#theo raeken fluff


Savior|Theo Raeken Imagine

request: hi i love your writing. i was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is very shy and keeps to herself. but she is plus size and gets bullied for it. and Isaac or Theo, who secretly likes her saves her from a bully. @artfuck



A/N:I tried my best and I hope you like it. Enjoy ☺️

Your hands were shaking as you opened the doors of Beacon Hills High School. “Here goes nothing”, you thought to yourself, hoping that this day wouldn’t be as bad.

You almost ran through the hallway in order to get to your locker trying to avoid the other people. Well, especially trying to avoid him and his friends. Brett Talbot and his group of desperate followers. They were the worst, always trying you make your life hell whenever they could.

You relaxed when you finally sat down on a chair in your biology classes. Scott sent a friendly smile into your direction. He wasn’t one of the bad guys. He always tried to cheer you up, knowing how hard it could be at high school.

As your teacher entered, she wrote down the topic of today’s lesson: Body shaming. You took in a sharp breath.

“Well like you all might know or not know, nowadays a lot of women get harassed because of their body and the way they look. I am sure none of you experienced this, at least I hope so”, she started.

You looked down at your thighs. Tears starting to fill your eyes. Brett whispered something to his friends and they laughed looking at you. Your teacher kept on talking but you couldn’t focus anymore. “Why me?”, you thought to yourself. “Y/N Y/L/N?”, you heard her voice. “What do you think about that?”, she added. You couldn’t even look at her as tears were still streaming down your face. “Well fattie over there, sure does know hot it feels”, Brett hissed. You looked at Brett in disgust.

“Talbot, it’s enough!”, your teacher got loud. Brett just laughed at her and you knew why. Just because of stopping him once, it wouldn’t stop him from doing it after class. The teacher made Brett leave the room and continued talking while making sure not to ask you again.

The bell rang finally but as you started to make your way out of the classroom, your teacher stopped you. “Are you alright?”, she wondered. You smiled a weak smile. “It’s okay”, you whispered and left the room as fast as you could.

Little did you know Brett was waiting for you outside. “Hey fattie”, he grinned at you. You weren’t able to say a thing still shocked from the recent thing he said in class. Brett looked at the muscular boy right next to him.

You didn’t know his name, but you remembered those eyes. He was the guy who took pictures of you at the toilet and sent them around. “Bryan, why don’t you take care of her?”, Brett winked at him and put his hand into his pocket searching for something. “Well as you already made your debut on social media, why don’t we try a movie?”, he laughed and started the camera on his phone.

Bryan grinned at you before he pushed you against the wall making you shriek in surprise. He put one of his big hands around your throat giving you a hard time to breathe. You felt your knees getting weak when Bryan’s hand slapped your face earning a laugh from his friends. Keeping you in place with his hand around your throat he lifted your shirt showing your stomach. “Wait, wait I’m gonna zoom in”, Brett laughed.

You felt tears coming up in your eyes. Why did it have to be like this? You never felt comfortable in your skin but being treated like this, made you start to hate yourself. “Get the fuck away from her!”, you heard someone growl behind you.

Bryan’s face was hovering over yours, so you couldn’t see the boy but you knew who it was. Theo Raeken. Brett smirked. “Shut up, Raeken. That’s none of your business”, he laughed. Theo clenched his fists.

“It is, Talbot. And now you leave her the fuck alone”, he screamed, his eyes turning yellow. Bryan stepped back, loosening his grip around you throat and letting your shirt fall back down. “Bryan, what are you doing”, Brett wondered angrily. “Man, I’m leaving. That shit is hella scary”, he answered and turned around, the other boys following him. Brett glanced at you before leaving with an annoying “Oh come on”.

You breathed heavily trying to get some air into your lungs while your body went to the floor. “T-Thank you”, you mumbled into Theo’s direction. He was still angry and the thing with his eyes, you were scared shitless no question but you were just happy to be out of that situation. Theo reached his hand out and grabbed yours trying to make you stand up but you couldn’t. Your throat was hurting and blue marks had formed around it. Tears started streaming down your face.

“I’m sorry, baby girl”, Theo whispered and got down to the floor right in front of you. You smiled weakly at him before letting your head hang again. What did he want anyway? Theo Raeken ist one of the hottest guys you’ve ever laid eyes on and he sure as hell didn’t want to be seen with you. “I’m fine”, you mumbled getting up slowly. Theo raised one eyebrow.

“Where are you going, Y/N?”, he wondered.

“Well I’m late for physics”, you muttered. Theo rolled his eyes at you. “Y/N, you’re not going to that class”, he said. You just turned around and made your way to the room when you felt Theo’s strong hand grab your wrist. He turned you around, so you could face him. “Listen, Y/N, I can see that you’re hurting and I’m not going to let you go anywhere especially not near this guy again. So if you don’t mind, I think we should skip classes today..”, Theo proposed but your eyes were fixed to where his hand was holding your wrist and dark streaks where going into Theo’s arm.

He smiled. “I’m taking your pain away, Y/N”, he whispered. You didn’t know how he did it but your pain was gone immediately. You thought about his yellow eyes again, you just couldn’t make sense of it but for the moment you just wanted to lay down and close your eyes. “Can you drive me home?”, you asked nervously. “Sure”, Theo nodded.

You directed him while driving, his hand drawing small figures on your thigh wanting to calm you. In front of your House, Theo stopped the car. “Thank you”, you smiled slightly and hugged him. “Everything for you, princess”, he mumbled into your hair before pressing a small kiss to your cheek. Your smile grew.

“Theo?”, you wondered. He looked deep into your eyes. “Would you mind coming in and telling me everything about…?”, you started but Theo interrupted you. “About that thing with my eyes, I guess”, he chuckled. You nodded while opening the door of his car and moving to your house. Theo sat down on the couch. “Do you want something to drink? Coffee, tea, anything?”, you asked him, facing his back.

“I’m good, princess”, he said. You made a small cup of tea for yourself before sitting down next to Theo. You two talked for hours, getting to know each other more and more. Even though Theo told you everything about the chimeras, you weren’t scared. You felt so comfortable and safe around him. “I think have to leave now.. your parents will be back soon, I guess”, Theo mumbled, it was already getting dark outside.

“Um, my parents are celebrating my uncle’s birthday in New York. They’re not coming home until sunday”, you explained. Theo smiled. “I should leave anyway, don’t want to stop you from doing your important things”, he said.

“Well actually.. would you stay here with me?”, you asked shyly. Theo smirked. “Just cuddling”, you grinned. “As you wish, darling”, he said and placed a kiss on top of your head.
