#malia tate


So Much For “I love you”-Part One

Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) a girl that soon realized her world was about to come crashing down all because of a blue-eyed wolf…

(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name

Isaac Lahey x Reader

Requested: Yes (A long time ago, I might add)


(Y/N) POV:


“Isaac I can’t just leave. What about the pack, what about my family” I exclaim. He walks towards me a soft look evident on his face, he takes a hold of my hand and interlocks them together. I sigh and move away from leaving him confused.

“I know this is a lot to handle, Isaac. We’re all still hurting but you can’t expect me to up and go. I love you, Isaac, I do. But I can’t leave not now not ever” I explain.

“ (Y/N) I know you don’t wanna leave Scott, the pack, and your family. But you, Scott…Derek you three are the only family that I have left and I can’t watch you die in my arms, (Y/N). So please” Isaac pleads.

“Isaac…"I whisper. I take his hand and place it on my cheek comforting the distressed wolf.

“I’m not Allison… I miss her so much, she was always there for me whenever I needed her… I miss her, Isaac just as much as you do but I’m not her. I’m me…(Y/N) (Y/L/N), your girlfriend. She’s a human girl with a human family. That gets average grades and is hopelessly in love with a guy named Isaac freaking Lahey” I begin to say ever so softly. A tear escapes slowly streaming down my face.

“And if he loves me as much as I love him… He won’t leave me here alone, he won’t make me go somewhere I don’t want to go because if he truly loves me he’ll stay and fight beside me till we fall to the ground cause we were protecting someone that mattered” I continue to say.

“I can’t leave them here, my family is human, Isaac. They can’t fight like me, they can’t heal like you or Scott. So they need me to protect from whatever danger is coming their way because they matter to me” I finished. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face.

“And you matter to me… (Y/N) please don’t make me go without you” Isaac cries.

“Then don’t go” I respond.

“It’s not that simple (Y/N)” Isaac says.

“But me leaving my family is. What made you think that I was just going to leave my family, my friends, my hometown…I can’t, I don’t think I have the strength to leave” I reply. He looks at me in defeat, the look of desperation washes over his facial features.

“You mean everything to me, Isaac. And I love you to the moon and back but all of this is too much to ask an emotionally wrecked girl. I lost my best friend, I almost lost Stiles tonight I don’t wanna lose him again, he’s like a brother to me Isaac” I cry. I cup his face, everything slowly becomes drawn out as I look into the icy blue eyes.

“I’m sorry (Y/N) but I’m not going to stay here and watch you die” Isaac says. My heart breaks in two, I step away and turn around not wanting to see him.

I hear him pick his bag up off the ground. I try to block it out every little sound that he made. Everything was becoming too unbearable for my heart to handle.

“I guess this is goodbye” He says. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. I turn to face the boy I love, my arms folded loosely across my chest.

“I guess so” I say bluntly. He drops his bag and runs towards me, his hands on my hips and our lips connected as he kissed me goodbye. I push back and fold my arms once again looking at the floor.

“Please come with me” Isaac pleads once again.

“You know I can’t do that, Isaac. Scott, my parents, Lydia…. I can’t leave, Isaac. They mean too much to me” I reply.

“(Y/N)…” Isaac says. I turn away not wanting him to see me cry.

“Please, Isaac just go, your leaving me whether I come or not. So please make this easier for my heart and leave” I yell.

“But (Y/N)…” He says. I turn around once again to face him, my emotions suddenly all over the place.

“Isaac… go” I plead. He walks towards his bag and picks it up once again. He slowly closes the door behind his eyes never leaving mine. He abruptly stops and says one more thing.

“I love you” He says and shuts the door. I collapse onto the floor in tears, my body slowly starts to become weak as I continue to repeat the love of my life leaving me. I look up at the door and replay those three words in my mind.

“I love you too” I say….


“Hey (Y/N)”


I shake my head as the sound of a very familiar voice wakes me up. I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, one gives me a concerned look and the other one looks at me annoyed.


“The plan remember” Stiles says. I roll my eyes and lay back onto the jeep.

“Look I’m glad I’m a part of your plan, Stiles. But I’m not even sure if I wanna go to college yet” I say. He gasps at my response cause both me and Scott to laugh. I sit upright and look at the boy beside me.

“Something is seriously wrong with her. Scott what does she smell like” Stiles says. I glare at him and stick my tongue out.

“She smells…-” Scott begins to say. He looks up at the sky thinking.

“Sad, Scott I’m sad. Thought you’d be used to it by now. It’s basically a common state for me” I answer.

“Whats wrong?” Scott’s ask concerned. I sigh and face the alpha next to me.

“I was thinking about the night Isaac left” I begin to say. Stiles looks at Scott with this I told you so look on his face causing me to glare at him.

“I keep asking myself what if, you know” I finish.

“Hey, you’ll be okay. My mum said to this to me when me and Allison broke up "They’re you’re first love everything will be amazing and exciting-” Scott begins to say but I cut him off.

“But you’ll end up finding someone else that’ll end up being just as amazing as the first” I finish.

“See you’re getting it” Scott says nudging me in the process. Stiles waves his arms in frustration causing both me and Scott to look at him.

“Dude the plan” Stiles says.

“Don’t worry Stiles you can have him back I’m gonna talk to little wolf anyway” I say. I jump off the jeep and walk towards a chained up Liam.

“(Y/N) you’re a part of the plan as well” Stiles yells behind me.

“Love you” I yell back casually . I stand beside Liam and look up at the sky.

“How you feeling?” I ask.

“I feel great by the way” Liam yells.

“He’s busy at the moment little wolf, Stiles is currently discussing the ‘plan’ aswe speak” I mock. Liam groans in annoyance and rests his head on the tree stump.

“Ughhhh it was only one time I seriously don’t know why I’m even here” he exclaims annoyed. I roll my eyes thinking about all the other times he’s done something stupid during the full moon.

“You sure about that” I reply with giggling. His face turns red in embarrassment as he start looking up at the the stars. I join him in this little activity thinking about the times where me and Isaac would do the same.

“The stars are quiet beautiful tonight, they just sit up there slowly burning throughout the night peacefully and without a care in the world. You know Me and Isaac use to do this all the time it was my favou-” I start to say without thinking. My eyes go wide as I fully process what I just said.

“Isaac?” Liam says while looking at me intrigued.

“Ahhhhh it’s nothing don’t worry about it little wolf, You know what I’ll meet you in the jeep” I say. I quickly walk towards the jeep and get inside. I lean back against the chair slowly sliding down my mind is filled with thoughts.

“What did he do?” Stiles asks as he walks up to the door.

“Nothing, Stiles. He done nothing” I reply.

“Then why do you look like you’re about to cry” he says.

