
Some new and recent'ish additions to my Omen collection.The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith - Japanese pres

Some new and recent'ish additions to my Omen collection.
The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith - Japanese press - RCA

The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith - faulty press (withdrawn) - Mondo

The New Ambassador//The Piper Dreams 7" - Jerry Goldsmith - Japanese press - RCA

Damien Omen II - Jerry Goldsmith - Japanese press - Casablanca
The Final Conflict - Jerry Goldsmith - European press - Varese Sarabande

Omen IV The Awakening - Jonathan Sheffer - European press - Varese Sarabande

One day I will take a picture of all of my Omen related stuff. Right now there’s just too much to fit in one picture.
My love for The Omen is all down to Jerry Goldsmith’s score. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the first film and there are parts in each of the sequels I like, but. I will never forget the first time I heard ‘that theme’. To this day it still gives me chills!
#NowPlaying #TheOmen #DamienOmenII #TheFinalConflict #TheAwakening #JerryGoldsmith #JonathanSheffer #RCA #VareseSarabande #Vinyl #vinyligclub #vinylcollector #record #recordcollector #Soundtrack #SoundtrackVinyl #OST #Horror

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