#them there


Dunno if it’s just me but I cannot comprehend Fanny’s full name is Stephanie. STEFFANNY

What the Ghosts would wear to the Met Gala (but there is no theme haha)

Robin - A gorgeous iridescent silver slim cut dress and trainers with a matching makeup look. You cannot change my mind.

Humphrey - Unbuttoned burgundy suit jacket with white sheer shirt and two tone trousers. (one leg black, one leg gold)

Mary - The most forward thinking and experimental dress we’ve ever seen. I’m not qualified to think of anything more other than pearls are involved.

Kitty - Sparkles. Crystals. Expensive Satin. All I can say is her smile is the most important part.

Thomas - Self styled casual wear look with a cringy deeper meaning. Also lots of jewellery.

Lady Button - a very elegant full length dress, made of chiffon, organza or silk so very flowy.

Captain - a suit. A plain ol black suit. But a lovely little secret message in the lining with a pin on the lapel

Pat - a basic cut suit but in a funky colour/ pattern/ fabric

Julian - idk why but this man is giving off dark purple body suit and sheer overlay vibes. No I will not explain any further.


Alison & Mike - Matching outfits, Mike in a suit made from the same fabric as Alison’s dress.

I took a break cause I’m running out of videos but DAY 6 of me editing myself into this scene

Mat really did say‍♂️

Had a great dream last night that Alison and the ghosts were able to travel on the district line but couldn’t leave the platforms. Don’t know how we got outside the grounds of Button house never mind Wimbledon Tube Station but all the ghosts were having a great time.

Not the Husbands we expected, but the husbands we needed. My favourite trouserless duo

me watching bbc ghosts for the first time and seeing this little guy: (circa. feb 2021)

specific niche maybe but watching dating amber… is eddie just a mini captain?

in total denial of being gay

thinks the military is right for him

is not subtle about his crushes

haven’t watched ghosts for the last couple of months but i rewatched ep1 and 2 and… it really is the best. i can never properly articulate what it is but watching it feels like going home, and it’s so comforting. i love every character with my whole heart.

(though you’ll always be my guy, cap xx)

ive just seen that today is one year on from me starting bbc ghosts for the first time!

i started it late at night so i stopped pretty quickly, but the next day i watched all the rest. within 4 days, i had forced the rest of my family to watch it with me just so i had an excuse to talk to them about it. within a month, i had watched all of yonderland too. i was forcing everyone around me to watch the show, trying to get them to understand why i love it so much.

i get really intense obsessions with things, and they last anything from months to years, but ghosts is one of, if not the most, special one to me. being a fan of ghosts (and themthere) has brought so much happiness to my life. having favourite quotes from every character in every episode, crying laughing at jokes ive heard a million times, watching interviews and listening to podcasts, drawing them, writing stories, making theories…

not to mention the captain, who is a very important character to me for so many reasons that i won’t get into now

it’s been the most joy filled obsession of my life, so thanks to everyone who’s ever been involved in the making of this show. carry on!

the only homophobic thing ben willbond ever did was have a french rap band 20 years ago and not post any of the songs on youtube