“Seriously stiles don’t worry about it okay I’ll be fine” I say.

“Pfffft a nd I have a six pack with biceps the size of your head. Now come on, whats wrongs” Stiles says. I laugh at his reply and sit up in my chair.

“If you really wanna know I started thinking about my time with Isaac okay and how we’d use to look at the stars, see I told you it was nothing okay” I reply.

“Look you need to talk about him whether it’d be with me, Scott or Lydia but you need to talk about him (Y/N)” he says. I nod my head and usher him out the jeep. I lean back into the seat and close my eyes thinking about what Stiles had just said.

After a while, I get out of the jeep and sit next to Scott. They both look at me concerned looks plastered onto their face.

“I thought about what you said and you’re right. I need to talk about him so why not do it now” I say. They both send me small smiles.

“Where do I begin. Isaac was my first everything, my first love, my first kiss etcetera, etcetera. And I loved him so much… He was there for me when you were the nogitsune, Stiles” I begin to say. Scott puts his arm around my shoulders in order to comfort me.

“Things were great you know. I even saw a future with him, then everything turned sour when Ali died. She was the glue that held everything together. I didn’t know what to do after that and neither did Isaac or that’s what I thought. When he asked me to go with him I was surprised. Deep down I wanted to jump into his arms and scream yes at the top of my lungs but then I thought about you two, my family, Lydia… the pack. I begged him to stay, I begged and I begged but just like that he was gone and I was standing there cold and alone. I tried so hard to forget about him but all I do is end up missing him even more it’s like I’m going crazy and I haven’t figured out how to get over it” I finish. By this point, I was balling my eyes out. Scott was hugging me, rocking side to side as the night continues to tick away

“No matter what (Y/N) you’ve always got us okay” Scott says with a stupid grin on his face. I laugh lightly and hug them both.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you two, seriously” I say. I let go of the hug and chat to them for a little while as some time passes stiles begins to say something.

“Hey you think it’s been long enough” Stiles says referring to the chained up wolf.

“Yes” Liam yells. We all walk towards the little wolf, Scott puts his hand into his pocket and begins to take the keys out.

“Are you sure you’re okay” Scott asks.

“Yes, I’m fine” Liam replies.

“Well if we see your naked butt running around town again I’ll be dragging you here myself little wolf” I say with my brows raised slightly.

“I said I was hot” Liam replies.

“Yes well my grandparent didn’t appreciate seeing a particularly naked young boy running outside my house at two in the morning. Now let’s get going we got things to do”

*skip rest of car ride*

Me, Scott, Malia and Stiles finally make it to the school. We wait for Kira as she was the only one that wasn’t here.

“I’m going to get her” Scott says.

“How are you going to go through all the traffic” Stiles asks.

“I have a way. You guys go to the library, I’ll go back home and get my bike” Scott’s says. We nod our head and wave bye to Scott.

“You guys go ahead I need to do something that I haven’t been able to do in a long time” I say. I play with the necklace Isaac gave me for our anniversary.

“Oh hell no. Do you really think I’m gonna-” Stiles begins to say but Malia cuts him off.

“We’ll meet you at the front of the school” Malia says. Stiles begins to protest but Malia motions her hands to the necklace. Stiles looks at it and then finally understands what I meant. They both walk away, I smile a little as they both remind me of the relationship I had with Isaac.

I walk towards the lacrosse field, my hair and clothes drenched in water. I stand there, the necklace firmly in my hand as I begin to think about the memories we made together. After a while, I look at the necklace a tear slides down my face.

“I love you and I let you go, Isaac Lahey”I throw the necklace far away. My heart finally feeling at peace. I turn around and come face to face with a man.

“You look a lot like the girl in the photo” he says. I move away from him my heart racing. I look at his hands and see long claw protruding from his fingers.

“What are you?” I ask.

“Someone wanting to know where Scott McCall is” he says. I try to run past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, he then puts his claws up to my throat.

“Look I don’t know where he is okay” I say. 

“Now that’s a lie isn’t it” He says. He digs his claws into my throat causing me to flinch. 

“You won’t find him and even if you do you won’t even know what hit you” I say threatening. He chuckles and leans into my neck. 

“Oh, naive little girl… just you wait and see” He whispers into my ear. We walk to the tunnel that we were under before Scott went to pick Kira up. Coincidentally both Scott and Kira were there. He growls causing the both of them to look in our direction. He pushes me out of the rain, his claws digging into my lower back. 

“Hey, Kira. How was the trip?” I say trying to lighten the mood. The strange man pushes me to the side and runs at Scott and Kira. Everyone begins fighting, Kira takes out her sword while Scott takes out his claws. I crack the bone in my neck and get ready to fight.

“How cute. You all think you can actually beat me” He says. I raise my brow and pull my knives out. 

“Of course we can. Afterall your just another one of our useless obstacles” I say. 

I run up and attack, he dodges some of my advance causing me to attack him even more. He grabs my arms and kicks me in the stomach making me fall to the ground in pain. Scott and Kira then proceed to fight him, he pushes Scott to the side leaving Kira. She takes her sword out and slashes the air and then proceeds to attack, he easily blocks her moves and hit her back causing her to fall.

“A true alpha. Where’s your power, Scott” He says. 

“Who are you?” Scott asks.

“A devoted fan. Show me the man that took down Deucalion, the man who broke the Argents. I came for that alpha, COME ON” He replies. Scott roars and then attacks him. Kira gets up and then attacks him once again but he blocks every move. 

“I didn’t come just to claim your status” He starts to say. 

I stand up and ready my knives once again but I was pulled back by some guy. He attacks him landing a few blows here and there but not enough to take him down. Scott stands up and dodges every throw taken towards him but that guys grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Then he impales Scott with his claws, Scott slowly kneels onto the ground his eyes flashing back to his normal eyes. 

I push past Kira taking her sword and run towards Scott getting ready to attack once again. Scott then grabs him and stands up his eyes back to his alpha ones. I smirk to myself and aim her sword at him while he lays on the ground.

“I don’t know who you are or what you thought you were gonna do but I’ll give you a choice. You can stay and I’ll break something else or you can run” Scott threatens. He looks at us and then turns his to face Stiles. I kick his leg getting his attention, I then lean crouch down in front of him the sword now on the ground. 

“I’d run” I whisper. He stands up, holding his broken arms and runs. I stand up picking up the sword and throw it back to Kira. We all walk towards each other, I turn around to face the guy behind us curious as to who he is. 

“You don’t remember me do you” he says. We all stand there silent, I fold my arms across my chest.

“Nope not one bit” I say. He chuckles and starts walking towards us. 

“I always liked that about you, (Y/N)” He replies. I take my knives out and aim them at him. 

“How do you know my name” I threaten. 

“I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade” He says. 

