
 The walls of Winterfell were behind him, but Ser Rodrik faced them squarely and could not fail to s The walls of Winterfell were behind him, but Ser Rodrik faced them squarely and could not fail to s

 The walls of Winterfell were behind him, but Ser Rodrik faced them squarely and could not fail to see. Theon watched his face. When his chin quivered under those stiff white whiskers, he knew just what the old man was seeing. 

He is not surprised,he thought with sadness, but the fear is there.

 "This is craven,“ Ser Rodrik said. "To use a child so … this is despicable.”

 "Oh, I know,“ said Theon. "It’s a dish I tasted myself, or have you forgotten? I was ten when I was taken from my father’s house, to make certain he would raise no more rebellions.”

 "It is not the same!“

Theon’s face was impassive. "The noose I wore was not made of hempen rope, that’s true enough, but I felt it all the same. And it chafed, Ser Rodrik. It chafed me raw.” He had never quite realized that until now, but as the words came spilling out he saw the truth of them.

 So I wanted to make something for Theon month. The first prompt was ‘favorite quote’ which, I have so many about Theon…

 but I chose this one particularly because I feel it’s underappreciated and I had never drawn it before, so.

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 The Lord of the Dreadfort did not have a strong likeness to his bastard son. His face was clean-sha The Lord of the Dreadfort did not have a strong likeness to his bastard son. His face was clean-sha

The Lord of the Dreadfort did not have a strong likeness to his bastard son. His face was clean-shaved, smooth-skinned, ordinary, not handsome but not quite plain. Though Roose had been in battles, he bore no scars. Though well past forty, he was as yet unwrinkled, with scarce a line to tell of the passage of time. - Reek II, aDwD

“Who is this?” she said. “Where is the boy? Did your bastard refuse to give him up? Is this old man his … oh, gods be good, what is that smell? Has this creature soiled himself?” - “He has been with Ramsay. Lady Barbrey, allow me to present the rightful Lord of the Iron Islands, Theon of House Greyjoy.” - Reek III, aDwD

Theon Month Prompt 26 -ASoIaF Character Parallels (/Foils) | hosted by @theonsource

Was thinking about the inversion that Theon is a young man, but through his torture and suffering became scarred and aged to the point of being mistaken for an old man; while his aCoK story arc is also paralleled with Roose’ arc in aDwD, who in turn is described as unscarred and having aged little…

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Theon month prompt 6 - Wardrobe | hosted by @theonsourceFor this prompt I drew two AUs that are fun Theon month prompt 6 - Wardrobe | hosted by @theonsourceFor this prompt I drew two AUs that are fun

Theon month prompt 6 - Wardrobe | hosted by @theonsource

For this prompt I drew two AUs that are fun to me, both featuring Theon in King’s landing, trying out the new fashion that is found there…

First is an AU where he actually marries Cersei as Tywin suggested (inspired by @shebsart‘s pieces); The second is an AU where he comes to King’s landing earlier (perhaps with Ned’s group) because i think it would be fun to see him hang out with Renly, theyre both fashionable guys who like to make fun of people :)

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When you drink to forget your terrible family but you go overboard and now your big sister has to haul your drunk ass back to bed.

(ACoK, Theon II)
