#there she goes

Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season TwoFrom a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher

Behind the Scenes of There She Goes - Season Two

From a Herald Scotland interview with Gregor Fisher (who played David’s father in the show, and is best known for playing Rab C. Nesbitt):

Fisher has never been one to bang on the doors of job opportunity – he accepts offers as often as Rab has been invited to model Armani underwear. He’d rather be organising French builders. But he reveals he’s set to appear in a TV drama.

“There was a job came in for me recently for the drama There She Goes, with David Tennant. I was asked to come and play his father. Now, ordinarily, I don’t like guesting in things but I know David quite well. He once appeared in a Nesbitt episode and in Para Handy with me and he’s an awful nice boy.”

“And so the reason I did it was because I knew I’d be working with one of the good guys.” He laughs. “Ordinarily I’d say, ‘Naw, I’m awful busy digging a hole in the garden.’”

From the BBC Press Release Q&A with writers Shaun Pye and Sarah Crawford

What reaction did you get to the first series?  Did is surprise you both?

We were nervous about how the first series would be received, especially by parents or siblings of children with similar conditions.  But the response was overwhelmingly positive. So many people got in touch to say “my child has a learning disability, it’s like watching my life on telly.”

We only ever intended to tell our daughter’s story, but the fact that so much of it resonated with so many other people’s stories was enormously comforting, that idea that we weren’t alone. Other people were imperfectly raising their disabled children too!

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The La’s - There She Goes (1988)

#the las    #there she goes    #1988 music    #80s uk    #80s rock    #britrock    #80s pop rock    
terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but terriblenerd:terriblenerd:terriblenerd:Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but




Hey everyone! You may have already seen this on twitter, but if you haven’t: A few months ago, I adapted an early scene inLittle Thieves as a comic! Some lucky folks received physical copies of it, but now that we’re officially a month away from release day, we’re sharing the whole thing online, starting with the cover and first 4 pages! Part 2 will be posted tomorrow, and the final part on Tuesday. Enjoy!!

Here’s today’s update! Vanja has her priorities in order. Final pages tomorrow!

And here are the final pages! You can find pretty much everything I have under my Little Thieves Tag, and if you’ve enjoyed this preview, you can:

For US and Canada residents, you can get some pretty nifty stuff through my publisher’s preorder campaign! And if you preorder through my local independent bookstore, Third Place Books, you’ll receive two exclusive prints,andthe first 200 preorders will also receive a physical copy of this comic! (The first printing of the comic had the wrong book release date, so: promo!) As of yesterday morning, TPB was just shy of 100 preorders already, so be sure to get yours in if you really, really want the comic in addition to the prints.

Thanks everyone! Hard to believe we’re almost across that finish line!!

*heavy breathing*

Tuesday, folks. If you want to qualify for the preorder incentives, get your orders in before 11:59 pm EST, Monday the 18th!!

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