“…Theo” Scott says. He nods his head a smile slowly emerges onto his face. I put my knives down and place them back into my boots. 

“You know him” Malia says. I smile to myself as the memories of us begin to flash through my mind. 

“Yeah, we use to know him. We were best friends for three years” I reply. I look around the group of people everyone reactions seem so different. 

“Trust me I thought I’d never get to see you guys again. A couple months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills… When I found out his name was Scott McCall… I just couldn’t believe it. Not just an alpha but a true alpha” He says. 

“What do you want?” Scott asks.

“I moved back to Beacon Hills…back home with my family. Cause I want to be a part of your pack” He answers. 

“That was a really nice speech, Raeken. But all I wanna do and I’m pretty sure most of you agree is to sign our stupid initials onto a library shelf in the school, okay. Now if you don’t mind we’ll be going” I say before anyone could say anything I left and started walking towards the library. We all walk to the library in complete silence, all that could be heard was the sound of rain hitting against the ground. 

“That was interesting” Malia says breakining the silence. 

“Yeah” I reply. 

“What were you doing anyway (Y/N)”Scott asks. 

“I was letting someone go” I reply. He looks at me confused, i just pat his shoulder and continue walking ahead. We make it inside the school all of us sigh in relief. 

“I’ll be back. I have to go to my locker” I say. They nod their heads and stand there talking. 

I jog towards my locker and grab whatever I needed and began jogging my way back to the group of teens. I frown as I approach them as they all sounded like they were arguing with someone. 

“Hey what the hell is going on” I yell. Everyone turns around and looks at me with a sad expression. I look at them weirdly, not sure whats going on. 

“Hey, (Y/N). What the hell happened to you” I hear a very familiar voice say. He booked to walk towards me cupping my face as he examines my injuries from the fight. I push him away my emotions suddenly all over the place as the love of my life stands in front of me after all these years.

“Don’t start caring now Isaac it’s too late for that” I reply coldly. My hearts racing over a thousand miles per hour while my mind is all over the place, Why now, why here, why me…

“I don’t know why you’re here or why you’re back Isaac but I’ve had a bad night so if you’d like you can go back to France and never return. Oh yeah and this is for leaving” I say, I punch him in the face as the sudden urge of anger starts to raise inside me. He stumbles back a shocked look plastered on his face, he wipes the blood of his nose and fixes his composure, He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes still full of love and it made me even more angrier.

“I’m here because of you” He says. I roll my eyes and scoff as I continue to glare at the boy in front of me.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Isaac. It’s been years since you up and left me, I needed you, I relied on you Isaac… so what makes you think that you could come back and think that everything would be okay. I’m still healing mentally and emotionally so I really don’t need this at the moment Isaac so leave… its what you’re good at” I yell tears streaming down my face with every word.

“(Y/N) please listen to me” he begins to plead with me. I scoff and roll my eyes once again, no matter how much I’ve yearned for him touch or to see him once again I’m not going to fall for his lies anymore, I’ve let him go so I need to stick by it.

“Isaac stop I’m done with this conversation and I’m done with you. Let’s go guys Lydias probably waiting for us” I say, I walk away the pack following behind as we make our way towards Lydia.

“Sooooo that was interesting” Stiles says while he catches up to me.

“Ugghhhh don’t even get me started, seriously this night couldn’t t have been any worse. I just wanna write my initial on that stupid library shelf and go home, my grandparents are probably worried” I reply annoyed. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Well it seems like your wish just came true cause I spot Lydia right now actually so library here we come” he says. I smile and hug him once more before letting to go met up with Lydia a bit quicker than the others. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back surprised.

“Took you guys long enough and what was that for even though I’m not complaining” she says with a confused yet concerned look on her face.

“I’ll catch you up tonight, sleepover?” I reply.

“Uhhhhh of course” she replied, I laugh at her response and hug her once more while we wait for the others to catch up.


Isaac Lahey was my first everything, he was my first my love and also my first heartbreak. I had given that boy everything I could and yet that still just wasn’t enough my heart wasn’t enough because when I needed him the most he left…

I hate him so fucking much, that it hurts to still be in love with him. He left me, abandoned me, threw me away like I was simply nothing but trash to him, so how dare I still love him… how dare he still be on my mind after all he’s done to me, how dare he not be hurting still after all these years apart, how dare he make me feel the way that I do, how dare he expect to me to fall into his arms like he never left or none of it never happened…

I hate him so much that my heart can’t seem to stop being in love with him and it hurts, it hurts so much and I’m not sure if I fully let him go…“I love you”… yeah so much for that.


why isn’t anyone talking about how hot malia looked last night



if u don’t like malia i probably hate u


  • Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
  • Word count: 2483
  • Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, suicide, murder, swearing (always), etc.
  • A/N: Surprise? Kind of a filler. Lots of jumps. Soon, I will upload a post explaining what is going to happen to this series and my writing in general. Don’t worry, it’s not something bad.



Last night, we had some problems with Garrett. The police and ambulances ended up being involved, and thankfully, nothing serious had happened to any of us. But as we expected, things were becoming more dangerous, and we all were concerned about the unknown future.

I went down the stairs while checking my phone. Scott had texted me saying he had to go somewhere while Stiles had called me, informing me that he would come to get me in a couple of minutes. Before entering the kitchen, I stopped as I listened to Melissa speaking. “I know that I’m a month late. Three months? Oh. Are you sure it’s three months?” I sighed gently, hoping she wouldn’t hear me. “Okay, I understand. Um, but if you could just turn the power back on even for a few hours, that would be really great. I have a refrigerator full of food that’s going to go bad. And, obviously, I don’t have the money to run out and replace $300 worth of groceries. So… I am more than happy to beg.” I bite my lower lip, stumping on the stairs to advise her that I was going to enter. As I came into her view, she put the phone away. “Hey, you didn’t leave with Scott?” She offered me a tiny smile, walking closer to me and kissing my cheek.

I shook my head as I grabbed an apple, quickly washing it. “Scott didn’t wake me up today, but he texted me saying he had to go do some things.” I shrugged. “Stiles said he is coming for me tho.” She nodded her head, taking a sip of her coffee. “But if you need help at home or something, I can stay.”

She immediately shook her head. “I’m alright. I will spend my free time working around the house a little bit.” I could see the worry painted in her features. “You better leave. I’m pretty sure Stiles will come earlier to get you just to see you.” She winked as I felt flustered. I did as I was told, knowing that she had spoken about Stiles to save herself from being caught.

As I exited the house, I noticed the familiar blue jeep parked in front of my house. I couldn’t help but smile, even though I couldn’t see who was inside the car due to the sun hitting my face. However, my grin became broader as I saw Stiles exiting the jeep, rapidly shuffling towards me. His smile, perhaps, as wide as mine.

