


wearing a face mask in a crowded place where people tend to stand around in groups to watch isn’t the best situation for yixing to put himself in but he thinks he can spare the face mask every once in a while throughout his time at the event because most people’s eyes are on screens than the people walking around. it’s a different type of audience too, one more catered to gaming and that industry compared to the one convex is part of. to yixing, it’s refreshing when he can lower the mask but any lingering gazes do make him panic for a split second before he moves on to watching the next game. 

his experience with all games developed later, especially in high school and mostly after he moved to seoul. outings with friends to pc rooms and having the freedom of not being under the same roof as the meng family. he loves them with his whole heart but there was still a sense of obligation and it still affects his work ethic now. the need to constantly improve is deeply buried in his roots. 

here, he doesn’t have to think about that and he’s even meeting up with one of his friends from sopa for a moment. the jokes about participating in just dance make yixing laugh louder than he should be and he’s almost convinced, agrees to at least cheer his friend on if he decides to play but yixing points out it’s not as fair either: his friend is part of a dance company now after all. he just didn’t think that being on standby would prove to be more problematic than playing. there’s barely any time for yixing to react and move, certainly not enough time for him to don the face mask in time either. the guy’s hand comes so close to his face and yixing tries to dodge it, tries to lean back enough to create more distance but it’s too late and the proximity of the guy’s hand leaves him staring with wide eyes. 

the people around them begin to watch more intensely and there’s whispers that yixing isn’t fond of. trying to recover quickly and definitely trying to get a word in before his manager could, yixing does a few swiping gestures of his own, a playful grin on his lips as he asks, “ waaa, is that a new dance move in just dance? i don’t recognize it. there’s that song… everybody was kung fu fighting,” he sings, looking at the guy with expectant eyes and wondering why he seems familiar.   

there’s that split of moment of dread and adrenaline where everything seems to be moving in slow motion and hyperspeed all at the same time. the movements the guy makes seem combative at first, especially in the heat of that moment, and wonpil’s fight or flight kicks in, a jumble of both crashing against each other that it makes him just stand there without moving a single muscle, confused about whether he was really willing to throw down over an accident or to just bow profusely to try and diffuse the situation.

luckily, though, that brief moment of confusion is enough for the other person to make it very clear that there will be no fighting involved, and he can’t help but feel the relief washing over him as he doubles over with an, “oh thank god,” escaping his lips along with the breath he had no idea he’d been holding. he’s got his hands on his knees, attempting to catch his breath, both from the sudden rise and drop of adrenaline coursing through his veins and from all the “dancing” he’d been doing moments before.

“sorry,” he says as soon as he’s caught his breath and realized it’s probably something he should have done from the start. if things had ended up in a brawl, he probably wouldn’t have blamed the other party after having reflected on it, because he’s almost sure the first thing he did was laugh out of embarrassment and that brief moment of not knowing what to do. he’s abandoned his post at the game now, someone already having taken over, so he moves off to the side, this time bowing as he apologizes again.

“hey, aren’t you…” he begins once he’s taken a good look at the person he’d almost clocked in the face. he’s snapping his fingers trying to remember the name of the group he’s seen him in, almost blurts out the name convoy, but stops himself just short of doing so because it doesn’t sound right, but also because he probably shouldn’t be saying things out loud if he doesn’t want to be surrounded by an even bigger crowd. his voice trails off, not knowing how else to finish his sentence now. “that guy…….”


never had he expected the coex mall to be that overflooded with a crowd of people. who would have thought that three relatively simple games would draw in that many gamers? maybe it was simply the set up that made the whole thing a big social event or the possibility to sight one or another idol or famous gone trainee. kang joon looked left and right, watched other players win their matches or drop their shoulders at a loss. it wasn’t the typical kind of event kang joon would attend, but he still thought of it as amusing enough to settle down for a bit longer after trying out all games offered free to play.

kang joon felt warm, surrounded by the crowd as the midday sun burned down merciless on his skin. he got himself a drink and as soon as he found himself a free spot, he grabbed the opportunity and planted himself down, glancing at the people around him. there were way too many of them around, how in the world was that supposed to be a relaxing and fun event anymore? his amber coloured eyes wandered through rows of passerbys who were looking for a free spot to sit down. he was a little sorry for them, since he knew how it felt to aimlessly wander around and yearning for a little break.

