#there is two sides of me when it comes to alice yabusame



Me: Alice is a complex character. Probably one of the most inherently kind people in the death game, but also one who is racked with temperament. His want to praise others often comes with the accompaniment of putting himself down, and he’s prone to outburst and confrontation over things, big and small, insterspersed with overdramatic declarations, yet when his sister dies, it triggers a total shutdown in him, barely able to do anything but self-deprecate and lash out in a pattern that’s almost suicidal considering his attack on Gashu, and doesn’t even overcome this dark mental state. Instead he retreats from it by forgetting his pain. What would he do if he wasn’t offered this out I wonder? How long would he have wandered in misery? Is it possible for him to have faced his pain? If so what kind of person would he be? Because the Alice Yabusame we know, is a person who is constantly running.

Also me: trans himbo king.