“Hey,” I stepped closer to him, meeting him halfway. Before I could say anything more, his lips abruptly ended up against mine. Then, they softly caressed mine for a couple of seconds. He was the one who pulled away, even though I attempted to follow his lips, wanting, no, needing to feel them against mine again. He whispered a ‘hey’ back as his forehead rested against mine. “What’s the plan?”

I heard a noise, which I couldn’t decipher. Perhaps because I was too busy lost in Stiles Stilinski. I wasn’t even sure how to describe what I felt when he was near, but even the smallest gestures or movements done by him had my heart beating like crazy. And even if I was shy to admit it, my body had been responding more to him. Wanting, no, needing to be closer.

“The plan is to go to Stiles’s dad’s job if you both can keep your hands to each other.” A voice sounded, and I laughed as I recognised it. Looking behind my boyfriend, I saw the red-headed girl smirking at us as she sat in one of the backseats of the jeep. “C'mon, lovebirds.”

Stiles was quick in gripping my hand, walking me towards the passenger seat and opening the door for me.

When we arrived at our destination, Parrish informed us that Noah was out but would be back in a couple of minutes. However, Stiles let him know that we wanted to talk to him.

Parrish’s eyebrows were furrowed. “This is a hit list?” He gripped a piece of paper.

“We call it a Dead Pool,” Stiles informed. “Recognize any of the names?”

The man nodded. “Yeah. The Sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night. But we couldn’t find any of them.” Parrish seemed as confused as me.

Stiles sighed, uncrossing his arms and glancing at Lydia. “Show him the other thing.” He made a gesture, and as Lydia turned the paper Parrish was holding, I tried to get closer to have a look at it.

“Okay. That’s kind of terrifying.” He got up from the desk as he examined his name, written on the list with the number 5, next to it. “What’s the number?”

Lydia shrugged. “That’s how much you’re worth.”

“I’m worth five dollars?”

Stiles extended his arm. “Five million.”

“I only make 40,000 a year. Maybe I should kill myself.” While Stiles and Lydia glanced at each other confused, I couldn’t help but grin due to what Parrish had said. “I don’t get it. Why…Why am I on this?”

“Honestly, that might be a question for another day. Right now, there’s still another third of the list we gotta crack.”

Lydia stared at the older man. “We need the third cypher key. But we need help getting it.”

“From who?”

She shrugged, attempting to look innocent. “Meredith.”

“The girl from Eichen?” He shook his head, walking towards the door and opening it for us. “The last time you saw her, you almost gave her a nervous breakdown.”

“Uh… Almost.” The red-haired girl answered back, making me and Stiles close our eyes in frustration.

As we exited, my eyes locked on a paper hanging on one of the walls. “Hey,” I called their attention. “What’s this?” Parrish stepped closer to me, inspecting the paper too.

“We need workers.” He explained. “Too many cases lately. We need help in the office.” My interest peaked.

“Do they have to be qualified?” As Parrish shook his head, I smiled. “How can I apply?” The man furrowed his eyebrows. “I need the money. I’m trying to save.” I half-lied.

After he explained what I had to do, we left. Stiles was quick to ask why I was so interested in the position, and as I explained it to him, he offered me a tiny smile, kissing my forehead.

Liam disappeared. Violet going to a federal facility and Garrett threatening Scott. He had texted me letting me know that Garrett was asking for money and Violet if we wanted to know where Liam was, which indicated that he had done something to him. To be honest, I was worried for my brother, knowing he would do anything to protect those he loved.


“What the hell are we running here? A bed and breakfast?” Stiles swore as he saw the man walking toward us. I quickly gripped his hand in a comforting squeeze, trying to remind him that he was no longer a patient. We were just here to talk to Meredith. “We do not just open the door for anyone with a badge.”

Deputy Parrish spoke up. “We need to talk to Meredith Walker. It involves a murder investigation.”

“Well, you can talk to her all you want, but these three,” His voice was quite strong. “Especially that one…” His gaze fixed on Stiles. “They’re outta here.”

“They’re crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn’t have brought them here if it wasn’t absolutely…Crucial.”

“Okay, Deputy.” He walked closer, getting on his face. “How about you come back with a court order, then I’ll listen.” Then, he swirled around, getting too close to the boy beside me. “As for you, Mr. Stilinski, how about you come back with payment in full. That’s right.” Stiles remained silent, but I knew he was uncomfortable.

“How about you come to talk to us when you don’t have a stick up your ass.” His gaze snapped to me. “And maybe, stop getting so close to people,” I twitched my nose. “Your breath smells like hell.”

Stiles chuckled, which made Brunski ignore me as he went back to him. “Daddy may be the Sheriff, but he’s late on the bills. I guess those government jobs aren’t as reliable as they used to be, huh?”

“But they do help when you need a favour.” We looked at Parrish as he lifted one of his eyebrows, shrugging. “Like, how a month ago, Canaan P.D. helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyzer.”

My mouth opened wide in a big smile. “No…” Stiles did the same, nodding his head as Brunski seemed to be embarrassed while being caught.

“All right. I’m not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all.” He gave his keys to Stiles, who was still foolishly smiling. “Not at all.” Then, he left as I waved at him.

“You. You, I like you.” Stiles touched Parrish’s shoulders repeatedly. “I’m gonna keep you.” Lydia and I glanced at each other, rolling our eyes.

When we opened the door to Meredith’s room, she was sitting on her bed as if she knew that we were coming to talk to her.


Scott hadn’t answered my texts, which scared me a little bit as I rapidly thought that perhaps something bad had happened to him. I shook my head as if the destructive thoughts would go away, and I sat on the bed in front of Meredith and between Stiles and Lydia. “Meredith, what you mean you can’t tell us?”

“We just need the third key. You can give it to us in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs. Whatever you want.”

“I can’t.”

“Then why did you give us the second key?”

“I wanted to help. That’s what I want to do. I want to help.”

“Great. So help us now. Okay? Give us the third cipher key.”

“Things have changed. I… I can’t.”

“Why not?”

I noticed Meredith getting even more nervous as Stiles and Lydia talked to her. “Guys, go easy on her.” I whispered to both of them.

“I’m sorry. I can’t. He…He doesn’t want me to.”

“Who’s he, Meredith?” My voice was soft as I offered her a tiny smile. “Meredith, who doesn’t want you to tell us the third cipher key?” I saw her hesitate.

“The Benefactor.”

“What’s his name?” Lydia asked. “You could just tell us his name.”

Stiles sighed. “Okay, you’re shaking your head. What’s that mean? Does that mean you don’t know? Or you don’t want to help us?”

“I can’t… I can’t help anymore.”

Lydia stood up. “How do you know about him?” Meredith seemed more and more affected by the questions as she started shaking her head from one side to another in quite a violent manner.