someone familiar looking rose from the mass of people and approached him. the person next to him stood up in that moment, but within seconds the spot is claimed by another so when his friend wonpil finally stood in front of him, there was no room left. he is asked by the other male if the seat was taken, and kang joon squints down where the friend pointed at. “huh? this seat is taken, but…” kang joon makes a big gesture with both of his hands and pats his lap with a grin. “this spot here is free avaiable for you, my friend.”

admittedly, he had been a little too hopeful that i seat would magically open up if he asked kangjoon for a seat, had known deep down in the recesses of his mind that it was impossible with such a crowd and that miracles didn’t suddenly happen just because he didn’t want to be standing up while watching one of the matches. honestly, he didn’t really have any expectations when he’d asked, had just used it as a greeting toward his friend, but the fact that the elder is now patting his lap and suggesting that wonpil sit there is definitely not where he expected things to go.

he’d at first thought it a joke, but knowing kangjoon and seeing the expression on his face can only confirm that his friend is serious about the offer. his first instinct is to deny it, but he’d been looking for a seat all this time, and with one now suddenyl open to him, it would be dumb to do so. so, with a shrug and a grin, he turns around and plants his butt down in his friend’s lap. it’s certainly not as comfortable as having his own seat, but it’s admittedly better than standing around on his feet for the duration of the match.

“so do you play any of these games, hyung?” wonpil asks casually, ignoring some of the strange looks they’re getting from the people around them. if any of them have a problem with it, well, that’s none of his business, nor is it a problem of his own. “i haven’t played any of them except for league, but even that was only for a couple of hours.”


after watching a few of the competitive matches, he thinks that it may be time for him to head out and play his own video games within the comfort of his own home. not only does he not have to lose in front of all these people, he also doesn’t have to be crushed within the sheer amount of them either. he’s practically halfway out the door when the sudden urge of Just One Game overwhelms him, and he’s making a sharp turn toward the just dance booths to try his hand before he leaves, since he doesn’t have the game at home.

he’d thought all of his years dancing would prepare him for a game like this, but as soon as his turn comes up and the music starts playing, he quickly comes to realize that it’s hard having to dance along to choreographed music when he doesn’t know the moves, and the little markers at the bottom of the screen don’t seem to be helping very much. it’s a god damn mess, if he’s being honest, but he’s having fun at least, even if he’s just a bumbling mass of limbs moving on their own.

that is, until he swings his arms maybe too far,too hard, and suddenly he misses hitting someone with such a slim margin that he can practically feel them breathe on his hand as it swings past his face. the look of horror and disapproval from people around him has him turning to look at who it is, and as the wheels start turning in his head over why this guy looks so familiar, the look of anger on the face of the guy behind him makes everything click.

oh shit, he thinks. he’s one of those. an idol.


wonpil likes video games. he likes to play them casually, buy games when he feels like it, even has a couple of consoles at home in addition to his pc setup at home. but does he like games enough to register to play competitively? no. (not to mention, he doesn’t even play on a competitive level, but that’s not something he’ll willingly admit.) does he like them enough to spend an entire day watching other people play them? no. but does he like them enough to stop by for a couple of hours and check everything out? sure.

the only problem with arriving so late is that the place has become so thick with people that there’s sparsely enough room to move about freely, feeling more like an overcrowded theme park than a relaxing day off. he’s searching for a place to sit to watch at least one of the matches before he calls it a day when he spots a familiar face in the distance. a smile grows on his lips as he approaches, seeing the empty seat next to his friend, but before he can even reach him, the spot quickly fills up. but that doesn’t stop his resolve. maybe he can scoot down enough to make some room.

“hey, hyung! is this seat taken?” he points to the sliver of empty bench next to his friend, smile wide, displaying his hint of hopefulness. surely something can be done…


She stifles a chuckle at her friend’s adorable antics, shaking her head fondly as she glanced around the place. It was a little bit more packed now than earlier that afternoon. “Hmmm, I knew Seoul had a strong gaming base but I didn’t think it would be this mad.” Replying back casually as she allows her dainty friend to tag her along, “Oh yea– I’ve tried NBA game before but I kinda wanna know what the hype is all about with this.” She nods as they wait in line, “Did you wanna try anything else after that though?”

