White.”

Two ‘Holy Books’ (the Bible and the Koran): these books are underneath the bed on which Wanlov and M3nsa were fucking with the ewe. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to conclude that it is from the Bible that they got all the information about Jesus’ coming which they shared on Track 3- Jesus is Coming, and from the Koran, they learnt of things like 'haram’ which they mentioned on track 12- Sexin Islamic Girls.

A FOKN KNEWESpaper: Lying on the floor of Wanlov’s side of the bed, this newspaper’s headline read “WOYOME AZONTO’s GHANA’s ECONOMY” (We all know this story…otherwise, Google: Alfred Agbesi Woyome.) On track 10 of the album, we learn that the FOKN Bois have a radio station- FOKN Radio. Add to that this newspaper of theirs, and we can only conclude that these Bois are really serious about spreading the FOKN gospel.

SPACE:Remember Tack 11 (Extra Terrestrial Sex), “having sex in space”? Well, they weren’t lying about that: looking through the window, you can see that this fucking session with the ewe is really taking place in space. And you can see the alien’s face too.

Two posters (on each side of the wall): One is of 'His Imperial Majesty’ Haile Selassie- listen to track 15, Rasta Fried Rice, and make your own connections. The other poster is of Bruce Lee- again, go and listen to track 6-Famous in China, and see if there are any dots to be connected.

Obama flyer: This is lying on the floor of M3nsa’s side of the bed. Remember Barrack Obama’s “YES WE CAN” campaign slogan? The FOKN Bois thought otherwise- and that is indicated on this flyer which has the inscription “NO U CAN’T OBAMA”. This is also hinted at by Wanlov on the album’s last song-Gimme Pinch.

Are there any other subliminals you may have caught?

(But wait …why is Wanlov -who normally doesn’t don footwear- wearing a pair of shoes in bed-of all places?)

So there you have it: if you missed (m)any of these, the moral of the story is this: 'consume’ anything produced by the FOKN Bois with open ears, eyes, hearts and minds.

 By:Moshood Balogun

NOTE: The FOKN Bois are hosting ‘The FOKN Party’ tomorrow night inside Alliance Francaise, at 7pm. Tickets will go for 20GHS at the gate, and there will be peformances by Efo Chameleon, Pappy Kojo, Joey B, Sister Debbie, Sena Dagadu and the Bois themselves. Visit the event page here for any info.