Deputy Parrish intervened. “Guys, I think we better stop.”

“Meredith, a lot of people are going to die if you don’t tell us.” Lydia’s voice became stronger as my heart started beating even harder, the situation making me anxious.

“I don’t… I don’t know. I don’t know.”

“Please…Meredith, it’s okay. You’re gonna be all right. Please.” Deputy tried to calm her down, but she was only getting worse.

“I don’t…I don’t…I DON’T KNOW.”

Parrish stepped forward, gripping Lydia’s arm to support her weight as she had become weak. My vision blurred as black spots appeared everywhere, and as I tried to fight my body from falling backwards, I felt hands on me, pulling me closer to something and stabilising me. Stiles had pulled me closer to his chest, hands on my face as he tried to meet my gaze. “Fuck,” He muttered as his fingers caressed the side of my head under my ear. I was bleeding. Meredith’s scream had affected Lydia and me greatly. “Breath, Y/N.” We all glanced at the girl, surprised. Stiles’ hands lowered to my jaw and neck, our chests pressed together.


“Okay, well, we know one thing.” We were in Stiles’ room. He was pacing around as Lydia sat on his desk while I curled on his bed after drinking some water. My heart was still beating madly. “Both of the first two keys, Allison and Aiden, they’re both names of the dead. Right?”

“But we’ve already tried every other dead person’s name we could think of.” I nodded my head. Lydia was right. “And if you haven’t noticed, there were a lot of tries.”

“Yeah, I noticed.”

“You okay?” My voice was low as I stared at Lydia.

She took a deep breath. “The only other Banshee I’ve ever met. And I think I might have just drove her over the edge.”

Stiles intervened. “Lydia, it wasn’t your fault.” I agreed. “I was there, too. And you’re probably not the only…Hold on.” We both looked at him. I sat down on his bed. “Banshees predict death. Right? So what if the third key is someone who isn’t dead…”

I gasped. “But will be.” They nodded their heads. I got up from the bed when Stiles walked closer to Lydia, who closed her eyes, letting her fingers fall on the keyboard of the laptop as she started typing. The word 'Derek’ came out. Fuck. A new list opened, and some familiar names came out. One of them was Meredith’s.

“Call Parrish.” Lydia urged Stiles. “We need to call Parrish.” Stiles glanced around, trying to find his phone. I noticed it was on top of his bed, next to me. I dialled Parrish’s number but gave the phone to Lydia. After a couple of seconds, Parrish answered his phone, and Lydia quickly explained what had happened. “What are you talking about?”

We got closer to her. I was quick to place my hands on her elbows as I felt her moving from side to side. We could hear Parrish on the other line. “Lydia, Meredith’s gone. They found her an hour ago in her room. She hung herself. I’m sorry.”
My eyes got teary, but Lydia seemed to be in shock. I slowly got closer, hugging her as Stiles hugged both of us, his fingers in my hair as our eyes met.


“You counted it yet?” Stiles and my brother were sitting on the ground. A bag full of money was in front of them, which my brother had found in the locker room at school before anything went down. Before Violet was arrested. Before Garrett threatened him. Before Liam had been captured. Before our father and Noah got hurt.


“We should probably count it.”

Both of them gripped the bag, turning it around and making the money fall on the ground, another object fell. A cassette which had a sticker with the words 'Play me’.



TAGLIST:@og-baby-ob14-@savemypostcards-@cas-loves-pizza-@used-avocado-@mvrylee-@bilesxbilinskixlahey-@honeydoll-stark-@arieltheworldisamess-@softpeteparker-@kit-kat-katie99-@thatsuperherosidekick-@bexbetterxthanxwords-@big-galaxy-chaos-@littlemiss-forgotten-@enchantedcruelsummer-@coldfreakeggsexpert-@merla123-@sammypotato67-@weirdowithnobeardo-@maggiesblogsblog-@itskindyl-@bobo-bush-@moongoddesskiana-@multifandxm353-@irwxnhugsx-@xoprincessmel-@iclosetgeek-@andreagf956-@niawoods-@anerroroccurrrrred-@perrytheplatypus11-@trustfundparker-@nmriia-@steve-harringtonnn-@trustfundparker-@brithedemonspawn-@weirdowithnobeardo-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@azayamari-@poguestyle17-@bibliophilewednesday-@10minutesofscreentime-@momentitodebruh-@drikawinchester-@perrytheplatypus11-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@linkpk88-@royalreadery-@sweetest-serpent01-@teenwaywardasgardian-@sadcupofcoffee-@maliyamay-@seninjakitey-@tairisceana-@thegirlwhoimagined-@mackingjj -@daphnen21-@malfoystilinskii05-@caitsymichelle13-@awkwardnesshabitat-@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng-@bshelley322-@teenwolfharrypotter-@daltonacademia-@mitchloveswriting-@loulouloueh-@jayyeahthatsme-@sunflowersndpeaches-@allthingsavenger-y-@elite4cekalyma​ - @jjjmaybank

What: Roxy Flannel Shirt Where: S6E15 “Pressure Test” Worn With: Dirty Laundry Boots and Camouflage What: Roxy Flannel Shirt Where: S6E15 “Pressure Test” Worn With: Dirty Laundry Boots and Camouflage

What: Roxy Flannel Shirt 

Where: S6E15 “Pressure Test” 

Worn With: Dirty Laundry Boots and Camouflage Shorts 

ID’d by screenused

Post link
What: Lace Tank by Sun & ShadowWhere: S5E17 “Credible Threat”Worn With: Bar III Quilted JacketIDWhat: Lace Tank by Sun & ShadowWhere: S5E17 “Credible Threat”Worn With: Bar III Quilted JacketID

What: Lace Tank by Sun & Shadow

Where: S5E17 “Credible Threat”

Worn With: Bar III Quilted Jacket

ID’d by screenused

Post link
qilberts: I don’t have much practice in things like forgiveness. Some things, I’m picking up fast, b


I don’t have much practice in things like forgiveness. Some things, I’m picking up fast, but other things are like…

Post link

N/A: Fist of all I want to say sorry because I’m not american so I have no idea how to play lacrosse, just what I watch and yasss, second one, hope you like it, dont forget to say if you like or not, and I’m receiving request :)

Inspired on the movie “She’s the man”

(Request)“Anon: Can you write a Liam imagine where the reader is on the lacrosse team and beats Liam? Thanks”


Your Pov

My mom always said “I’ll suport you whenever and wherever you are, because since ever you’re my daughter” but well, she couldn’t know what she will need to support.