Really at this point, there was no stopping the laugh that erupted from her lips, “Oh god– you’re right.” Pulling Seoyeon closer to her and measuring their height difference, “maybe if we go to a theme park you’ll get in for free.” Teasingly nudging her friend, she was one of the youngest if not the youngest in their group of friends, it’s so easy and fun to rile them up, “Don’t worry, we can always say you’re with your older sister, eh?”

seoyeon grins at olivia’s response and then shrugs, “we can always just walk over to the next play area and see what game it has once we finish with fifa.” seoyeon enjoyed watching soccer, and even playing it, but she definitely wasn’t an expert. she had no idea what it would be like, but she was excited to try.

she scowls at the younger, playfully pushing her away, “yah,hyejoo, you better watch out – i’m small but i’m at the perfect level for kneecaps.” there’s a grin on her face as she says it, looping her arm with olivia’s, “although getting into a theme park for free doesn’t sound like a bad plan…” she shakes her head, “no. i have more pride than that… i think.” she smirks.

she pulls olivia to the play area and sits down at a computer. “ah, i’m actually feeling nervous. i forget sometimes that you actually play video games a lot and stream them.” she starts to set up for the game, “how’s that been by the way? you guys were streaming here, right?” she asks, fiddling around in the character customization. “i’ve always wanted to try that. i don’t think i could do it full time but… streaming sounds like a lot of fun. being able to just play video games and then have people’s feedback instantly. i feel like the best part of video games is when you get to experience it with others.”


at her next comment, jiwon feigns offence – wow, i take those brownie points back. she whines, pouting over at the younger.  why’d i come with you ? olivia or yuqi would’ve been nicer dongsaengs. she complains, shaking her head. although we both know you will beat me, i have two left feet and displayed that on national television. she points out with a shrug – but still, it’s rude to sayshe pauses as seoyeon explains just dance before smiling – i’m not that old, seoyeonnie, i know how to play just dance. she chuckles.

humming, jiwon shrugs as they take their places – sure, why not ? that way maybe i’ll get a chance after the first practice round.  she says, tapping her temple before chuckling. ooh, what do we wanna do ? i’ll let you choose since you’re the dongsaeng. she says with a smile, motioning for the younger to choose.

there’s a smile stuck on seoyeon’s face, she’s relishing in the fact that she can pick on jiwon lightly and not suffer seriousconsequences from it. sarcasm and poking fun at people were seoyeon’s forms of affection, and she was glad that all of dvs had picked up on that.

just as soon as she’s granted brownie points, they’re taken away and seoyeon can’t help the small laugh that escapes her. “oh, you know i love you jiwon-unnie.” she grins. 

she shrugs, “and i mean, just dance has been out for a while but… i have to make sure your memory’s still in tact.” she pokes her tongue out playfully before turning her attention to the screen, being offered the chance to have first pick. she hums, filing through the selection before finally settling on havanaby camila cabello, “we can start off things a little sultry.”

the music starts and seoyeon can feel her competitive drive kick in, trying her best to hit each move. surprisingly, it’s still difficult to do. despite being a dancer, it’s a lot different doing it for a video game. knowing how to dance really isn’t an important factor, but seoyeon’s perfectionist viewpoint gets in the way of that. she hits the moves, but misses more than she expects.

by the end of the song seoyeon sighs, “maybe this is gonna be a little harder than expected.” she laughs. there are a couple people hovering around to watch them and seoyeon feels shy suddenly, “ah i forgot that we’re in public.”

seoyeon felt so excited when she had found out about game x. made it even better to have most of her friends going to it as well. she’d put gaming on the back burner lately, wanting to focus on music when she wasn’t doing schoolwork. but now she had a chance to let loose and just have fun. making music and rapping were her biggest passions, but sometimes it was nice to do something just because she enjoyed it, and not hold herself to such a high standard.

she walks in with liv and makes a dramatic noise, “wow~ it’s all so busy in here already.” she notices, looking at all the people standing in line to sign up for the competition. she grabs hyejoo’s hand and pulls her to the line forming, “i wanna sign up.” she beams, “you said you wanted to try fifa right? i don’t think i’ve ever played a sports game before so i think it’ll be fun.”

she looks up at hyejoo, noticing just how much taller the younger girl was. she huffs, “ya… i can’t stand next to you. i look like your little sister.” she pouts. being 5'1, seoyeon looked like everyone’s little sister, but that was beside the point – in her head at least.

                                                            — ☾.*(agame x starter for @rkxsnh)
