#theme eats

Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio 忠孝東路四段205巷7弄7號 台北市02 2731 9135東區的KIKOS夏威夷餐廳+大家最愛的可愛SANRIO!本

Kiko’s Diner with Sanrio

02 2731 9135
本來有點懷疑會不會"吃裝潢"但餐點其實實在好吃! 小熊點了蔬菜PIZZA配黑咖啡(咖啡可)
裝潢真的很可愛! 有美國風格,到處都有SANRIO的可愛人物! 這次小熊坐的位子在窗戶昂邊的沙發
也有酒品但這次沒點 ;)
Kiko’s Diner Hawaiian restaurant with everybody’s favorite cute brand, Sanrio, in East Metro!
At first Taiwan Teddy worried it would be a restaurant focused on the decor rather than food, but the food was very good!
This time I ordered veggie pizza and black coffee (refills)
The pizza is soft crust and very yummy, but the center is a bit too soft to hold up its own weight, so eat with knife and fork to keep from getting paws too messy.
The coffee comes with creamer and sugar, and has unlimited refills
The restaurant is done in American-style decor with adorable Sanrio characters painted throughout!  We were seated by the window in a cozy couch area.  Loved it!
Kiko’s also sells some goods, like mugs, ribbon headbands, totes, etc.
They also provide alcoholic drinks, but we did not try any this time ;)

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摸摸貓咖啡館 中山一路61巷11號 上禮拜小熊去碧華街買布料,肚子餓了晃到這間咖啡廳,沒想到有這麼可愛又溫和的錢錢在這裡!一進門錢錢就喵喵叫,也會自己跳上桌子來找客人玩。吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANN摸摸貓咖啡館 中山一路61巷11號 上禮拜小熊去碧華街買布料,肚子餓了晃到這間咖啡廳,沒想到有這麼可愛又溫和的錢錢在這裡!一進門錢錢就喵喵叫,也會自己跳上桌子來找客人玩。吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANN摸摸貓咖啡館 中山一路61巷11號 上禮拜小熊去碧華街買布料,肚子餓了晃到這間咖啡廳,沒想到有這麼可愛又溫和的錢錢在這裡!一進門錢錢就喵喵叫,也會自己跳上桌子來找客人玩。吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANN摸摸貓咖啡館 中山一路61巷11號 上禮拜小熊去碧華街買布料,肚子餓了晃到這間咖啡廳,沒想到有這麼可愛又溫和的錢錢在這裡!一進門錢錢就喵喵叫,也會自己跳上桌子來找客人玩。吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANN摸摸貓咖啡館 中山一路61巷11號 上禮拜小熊去碧華街買布料,肚子餓了晃到這間咖啡廳,沒想到有這麼可愛又溫和的錢錢在這裡!一進門錢錢就喵喵叫,也會自己跳上桌子來找客人玩。吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANN



吃素的朋友們可以點起司PANNINI,請廚師別加火腿就好! 起司的味道不會太重,剛剛好,青菜也都新鮮!
卡布奇諾杯子像碗一樣大!!! $100又好喝!!! 而且有附送杏仁餅,是逸晨杏仁片用一點點的餅乾還是糖漿黏在一起,不會乾
Momo Cat Cafe

Last week I went to BiHua Fabric District to buy fabric, got hungry, and happened upon this cafe. I was surpried to find such a cute and welcoming cat, :ian:ian, there greeting all the guests!
As soon as you walk in, QianQian meows to greet you, and also jumps up onto the tables to ask for petting from the customers.
Veggie friends can order the cheese and veggie pannini and ask the chef not to ad the ham.  The cheese is not too overpowering, and the veggies are fresh and delicious!
The order comes with a side of chips made from some secret ingredient… its original flavor is a touch of sweet and savory, and it tastes even better with the salsa added on top, becoming a bit spicy!
I also ordered a cappuccino, which came in a cup the size of a bowl!  At NT$100 it is very affordable and also very well-made.  Love it!!!  The coffee also came with almond brittle.
The brittle is made of layers of almond flakes held together by some type of batter or topping, so the fragrance of the almonds really shines through~
I cannot wait to visit again!

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台北超夢幻糖果屋 好樣棒棒 VVG Bon Bon Taipei Candy House Very Very Good Bon Bon 106台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷13號02 2711 45台北超夢幻糖果屋 好樣棒棒 VVG Bon Bon Taipei Candy House Very Very Good Bon Bon 106台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷13號02 2711 45台北超夢幻糖果屋 好樣棒棒 VVG Bon Bon Taipei Candy House Very Very Good Bon Bon 106台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷13號02 2711 45台北超夢幻糖果屋 好樣棒棒 VVG Bon Bon Taipei Candy House Very Very Good Bon Bon 106台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷13號02 2711 45


好樣棒棒 VVG Bon Bon

Taipei Candy House

Very Very Good Bon Bon

02 2711 4505

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