#there was also the time when i was sixteen


If one more doctor ever says “maybe you’re just unfit” to me, I’m going to go full Joker

That was the BS last time I spoke to a doctor, and they were having a go about my weight, and I was like, look, food is complicated, and my joint pain got a lot worse last year, and it’s really hard for me to exercise

And you know, I got the usual “well, it sounds to me like you’re just unfit”

So, like, I did push myself to try to do more exercise because I wanted to go to a LARP event and I knew that that would be a pretty huge shock to my system if I didn’t, so I tried to pick yoga back up, and my joints literally could not hold my body up

But I was like, well, maybe last time I did yoga, I had been doing more exercise, and I was lighter, so maybe that’s a factor…

Then I try glucosamine tablets, the swelling in my joints goes down, and guess who can do the exact same yoga routine again and does it just fine, despite months of no exercise???

It’s never that I’m unfit, I know what being unfit feels like, and, like, shockingly, I’m not a tiny baby who can’t cope with a normal amount of being winded/muscle aches

If I’m saying to a medical professional “this hurts too much to do”, it’s not because I’m winging, it’s because my joints are visibly twice the size they should be and cannot take that much weight or bend like that any more!
