#their dynamic is so cute hhh



She stifles a chuckle at her friend’s adorable antics, shaking her head fondly as she glanced around the place. It was a little bit more packed now than earlier that afternoon. “Hmmm, I knew Seoul had a strong gaming base but I didn’t think it would be this mad.” Replying back casually as she allows her dainty friend to tag her along, “Oh yea– I’ve tried NBA game before but I kinda wanna know what the hype is all about with this.” She nods as they wait in line, “Did you wanna try anything else after that though?”

Really at this point, there was no stopping the laugh that erupted from her lips, “Oh god– you’re right.” Pulling Seoyeon closer to her and measuring their height difference, “maybe if we go to a theme park you’ll get in for free.” Teasingly nudging her friend, she was one of the youngest if not the youngest in their group of friends, it’s so easy and fun to rile them up, “Don’t worry, we can always say you’re with your older sister, eh?”

seoyeon grins at olivia’s response and then shrugs, “we can always just walk over to the next play area and see what game it has once we finish with fifa.” seoyeon enjoyed watching soccer, and even playing it, but she definitely wasn’t an expert. she had no idea what it would be like, but she was excited to try.

she scowls at the younger, playfully pushing her away, “yah,hyejoo, you better watch out – i’m small but i’m at the perfect level for kneecaps.” there’s a grin on her face as she says it, looping her arm with olivia’s, “although getting into a theme park for free doesn’t sound like a bad plan…” she shakes her head, “no. i have more pride than that… i think.” she smirks.

she pulls olivia to the play area and sits down at a computer. “ah, i’m actually feeling nervous. i forget sometimes that you actually play video games a lot and stream them.” she starts to set up for the game, “how’s that been by the way? you guys were streaming here, right?” she asks, fiddling around in the character customization. “i’ve always wanted to try that. i don’t think i could do it full time but… streaming sounds like a lot of fun. being able to just play video games and then have people’s feedback instantly. i feel like the best part of video games is when you get to experience it with others.”
