

alright tumblr here’s what’s up.

I just finished watching the promised never land and i can confidently say i cried like a little bitch.

yes i cried, what of it?????

in any case, i haven’t read the manga, i haven’t been on pinterest which has spoiled me for other shows

but as i conveyed my broken hearted ness to my friend who also watched the show, she wasn’t having my shit. her reply to my 43 second long crying ramble was “eh.”

now i’m going to give you my head cannon, so if you haven’t watched the promised neverland go watch that shit now.

okay, now. we all know this guy:

Norman, my beautiful baby boy. I love him v much and his entire character. even that little shwoop at the side of his head

now we all know that norman is eventually “harvested”. but what if he wasn’t?

now, at the beginning of the anime in episode one, we see how Connie was harvested. Her body was inside the wagon with the flower coming out of her chest. Same with Sister Krone who was eventually harvested as well, she was killed inside the corridor of the gate area where, they too, placed the flower in her chest.

going back to Connies case however, when Emma and Norman are hiding underneath the truck we saw aliens come out of a room, which correct if i’m wrong, looks like the same room they had Norman come into.

to go with this, Norman, my sweet boy, had accepted death. he had completely accepted the fact that he was going to die that day. so why did he look so shocked? one can argue of course he’s going to be shocked when actually face to face with the demons. but i don’t think so. my sweet boy would have smiled in his final moments, that sad empty and tired smile that we saw

god for as long as i live i never want to see this face again.

but he doesn’t make this face, instead he’s incredibly shocked. and what me and my friend agree on in our possible head cannon, is that

now hear me out.

Norman was actually recruited by the demons. think about it.

Norman was always said to have an incredible amount of intelligence for a child. what if the demons thought he would be more useful alive working with them than in their stomach?

we also already know that some humans work with the demons. they make the orphans clothes and harvest their food. so what if Norman just became one of them?

not a farmer or a clothing maker per say, but he became someone who worked with the demons in their head quarters. Norman is smart. and they know this already.

i also truly believe this because this is honestly something that Norman would do. he has such undeniable trust in Emma and Ray, and if they make him have some chip like the Moms and Sisters have, he knows that Ray will be able to figure out a way to get it out.

he believes in his friends, and he believes in their abilities, so i think, have i been correct so far up until this point, Norman would’ve said yes knowing that his plan was a success and Emma and Ray were able to get the kids out of the farm, knowing that one day Emma and Ray would go to HQ to shut everything down, where they would find him and save him.

this is me and my friends head cannon. and here are some screenshots to look through to prove to you.

additonal head cannon:

the kids grow up to be super awesome bad ass bounty/demon hunters

p.s.: i also believe this is right because i have a gut feeling about this. for as long as i can remember i was correctly able to predict important plot points for all movies and shows i’ve watched. i believe in myself more than anyone of this evidence.

I said it and i’ll say it again

Manga ray > season 2 ray

Manga norman > season 2 norman


The cleaned panels were from:@just-like-playing-tag

My #animeexpo catalog! Visit me at J39 in the artist alley. I’ll also have a bunch of other prints I

My #animeexpo catalog! Visit me at J39 in the artist alley. I’ll also have a bunch of other prints I couldn’t fit onto the image. See you there


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Quick and dumb sketch…poor ray

TPN Highschool AU

watercolor comic i made but it looks so rushed sobs

based on this old drawing!

Sweet, falling lies watercolor fanart by me

Watercolor Emma i had fun with the pastel colors!

 Three Apples High  Watercolor drawing of TPN kiddos

Three Apples High 

Watercolor drawing of TPN kiddos

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Happy Valentine’s Day ❤ i painted the otp!!

Drowsy Hope

A painting i made that makes echo to tome 5

Watercolor Portrait of Norman

Watercolor fanart of Ray and Norman !

“Would you put your feelings aside to find the best strategy?”

Sorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/socSorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/soc

Sorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)

Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/socialllinks (IG) !

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(left to right) i did this watercolor comic because clueless norman is also best boy