There’s nothing over, something that nobody never know, no, nothing like that, I’m just a girl who loves lacrosse. But not watching the game, I love playing Lacrosse. In my old school, I used to practice but then the coach saw some abilities on me and started to call me for the games. As it could be obvious, some guys didn’t like a bit of it. I was a girl…beter than they were, ocupating their place.

In a moment, I wasn’t playing Lacrosse anymore, I was just the punching bag, and of course that 1) My mom was about to kill the coach because he kept putting me on field and 2) The coach was overwhelmed with all the guys asking why could a girl play. That’s why you can find me now, moving to other city, other school, but obviously also another Lacrosse Team.

But this time my mom didn’t support, she said that I couldn’t be on team this time, and if she heard about me being on team, well, someone would miss a daughter.

Then I tought, (y/n) couldn’t play but what if Max could? Oh, of course, Max is my brother, but he doesn’t like Lacrosse, what means, yes I’ll register me but with his name and I know that he wouldn’t matter anyway.

After all my plans doing well, it’s was the day I would execute its. Max had received his uniform yesterday, so I’ve already worn it together with tons of ribbon to hide my boobs, I held my hair and put the helmet. I was Max.

Arriving the field, some guys looked me surprised because I was freshman, new at school and the only one who arrived completely dressed up. I heard the coach calling me, because of my old one, he knew about me being a girl, and he was pretty astonished that I was real and not a joke, and of course, that I keep going throught this.  

_ (y/m/n) are you sure about this? My boys can be really…rude. - he said looking to my tip toe foot until my eyes throught the helmet.

_ Yes, I’m 100% sure.  

He said just to me be carreful, and don’t cause a fight.

We started practicing and coach let me train goals so I wouldn’t confront the boys, but as he know at the end of practice they play a little game. Better team x Worst team. Yeah, we know that’s not fair but it’s a game isnt?  

And of course coach let me out of this. In the middle of the game, one of the guys fell in the field screaming in pain, coacha had to take him off the field and I dont know if he wasn’t paying full attencion, he let me in.  

I was in the worst team, I dont mind anyway, I just wanted to play. The game started and instantly I got the ball and scored a goal. Everyone was looking at me now. After some minutes playing we were tied, 2x2. I was running to catch the final ball, and I swear I didn’t notice that the number 9 would too. Eventually, we shocked each other, and he fell above me.

When I looked to his eyes I was totaly lost. And I dont know about him but he stayed in that position too much for someone who just beat me. Coach came back and unfortunately he was so scared by the fact I could have died that he yeleed my name. Loud and Clearly.


Now, everyone was looking at me. Then I heard someone making joke about “Max being a girl” and I thought, ‘He can handle it’ so all I had to do was get up and keep playing, but guess what, I mess it up. When I was about to get up, my helmet stayed in the field, and I felt my hair falling down my back.  

_ Oh shit - I said and everyone was like “whaaaaaat”

_ Wait, that’s a girl? - someone yelled laughing.

_ She’s a girl player bettter than you idiot! - Dunbar, I think it’s Liam, said.

_ And you better run this field 4 times or can go to your house, NOW! - Coach said.

_ Thank you, but you didn’t need to. - I said to both of them.

_ Of course I need, isn’t everyday that a beat a beautiful girl who can play lacrosse better than me…an about that, I’m sorry. - Dunbar said smiling to me.

And before I could get more feeling I heard coaching yelling: BACK TO GAME IDIOTS



gif aren’t mine, credit to the owner

N/A: So hey, this is my first imagine about Teen Wolf, I’m sorry if it sucks, btw I love the request and just want to say that and apologies for being ENORMOUS. I hope you guys like:

(Request)“anon: hiiiii!!! can you do a liam imagine where like the reader is a mermaid/siren and she just got turned by the doctors so the pack takes her under their wing and she is feeling like a monster due to like what sirens do and for a class project they have to do a report on mythological monsters and liam lies and says he’s doing like a cyclops but he stands up and gives his report on sirens and how they arnt monsters etc and idk after that just fluff thanks!!! ”

Your Pov:  

Few Days Ago

I dont even know how I came here, my mind could filter nothing and all I could do was feel that unspeakable pain in my head. And I had a bonus, couldn’t feel my legs too.

My eyes were heavy and I could sleep right in the moment but a loud noise wake me up, almost sleeping I could see a shadow, It was someone with a masker and breathing heavy. Suddenly, I felt my lungs full of water and hopelessly trying to breath I start to find a way to get out of there. I swam to the superface and then I noticed: I was in school and I wasn’t just a normal girl anymore.

Looking to where my legs were supposed to be I started crying, they weren’t there, in their place was a long tail with scales on it, I know my favorite film were Little Mermaid but now being one didn’t seem cool.

What was I supposed to do? Creep around and when they ask ‘whats going’ say 'ah nothing, just my new costume’? I was panicked. And based on the fact that I almost died in one of my panic attack this wasn’t a good thing. So I tried to see the best, now I can hide under water for hours.

It was already night, my breathe was steady, I tried to go out from the pool but I failed. I heard someone’s steps and I was panicked again. I let only my eyes above the water so I could see who was coming, then I saw Liam Dunbar.


It has passed 1 week since I was rescue by Liam and he took me to his pack, what his called, and they were awesome with me. They knew who did that with me, and they also said that: “when we catch him, you’ll be human again, that’s my promise”, the words from Scott, the Alpha.

Even they saying that I shouldn’t worry with this because I only turns into mermaid when there’s water, and Stiles kidding that at least it was a beautiful tail, I was feeling dirty. Disguting. A Monster.

And it get worse when I hear them talking about the doctors, the people doing this, once Malia said they create monsters for fun, and then Stiles already said the creatures are not good, and Scott as well said that they have to catch the doctor before they make a huge mess.

So that’s it. I’m a monster, and I dont even choose it.  

I was sitting alone in the field, playing with the grass around there, I was crying also, crying because I was too weak to handle this. I felt someone’s hand in my shouder and I didn’t have to look to know that was Liam.

_ Hey babe, what’s going? Why are you here alone?

I try to answer but my tears went down so fast that I couldn’t. Then, I felt Liam’s arms pulling me into a hug and he was whispering “don’t cry please”. After few minutes like this, I stop crying and start staring him.

_ So do you want to tell me what’s going? - he said putting a part of my hair behind my ear.

_ I’m a monster, that’s what happening!  

_ Wait what? You’re not a monster!

_ I am! Who, for God’s sake, like mermaids? I know Ariel is beautiful and ginger but I am not, mermaid aren’t good criatures, since ever they exist to the bad side.

_ Hey, I know you’re not a monster and this is all that matters! You didn’t kill someone, you’re just a victim (y/n)! Not the vilan! - he said looking deep into your eyes - and by the way, I like mermaids. - he chuckled and you can’t help smiling too.

