#theme ghost story



Theme October 2021 : Ghost story

Happy Halloween to everyone




@deangenchallenge​ October 2021: Ghost Story


Dean - SPN // 4x07, 11x23


October 2021 Theme ghost story

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@deangenchallenge | October 2021 | Ghost Story

Time for Round 5 of Dean Gen Challenge! This time the theme is GHOST STORYHow it worksOn the first d

Time for Round 5 of Dean Gen Challenge! This time the theme is GHOST STORY

How it works

Onthe first day of each month, we’ll provide a theme that you’ll explore in your works in relation to Dean

You can sign up at any point throughout the month, simply by reblogging this post and tagging it with #entered

You have until the last day of the month to publish your work. Tag it with #deangenchallenge and mention @deangenchallenge to make sure we find it

We’ll be reblogging all works to this blog; if you don’t see your work reblog after five days, send us an ask with a link to it

There is no penalty for dropping out. This is a no pressure challenge; if you can’t finish the work, try again next month with the new theme

You might combine this challenge with other events and bingos, as long as their rules allow it

The last day to publish your work for this round is October 31st

When posting your work to ao3, add it to our collection deangenchallenge

Feel free to reblog to signal boost even if you’re not entering! :)

Work requirements below the cut

Work content

Dean Winchester must be the focus of the work, no putting him in the supporting role

No ships as this is a gen challenge

Platonic and familial relationships are fine

Passing hook-ups, similar to those Dean would engage in during case on the show, are also okay — they can’t however be the main focus of the works

All works must match the given theme but you’re free to interpret it however you want it, both literally or metaphorically

Mature/explicit content and dark themes are allowed, but must be properly warned for; visual explicit works must be hosted elsewhere and linked to on tumblr, not to violate tumblr’s content guidelines

No sexual content involving minors

No RPF or reader-insert works — the focus of this challenge is Dean

Works using quotes about Dean coming from Jensen, other actors, or the show’s creators are fine

You can submit more than one work for each theme

Work types

Various types of works are welcome, such as fanfic, fanart, graphics, gifsets, fanvids, fanmixes, fic rec lists

Minimum requirements (there is no maximum)

  • Fanfic: 500 words (remember to use read more when posting the whole fic to tumblr)
  • Fanart/graphics: 1 art piece, width 540px
  • Gifsets: 3 gifs
  • Fanmix: 8 songs + description of how they relate to Dean and the theme
  • Fanvid: 30 sec
  • Podfic: read, not tts, fic of min 500 words
  • Fic rec list: 4 fics written by others + commentary on how they fit the theme
  • all podfic’d and rec’d fics must also fit the content rules of the challenge

Questions? Feel free to send us an ask

Post link