_ Liam Dunbar, you give me no choice boy. - you said smiling and he did as well while he was holding your hand and taking you out of there.

When you two entered the class, it’d start History, at the end of the period the teacher talked:

_ I want you guys to make a class project about Greek Mitology. You can speak about the Gods, Monsters, Stories, everything. That’s all, you can go now.

And the bell hanged, and all those feelings that Dunbar had thrown away, now came back worst.


Few Days Later

All you wanted to do was get a sick or something so you could stay home in that horrible day when you’ll hear about how mermaids can be cruel. I swear, if someone just saw your mind while thinking about this, he would let you stay home.

Liam was excited to talk about the cyclops, he told you tons of stories, Polyphemus, Achilles, the golden tree, all. You was happy that he was enjoying but you were exactly the opposite.

When in class, you had to prepare yoursef to what you’d hear. You had spent the whole day before not drinking water so then you may not cry. When the class starts, you felt you heart rushing.

After 5 classmates talking, you haven’t heard about mermaids yet, and now was Liam’s turn, he looked at you smiling and you smiled to give him courage. Then he started:

_ I would talk about Cyclops, the giant with one eye, but when I was looking for I found something else better. I’ll talk about the mermaids. Everyone knows Little Mermaid, from Disney, but the greeks didn’t see mermaids like this, in greek mitology they said that mermaids were son of Achelous, other friedns of Persephone, and yes, hundred and hundred years ago they were called monsters, but not now. Nowadays, being a “mermaid” would be a dream for every water lover. They can be fish and they can be human, that’s super cool. Also, when a guy call a girl “mermaid” he’s saying “uow you’re super beautiful” and at last but still important, after all those years, mermaid is a simbol of love, delight and beauty. That’s all, thank you.

He finished and your heart could be out of your chest if there wasn’t a skin there.

Liam was smiling at you, probably listening your hearbeats but you aren’t mad with this.

After class, you and Liam stayed at class room and then he started to talk:

_ I forgot to say something about mermaids - you stared him already smiling - I’d love kiss one of them.

And there’s no much to say, just that you were glad to make a wish come true. After kissing, you looked to his sea eyes and said:

_ Liam always rescuing me…

_ What can I say, I have the power of seducion.

_ No babe, that’s me who has. - you both chuckled, going through another kiss.




Oh, with the smell of her perfume
I could love her, too, like you, like you

pls send me teen wolf requests or ideas for brett, theo, malia, kira, isaac, cora or derek fics. i want to write but i have no ideas. thank you lovelies <3

Uhm what’s going on with the Teen Wolf fans spamming the MTV Instagram with #saveteenwolf? I was under the impression the original cast was done with the show. Did something change? I feel so bad for the MTV marketing people because it’s every post now they get spammed. I love Teen Wolf, but is this really necessary?

||Strip Club|| The Pack imagine: Final part.

Requested: “do you think you could write a part two to strip club with the pack where like theo starts attending the club more without reader knowing and they both have these feelings for each other and they don’t talk about it until he sees her giving someone a lap dance and is jealous” ..


“I wanted to ask if you could make a part 2 to the pack imagine Strip Club. That was hilarious and i probably busted a rib laughing….” .. 

“you should make a part two to the stripper!!! (also I love your writing it is so good!)” .. “Can u do a strip club 2? I loved it! like everyone tries getting with the reader now especially Scott. If you do can I be tagged?”

                                                  aND MANY MORE

“She finally shows up!”Stiles yelled as I walked into Scott’s house.

“How did you get in?”Lydia asked, confused as no one opened the front door for me.

“Yeah, we didn’t even know you were showing up.”Malia added, making me look at Scott who was helping his mom place plates on the table.

“I have a key.”I answered, showing them the key Scott gave me to his house.

Stiles’ face dropped, looking hurt and confused at the same time.

“But I thought I was the only one who had a key to your house…I thought I was special?”Stiles mumbled, turning to Scott.

“Stiles, you made a copy of my key.”Scott reminded him as I sat down in between Malia and Theo. I turned around and waved at Liam who waved back.

Theo smirked as he scooter closer to me.

“Hey beautiful.”He whispered, making me smirk.

I heard Malia snarl and scoot closer to me.

“Hey (Y/N)…”Malia murmured, her lips barely touching my ear.

I grinned and turned to her.

“Malia.”I whispered, batting my eyelashes.

Malia grinned, leaning closer to me until Scott coughed loudly, causing us to turn to him.

Scott glared at Malia, Theo, and I.

“And you gave her a key instead of your bestfriend?”Stiles asked.

“Even I know that’s wrong Scott.”Theo spoke up, smiling amusingly.

“No one invited you, why are you even here?”Liam asked, making me grin.

The bickering between Liam and Theo was always entertaining.

“Yeah, who invited you?”Malia asked, glaring at him.

“First you give a key to (Y/N) and now you have Theo at our pack meetings?”Stiles questioned.

“Stiles honey, Theo’s been at our pack meetings for a while.”Lydia whispered, making Stiles’ frown soften.

“Oh yeah…”Stiles mumbled, smiling stupidly at Lydia who gave him a pat on the back.

“The one time you come to a pack meeting, it’s when we’re not talking about boring stuff and it’s movie night.”Stiles muttered as he grabbed the tv remote.

“Alright what movies on Netflix should we watch?”Stiles asked.

“Civil War!”Liam excitedly suggested.

“I’m with Liam!”I yelled also excited.

“No we’ve watched that like many times.”Stiles argued.

“I say Star Wars-”

“No!”We all yelled, making him flinch.

“If I have to see it again, I’m going to gouge my own eyeballs out.”Theo muttered.

“I’ll do it for you.”Malia mumbled, making Liam chuckle.

“I literally can’t say a word without someone verbably attacking me.”Theo muttered.

“That’s what you get for trying to kill our alpha and break us apart.”Stiles shrugged.

“That was a while ago, get over it Stiles.”Theo groaned in annoyance.

“Well Theo did risk his ass for this dumbass many times and it does look like he’s changed.”I spoke up, turning to Liam when I say dumbass.

Liam made a confused puppy face, making me laugh lightly as I rested my head on his lap.

“You’re adorable.”I whispered, making him grin down at me as he leaned down, his face hovering over mine.

I grinned back up at him, only noticing how close our faces were. Liam, Lydia, and Stiles were the only ones out of the pack that I haven’t kissed. Well I did makeout with Liam but I initiated the kiss, and I was ‘Rose’ at the time. Lydia and Stiles are dating so of course I couldn’t kiss them, but Liam… he’s just never made a move. Unlike Malia, Theo, or Scott. Especially Scott. They all initiated the kisses and sometimes even other things. I felt my phone buzz in my hands, making me look down at it. It was a text from Scott.

I’ve been thinking about you all day.’ 

I looked up from my phone to see Scott smirking at me. My lips curve into a grin. I don’t know how no one knew about Scott and I hooking up secretly. Hooking up with a werewolf was amazing, especially a true alpha. Those red eyes really do bring out the submissive side in you. I looked down at my phone again and saw I had another text from Scott.

Say you need to go to the bathroom, I’ll meet you in my room in a minuet.

I looked over at Scott and shook my head no.

“Now.”He mouthed before flashing his alpha red eyes.

“Hey Scott can I use your bathroom?”I asked, immediately getting up.

“Yeah, of course.”He answered, smiling innocently.

I ran upstairs and started to remove my clothes, only staying in my undergarments. A few seconds later, Scott walked in and locked his door. 

( I wrote this part while listening to this song on repeat)

Scott’s breath hitched as his eyes landed on me. He wasted no time and stormed over, his hands cupping my face as his lips meet mine. I shiver as his cold hands travel from my face to my lower back. Scott notices this, making him grin into the heated kiss. I practically melt under his touch before he shoves me onto his bed. I remove my undergarments, knowing damn well Scott would tear them off of me, and I couldn’t have that happening today. Scott stripped himself until he was only wearing his boxers. The bed sunk as Scott climbed onto the bed, hovering over me. His fingers ran down painfully slow against my skin until he reached my pussy. I gasped as his middle and ring finger starts to move in circular motions over my clit. Grasping onto his shoulder, I let out a shaky breath as he presses down harder. 

Faster.”I moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders.

Soon enough, Scott’s fingers did move at a faster pace, one that drove me insane with pleasure. That was until Scott suddenly stopped. I whined at the sudden removal of his fingers.Scott moved down when out of nowhere I moaned out loud at the feeling of his tongue roughly gliding across the sensitive nub, arching my back. I cried out as he pinched my sensitive nub, making my hands clutch onto his dark black locks, tugging at it. He growled in response before repeatedly flicking his tongue over the nub. And once again, as I almost reached my high, he pulled away. I groaned and pulled him onto me.

Ineedyou to fuck me.”I growled, making Scott’s eyes glow alpha red.

Scott finally stripped his boxers off, revealing his fully erect cock. His hand wrapped around his hard cock, gliding up and down.  My mouth watered at the sight before me. He grabbed my shoulders and aligned himself between my legs. As soon as he pushes himself into me, Scott’s door bursts open. Scott swiftly pulls his bed sheets over us and we turn to see who’s at the door.

Please don’t be Melissa, please don’t be Melissa.

I sigh in relief to see it isn’t Melissa, but Malia instead.

“Malia, get out!”Scott snarled as Malia closed the door behind her.

She simply ignored Scott and locked the door. I could feel her dark gaze on me, making me smirk. I lower the bed sheets to reveal my nipples.

“Malia.”Scott warned as he climbed on top of me again.

“I’m not going to quit fucking her so if I were you I’d leave.”Scott growled as he pushed himself into me again.

I let out a whimper as his thrusts become rougher, making me throw my head back. That’s when Malia decides she couldn’t take it anymore. She strips herself down until she’s fully naked, making me lick my lips. That always drove her wild. Scott looked over and shuddered at the sight of Malia naked. Malia stormed over and ignored Scott, placing herself down over my face, specifically placing her pussy over my lips. Malia moaned as I sucked on her clit, nibbling lightly. Scott’s pace quickens as Malia rubs her nipples in between her middle finger and thumb. I moan at the sight and immense amount of pleasure I was receiving from Scott, making Malia whimper as her hips buckle. I grab her hips, forcing her to move faster. Malia looks down at me with her cold steel glowing blue eyes.

“Fuck, (Y/N). Just like that.”Malia cried out.

Scott hit my g-spot, making me whimper which caused Malia to moan. With Scott hitting my g-spot and both Malia and Scott’s moans and cries, I clench around Scott and cry out as I shake, cumming. Scott groans and after a few thrusts his cock twitches, quickly pulling out and shoots hot semen onto my stomach. Scott moves over and wraps his lips around Malia’s nipples, and soon enough, she cums on my face.

*two days later*

“Rose, the green eyed hottie is waiting for you again!”Kaylee yelled over the loud music.

I smiled, ever since the pack found out about my job, he’s been coming in every time I worked. I grabbed my phone and dialed his phone number as I went into the changing rooms in the back.

“Hey beautiful.”Theo greeted, answering my call.

“My shift just ended, meet me at my house.”I ordered before hanging up.

I took my mask off and took removed my robe. I grabbed my coat and used it to cover my stripper outfit as I walked out and into my car. I sped to my house, knowing Theo would be first to arrive at my house. I pulled up in the driveway and sure enough he was standing on my porch. My parents were both working tonight. I’d be lying if I said I never had fantasies about Theo. Over the past couple of months I had grown feelings for  Malia, Scott, and Theo. Theo and I had never had sex, but he was definitely my second crush from the pack. My first crush? I’ll never tell, besides, they and I probably wouldn’t have sex. Theo definitely has a stronger effect on me compared to Scott and Malia.

“You’re still wearing your outfit?”Theo asked as I walked up to the front door.

I unlocked the door and smirked before dragging him inside. I closed the door behind us and turned the lights on, shoving him onto the couch.

Fuck me.”Theo murmured as I let the coat drop on the floor, revealing my stripper outfit.

Oh I’m about to…”I whispered before dropping onto my knees.

I quickly fumbled with his belt and tugged his jeans down. As I was about to reach for his boxers, Theo unclipped my bra. Theo groaned at the sight of my bare breast. I grabbed the hem of his boxers and pulled them down to ankles. Before Theo had time to react, I ran my tongue roughly down his shaft, making him shiver. He gasped as I moved my head down his now erect cock. He gripped onto my hair and helped move my head up and down. Soon Theo began to move his hips forward, making me gag. He moaned out loud as he started to face fuck me. 

“(Y/N)!”Scott roared as the front door flew open.

Dammit, I forgot to lock it.

I turned to see Malia and Scott at the door. Theo let go of my hair and froze while I smirked at them.

“Close the door, will you?”I asked before going down on Theo again.

Malia and Scott looked at each other before smirking.

And that night would never be forgotten by the four of us, especially by me. That night I had thebest orgasm of my life.——————————————————

Riding off in the sunset with my homies for life ☀️

Riding off in the sunset with my homies for life ☀️

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plot twist coach knows about the supernatural, always has since season 1, but never said anything



malia saying “well i’ve got another way, you don’t kill everyone” iS SO MUCH DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS LEMME CRY

Yes!!!! ❤️❤️


Honestly im not here for any tw negativity. This season is the last season and i will go to my grave shutting down bullshit. 

Unless it’s about lighting y’all go to town on that. 

